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Incident that happened on 8/25/08 need advice/help *updates 7/07/09*

Started by leetninja, August 25, 2008, 09:19 PM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

Quote from: leetninja on September 03, 2008, 06:58 PM NHFT
so there is a lot of stuff at my house for "Steven Pevin" - i called the Rockingham Sherrif's office and told them I will not open things that are addressed to someone else and left with elastics on my locked gate ... there is also regular postal mail here for "Steven Pevin" and since I have no idea who that is ... since it would be breaking federal law to open this person's mail ... I will wait for my lawyer to tell me what to do with it i guess.   

wonderful.  i took pictures of the envelope too and recorded my phonecall to the sherrif's office.  I will post them as soon as I figure out how ...

Just make a post like usual, and below the text-entry field, there's a link that says "Additional Options...". Click that, and then attach the files using the "Attach" field(s).


pics of how "Steven Pevin" was served documents from the Rockingham County Sherrif:

click any of them for larger resolution. 


more updates:

neighbors want to form a community watch type deal.  We are making flyers.  Is that a good idea?  I think it is just want to check with you guys since well ... its you guys and so far you have all done nothing but help me in my time of need.

Kevin - the kid that threatened us as outlined earlier with killing me my "wife" (girlfriend) my dog and burning my house down on that Tuesday turns out to be the nephew of the people that live two doors down from the kid that had the gas can and lighter (Kendall) and is filing a (B.S.) restraining order against "Steven Pevin" I have been told names are ok by some people does that sound correct?

The kids were seen by neighbors on that sunday night again at 38 Shore Drive, smashing bottles, and ripping light fixtures off the house and then smashing the globe in someones driveway.  I asked the guy why he didn't call the police and his response was "they dont do anything and look at what is happening to you now" so yea ...

Same kids verified again by neighbors that were in the easement graphically detailing what they would do to females at a 4th of July party - when told to get lost - Kevin said he would "come back with a gun and cap all their asses"

someone followed him and took his picture on a digital camera and then showed it to police - no word on what they did or (more likely) didnt do about it.

the sheriff called me back this morning early AM and told me that the documents addressed to "Steven Pevin" were for me and that i need to open them immidiately for my hearing date etc and that it is a restraining order that is temporarily in effect.  i told them i would consult with my lawer because i do not feel comfortable with opening someone elses mail.  theys aid it wasnt delivered by the post office so that i could open it.  i again stated that i would consult my lawyer.  which i did and he said even though it was improperly served that i should open it to see what it says and HOLY CRAP is it interesting.

I didn't ask him if i can scan it yet but i will and youll be sure to see it if i can!  it contradicts itself about 3 or 4 times.  for example they stated that i confronted the kids with the gun out pointing at them and then in the next paragraph they say "at which point Mr. Pevin drew his weapon" so ... "which is it" is probably the question that the judge will ask.  they LIE the entire thing through and after reading it they just make themselves sound like those "crazy" people we all read about online and bury themselves further in lies. 

until next time ... which will probably be sooner rather than later ...


I vote strongly for neighborhood watch.  In fact, I will be happy to volunteer with the neighborhood watch, in spite of the fact that I am in a neighboring town.  It sounds needed and useful.  I am entirely serious, I want to do this.  I will help in whatever way I can. 

If someone were to ask me why, I would quote you: I asked the guy why he didn't call the police and his response was "they dont do anything and look at what is happening to you now" so yea ...

Is there anything I can do to help?

I suggest the following document preamble:
QuoteWe the People of the (name of street), in Order to insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Families, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Neighborhood Watch of (name of street).

Digital "Semper Fi" Warrior


This is what we made today:
Arlington Lake Crime Watch http://www.scribd.com/doc/5514693/Arlington-Lake-Crime-Watch?secret_password=jrblprtor5nqzhqxvvr

it shows as two pages but I have it fitting on one printed in full color.  Lawyer said it is perfectly legal.  People are excited :)  They are even handing out flyers!


