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Softening the Message of a Hard Truth

Started by dalebert, August 18, 2008, 10:11 PM NHFT

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Now here's a guy that speaks my language. Clearly, this is directed at atheists who he thinks will be receptive if they can just apply their revelations about the world more consistently.


Russell Kanning

I guess your way didn't work on a lot of people
I still like Santa Claus ... even though you did bring him into a discussion of government

Pat K

Pat McCotter

Ridgeway Brewery

They said it couldn't be done, but we did it: Santa's Butt, the beer, coming to a theater near you for the holidays. It's a splendid, satisfying Winter Porter at 6% -- a souped-up version of the classic Entire Butt Porter that you've enjoyed in the past. Everyone wants a piece of Santa's Butt.

This special porter is made for winter -- rich and warming, the way they like it in the North Pole. It was inspired by this famous line from a well-loved children's story book:

"And Santa sat on his great butt, drinking a hearty brew."

In case you find that amusing, we hasten to point out that in England 'butt' refers to a certain barrel used in brewing -- a very large barrel, in fact, holding 108 imperial gallons. Back in the day it was quite a normal thing for a brewery to put its beer up in a large butt for storage.

Still snickering, eh? Get your mind out of the gutter or Santa will skip your house entirely this year.

The illustration for the Santa's Butt label was painted by Massachusetts artist Gary Lippincott. Go to his web site and buy something for chrissakes. The poor guy works for beer.

Pat K

Pat McCotter

Lloyd Danforth



A thread I started has been derailed into a discussion about butts. How'd that happen?

OK, so I realize that wouldn't be very surprising normally except I wasn't the one who did it.