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the FDA

Started by CSAnarchist, August 10, 2008, 03:56 PM NHFT

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The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is a governement funded program produced, supposedly, to make foods and medicines that help boost your overall health.

It is estimated that more than 50 million people nationwide depend on the FDA for good pills and medicines to fix the ailment that they had acquired.

The FDA should really stand for the Faulty Drugs Administration. Here's the general truth: Any government funded program is basically a trojan horse scam to get you to give them more money to burn on, let's face it, nothing. You may or may not have already known this. Yes, it's true. The FDA doesn't want to help you at all. Have you ever noticed how when you're sick and you take the "approved" medicines and they don't help that much? Well if you're wondering, yea. Their drugs are simply approved lethal injections/pills that are designed to seem to make you feel better, but kill you in the long run. You have a better chance of curing soar throat with a glass of nails then taking the "approved" pills.

Here is the scam for the FDA:

1. They don't want you to get better. They keep making medicines that are supposed to help you., but don't. This way you come back buying more pills for the sickness that you got from the last box of pills. The series repeats itself until you die and they have the most money they can get from you.

2. They silence any unaffiliated companies that come out with actual [GOOD] medicines. See, if you use so and so's pills instead of the "approved" pills, you get better and the FDA loses money that they could've gotten from you. This is why you hardly ever see [GOOD] medicines.

So as fair warning:

Don't take a leap of faith using FDA pills; know what you're getting in to. Make sure that these "general health boosters" are what they claim to be. Otherwise, improvise or just stay healthy.

J’raxis 270145

From Mary Ruwart's book Healing Our World in an Age of Aggression.

And welcome to the forum. ;D

Luke S

Quote from: CSAnarchist on August 10, 2008, 03:56 PM NHFT
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is a governement funded program produced, supposedly, to make foods and medicines that help boost your overall health.

It is estimated that more than 50 million people nationwide depend on the FDA for good pills and medicines to fix the ailment that they had acquired.

The FDA should really stand for the Faulty Drugs Administration. Here's the general truth: Any government funded program is basically a trojan horse scam to get you to give them more money to burn on, let's face it, nothing. You may or may not have already known this. Yes, it's true. The FDA doesn't want to help you at all. Have you ever noticed how when you're sick and you take the "approved" medicines and they don't help that much? Well if you're wondering, yea. Their drugs are simply approved lethal injections/pills that are designed to seem to make you feel better, but kill you in the long run. You have a better chance of curing soar throat with a glass of nails then taking the "approved" pills.

Here is the scam for the FDA:

1. They don't want you to get better. They keep making medicines that are supposed to help you., but don't. This way you come back buying more pills for the sickness that you got from the last box of pills. The series repeats itself until you die and they have the most money they can get from you.

2. They silence any unaffiliated companies that come out with actual [GOOD] medicines. See, if you use so and so's pills instead of the "approved" pills, you get better and the FDA loses money that they could've gotten from you. This is why you hardly ever see [GOOD] medicines.

So as fair warning:

Don't take a leap of faith using FDA pills; know what you're getting in to. Make sure that these "general health boosters" are what they claim to be. Otherwise, improvise or just stay healthy.

Let me just start off by stating that I absolutely loathe the FDA. There's absolutely no reason for their existence, and they should be shut down immediately to prevent further waste of money.

But what you just wrote about them was quite frankly the silliest thing that I've read in a long time. You sound exactly like one of those alternative medicine conspiracy theorists who think that modern medicine is a scam, and we should go back to the medicine of the olden days when everybody was dropping dead like flies from polio, smallpox, and typhoid fever.

The FDA may be bureaucratic waste, but they are not "silencing" either doctors or new treatments. It's just a great big stupid bureaucracy that for some bizarre reason assumes that bureaucrats know what they're doing wrt medicine better than doctors.