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What do you think of all of these abbreviated medical conditions "they" invent?

Started by Raineyrocks, August 09, 2008, 05:53 PM NHFT

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I think most of them are nothing but crap and excuses!  This is all my opinion so if anybody gets offended in my opinion that's silly because I have a right to my opinions just like you do.   :)

I'll start with ADHD:

1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:  I think it doesn't exsist at all and it's just crap made up to try to make people, especially kids, docile and robot like, to stifle their imagination, close off that part of the brain.  I think food and drink choices can make people hyper so if people don't want a "hopped" up bratt that probably won't listen, take away his/her soda, food coloring, whatever. 

I like hyper kids up to a point but when they start being ignorant it gets on my nerves.  I think some of the most brilliant inventors, philosophers probably would've been labeled with this phony disorder back in the day.

I just spent over a month with my energetic grandsons and have had a blast with them, their energy amazes me, it's great!  One of my grandsons likes to question authority and I say, alright for him!  I just tried to teach him to do it in a way that might get some people to listen, like slow down while your talking so people can understand what the hell your saying.  He's very brilliant and opinionated, again I say great but don't be a "punk" while your expressing your views. 

He wanted to sit and play computer games all day when he first got here and I said to him, "why would you want to waste your amazing mind on this all the time?"  So instead I had him playing outside, inside, making things, learning things and then sure I gave him some computer time.   He asked me why I was on the computer so much if he couldn't be.  Damn good question!  I thought about it for awhile and told him I do think I'm on the computer too much but I also am learning and seeing new things, (like that cool lightening picture I posted), that I'm not just on here stagnating.  It's kind of like the difference between watching The National Geographic or Discovery Channel or watching a sit com all the time.

I'll end on this one now and I'd love to hear you view points on my question and stuff. :)   One more thing, I think I'm going to start a new topic under the giddiness thread about coming up with funny alternate words for these abbreviated "disorders" if you want to join in! ;D


I absolutely agree with you.

ADHD is bullshit. So is OCD. You know who is to blame? the FDA. they invented these problems so they can design useless pills in order for them to make money. See my post on here called FDA.


Hey Rainey!  Long time no see/write/talk!

OK, I have to respectfully disagree with you about ADHD.  It's not invented.  It's real and it can be crippling for some who suffer from it.  My son (you know him, but I'd rather not use his name unless he tells me it's OK) was diagnosed when he was 16, but I knew from birth that he had ADHD (or whatever anyone wants to call it).  It was important for him and us to try and understand what he's battled his whole life and to help him learn techniques to manage his environment effectively.  ADHD doesn't mean he's stupid.  Far from it, he "tests" on the extreme high end of the scale.  But it has negatively affected him in many ways. 

Interestingly, he's now studying neuroscience in college and is learning a lot about the anatomy and physiology of the brain and nervous system and the diseases and disorders that affect it.  He could probably give you both a personal and medical perspective of ADHD & OCD if you want.

ADHD is not just happy, energetic, active kids/adults.  It's a real disorder that can affect people differently.  It is not easy to diagnose, and I think the label ADHD may be assigned to children too liberally.  Especially by parents and teachers who simply don't want deal with high energy children. 

I can tell you that our son is better off having a diagnosis and knowing he's not crazy, weird, stupid, different, or whatever negative descriptive labels one could have applied to him.  Does he use the ADHD diagnosis as a crutch?  No, but he does take advantage of accommodation at his college - he gets time and a half to take exams.  Is he embarrassed by the diagnosis?  No, he'd discuss it with anyone who wants, but he doesn't go around announcing that he has ADHD.

Anyway, hope you're having a good summer.  Man, it's been crazy rainy wet, huh?


Quote from: CSAnarchist on August 10, 2008, 03:59 PM NHFT
I absolutely agree with you.

ADHD is bullshit. So is OCD. You know who is to blame? the FDA. they invented these problems so they can design useless pills in order for them to make money. See my post on here called FDA.

Yup, what is OCD?  I've heard of that one but forget what it is. I'll check out your post in a few minutes, right now I'm listening to Alex Jones talk about the end of the world. 8)


Quote from: Jan on August 10, 2008, 04:38 PM NHFT
Hey Rainey!  Long time no see/write/talk!