Dave Ridley

the open carry bbq sounds like fun!   glad the cam is working better for you now

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: leetninja on September 04, 2008, 06:05 PM NHFT
neighbors want to form a community watch type deal.  We are making flyers.  Is that a good idea?  I think it is just want to check with you guys since well ... its you guys and so far you have all done nothing but help me in my time of need.

This is a great idea. Community watch–style policing of neighborhoods is exactly how it would be done in a free world with no "professional" police forces.


Not to poke fun or anything, but a neighborhood watch is not nearly the same thing as the early colonial system of watchmen.  Further, community policing in the classical sense only works so long as the citizenry are not cowed into submission by an "occupying force" like the Polish mob or the Canadian Army.  We created the first Professional Police to address two problems: First, there were not enough volunteers to patrol the streets of cities like New York and Philadelphia.  Second, the system of conscription to fill up the patrols meant that drunk people would often be pulled out of taverns and made to "patrol" (talk about fox guarding the hen house).

Seriously if you want to see what a town free of professional police looks like, look at early Philadelphia, then realize that it was a very small town at that point.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: leetninja on September 04, 2008, 06:05 PM NHFT
neighbors want to form a community watch type deal.  We are making flyers.  Is that a good idea? 
yes ... maybe even put up cop barriers around your street :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 05, 2008, 08:00 AM NHFT
Quote from: leetninja on September 04, 2008, 06:05 PM NHFT
neighbors want to form a community watch type deal.  We are making flyers.  Is that a good idea? 
yes ... maybe even put up cop barriers around your street :)

How about a free cop town!


So last night I forgot to update and here it is.  I'm sure everyone will love this.  The more that happens the more it seems like a bad movie or something.

The grandmother has been circling my house.  People are usually around so she just keeps going and so I have just been writing it down and taking whatever pictures I can which is what the lawyer told me to do :)

when she finally got her moment with no one around she stopped in front of my gate and yelled at me "You'll learn your lesson now Anthony!" AGAIN using my name even though "Steven Pevin" was the person who they swore in a notarized affidavit did everything. 

I immediately grabbed my compact camera that I am now carrying with me at ALL times and managed to snap a couple pics.  As soon as she saw the camera the "oh shit" light must have gone off because she STOMPED the gas and realized she had been caught red handed.  I got a great picture of her in front of me and then another of her zooming away as fast as she could to try to get out of range.  You can tell she was really scooting since it snaps pretty quickly and the first pic shows her basically in front of me and then the second she is over 100 yards away almost out of view and around the corner. 

As soon as this happened I was ready to call the police since last I checked she violated the order BUT instead I called my lawyer who advised me to NOT call them and so simply hold onto the pictures and document the dates and times from this point onward.  Needless to say but now that she knows I have a camera I have not seen her circling like a vulture around my house.

as a side note it is driving me up a wall thinking about WHERE DID THEY GET THAT NAME!!!???  StePHen Levin is my father - the only thing here that has his name attached to it would be the SUV that i drive(co-signer on SUV is me so registration is his name).  Which if an officer ran the plate, and gave them the registered owner's name of the vehicle I believe it violates all kinds of laws on a federal level right?

Also the two signs for the neighborhood watch that were attached securely to my gate yesterday were ripped into tiny pieces while i was at work and thrown in my driveway.  Hmmm wonder who that was lol

I have had two people ask me to give them 10 flyers to hand out and I happily obliged.  I really hope it takes off at this point.  I won't just stand by idly and let my neighborhood go to hell because of some 16 year old kid that thinks its cool to burn down houses ... people have THANKED ME for standing up to them.  Makes me feel proud


You're doing good, but video speaks much more loudly than still photos. All those times she drove by should have been videotaped. (Not trying to be critical, just offering advice.) I recommend a cheap multi-camera video surveillance system -- doesn't have to be expensive, just needs to cover the area around your house, and be discreet.

Your lawyer gave good advice: don't call the police at the drop of a hat. Document, document, document, then call the police.


I've been trying to look at some sort of security system for my house like you mention but the main issue is that my house itself is about 70 feet back so anything camera wise on the house wont get a clear or good shot of the road.  plus the trees.  trying to find an indoor/outdoor wireless remote accessible camera that would upload to a server.  havent had much time to do research yet though.