OK, I have to respectfully disagree with you about ADHD.  It's not invented.  It's real and it can be crippling for some who suffer from it.  My son (you know him, but I'd rather not use his name unless he tells me it's OK) was diagnosed when he was 16, but I knew from birth that he had ADHD (or whatever anyone wants to call it).  It was important for him and us to try and understand what he's battled his whole life and to help him learn techniques to manage his environment effectively.  ADHD doesn't mean he's stupid.  Far from it, he "tests" on the extreme high end of the scale.  But it has negatively affected him in many ways. 

Interestingly, he's now studying neuroscience in college and is learning a lot about the anatomy and physiology of the brain and nervous system and the diseases and disorders that affect it.  He could probably give you both a personal and medical perspective of ADHD & OCD if you want.

ADHD is not just happy, energetic, active kids/adults.  It's a real disorder that can affect people differently.  It is not easy to diagnose, and I think the label ADHD may be assigned to children too liberally.  Especially by parents and teachers who simply don't want deal with high energy children. 

I can tell you that our son is better off having a diagnosis and knowing he's not crazy, weird, stupid, different, or whatever negative descriptive labels one could have applied to him.  Does he use the ADHD diagnosis as a crutch?  No, but he does take advantage of accommodation at his college - he gets time and a half to take exams.  Is he embarrassed by the diagnosis?  No, he'd discuss it with anyone who wants, but he doesn't go around announcing that he has ADHD.

Anyway, hope you're having a good summer.  Man, it's been crazy rainy wet, huh?

Hey, how are you doing? ;D   I haven't heard from you for a long time but I have thought about you a lot! :)   

Hmmm, that is interesting about the neuroscience  aspect but could it be a diet "thing" where maybe he's deficient in certain minerals or amino acids?     I know my son was diagnosed with at least 4 different "disorders" which one of them was ADHD by this pyschiatrist that I ended up arguing with.  My question was that these disorders usually boil down to the pyschiatrist perceptions,  from what I was told there are no physical tests to prove these actually exist.   It sounds like you were probably dealing with smarter doctors than I was and if it does really exist doctors "over prescribe" and make it seem like it doesn't exist.  Do you know what I mean?

My son is way different, (personality from your son), but my argument was if he can behave perfectly at his friend's house but then come home and become a jerk how could it be a chemical reaction in his brain?   I have thyroid disease and when I come to your house it doesn't go away.  See what I mean? 

I don't know, I mean I've read everything you've written and I know you are really smart so I'm definetely not going to be ignorant to what you believe and what experiences your son has had. :)   In my opinion though I still have severe doubts about these disorders maybe because of my experiences with my son. :-\

My summer has pretty much been lousy, how has yours been? 

I was so excited about my daughter and grandsons moving here for a couple of years but then my daughter decided she didn't like NH after being here for around 3 days.  So my twin sister told her she could live with her, (I didn't know any of this until after the fact), if she didn't like NH.  My daughter never even gave this a chance because all along she knew she had my sister's "offer" to fall back on, so now I'm not talking to my sister because I think what she did was really sneaky and she would've flipped if I ever did that with her daughter.  My sister told her she really didn't want the boys there that much, and my daughter agrees to this?  At first my daughter's excuse not to stay was that she didn't want my 7 year old grandson to have to switch schools and lose his friends in Maryland.  I'm like duh, you didn't think of this before you came up?  Then I found out about my sister's offer and my 7 year old grandson has to stay/live with his father and switch schools anyway!  Eeeer, she makes me so mad! 

My daughter and I are at major odds because I don't understand why she even had Rick pick up her furniture and bam went his whole weekend off,  I don't understand why she even bothered coming up here too knowing she wasn't going to stay for 2 years.  She has stepped on a lot of people's feelings, especially the boy's fathers who cried saying goodbye to thier sons for 2 years and then us crying knowing they weren't staying.  She's in that creepy, me, me, me, selfish phase and right now I can't deal with her until she stops stepping on people and takes a whiff in her own toilet bowl and realizes her crap stinks to.
Oh well, how's that for an answer to your nice question of how's my summer? ;D  Otherwise I miss you and would love to start walking & talking again! :D


Jeez...you've had a lot going on Rainey!  My summer's been OK...work, work, work...and the weather hasn't been conducive to doing anything outdoors.

OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder. 

Click on this link to learn more about ADHD:  http://www.healing-arts.org/children/ADHD/
Here's an interesting statement:  Over 50% of persons diagnosed with ADHD also have another psychiatric disorder, which may mask or complicate their diagnosis and treatment (Haleperin, Newcorn & Sharma, 1991). Depressive disorders, learning disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, aggression and behavior disorders, and sleep disorders, have all been reported to occur in persons with ADD significantly more than in people without ADD (Biederman, 1991b; Wilens, 1994). Biederman and colleagues (1991a) demonstrated that close biological relatives of children with ADHD are far more likely to have ADHD, major depressive disorder, multiple anxiety disorders, conduct disorder, anti-social personality disorder, and/or substance abuse than are relatives of children without ADHD. All of these disorders tend to run in families and may be inherited in various combinations by some, though not all, family members.

It's a very complex disorder and I don't begin to know everything about it.  I just know that some medications and types of therapy can certainly help some people.   BUT, bad, rude, manipulative, etc. behavior isn't necessarily a symptom of a disorder (if you know what I mean!).  Sounds like your son being a jerk to you is because...well...because he's being a jerk to you. 

Sorry to hear about your daughter buggering up your plans.  Hope the balance of your summer improves.


Quote from: Jan on August 11, 2008, 04:45 PM NHFT
Jeez...you've had a lot going on Rainey!  My summer's been OK...work, work, work...and the weather hasn't been conducive to doing anything outdoors.

OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder. 

Click on this link to learn more about ADHD:  http://www.healing-arts.org/children/ADHD/
Here's an interesting statement:  Over 50% of persons diagnosed with ADHD also have another psychiatric disorder, which may mask or complicate their diagnosis and treatment (Haleperin, Newcorn & Sharma, 1991). Depressive disorders, learning disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, aggression and behavior disorders, and sleep disorders, have all been reported to occur in persons with ADD significantly more than in people without ADD (Biederman, 1991b; Wilens, 1994). Biederman and colleagues (1991a) demonstrated that close biological relatives of children with ADHD are far more likely to have ADHD, major depressive disorder, multiple anxiety disorders, conduct disorder, anti-social personality disorder, and/or substance abuse than are relatives of children without ADHD. All of these disorders tend to run in families and may be inherited in various combinations by some, though not all, family members.

It's a very complex disorder and I don't begin to know everything about it.  I just know that some medications and types of therapy can certainly help some people.   BUT, bad, rude, manipulative, etc. behavior isn't necessarily a symptom of a disorder (if you know what I mean!).  Sounds like your son being a jerk to you is because...well...because he's being a jerk to you. 

Sorry to hear about your daughter buggering up your plans.  Hope the balance of your summer improves.

Thanks! ;D  You need to get out and take walks instead of working your summer away.............with me of course!   I love walking in the rain, do you?  I loved it when I lived in Groton, CT. because I lived about a mile or so from the beach so I would go jogging to the beach in the rain.

Lloyd Danforth

I used to go to Bluff Point and walk the  trail thru the woods and along the beach.  It was nice except for the Damn planes!


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 11, 2008, 06:28 PM NHFT
I used to go to Bluff Point and walk the  trail thru the woods and along the beach.  It was nice except for the Damn planes!

Is Bluff Point in Groton?   I liked the lighthouse or tower thing that was there, somewhere.  I don't remember much about planes then again when I lived there I was 15 and stoned everyday. 8)


I think this is funny how a conversation of fake diagnosis went to friends greeting each other.  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Rainey has a hard time keeping on the subject.  Tends to wander.  Probably due to an acronym.


Maybe she's ADHD!

Just kidding Rainey.  We should try and get together....maybe after the kids go back to school.  Are you still going to homeschool Ricky?


question: I am from SC can I still post stuff on here despite its irrelevance??  :D


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 11, 2008, 07:54 PM NHFT
You should have gone to Bluff Point and gotten stoned ;D


Hmmm, I honestly don't know if I ever went there or not, I know I went to a park with boyfriend in Groton somewhere.  I miss the good old days sometimes, my life seems so boring now. :-\

I don't know if you remember my story of a cab driver that picked me up when I was hitchhiking to Fitch Sr. High School, he asked me if I got high before school.  I said, "I get high before, during, and after school."   He really liked my answer because he told me to look under his passenger seat and there was a Triscuit box full of bags of fluffy, gorgeous, Columbian Gold. ;D