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Incident that happened on 8/25/08 need advice/help *updates 7/07/09*

Started by leetninja, August 25, 2008, 09:19 PM NHFT

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CVS sells a little digital video camera that's about the size of a pack of cigarettes.  Makes it much easier to carry a video camera with you at all times.


Quote from: mvpel on September 07, 2008, 08:48 AM NHFT
CVS sells a little digital video camera that's about the size of a pack of cigarettes.  Makes it much easier to carry a video camera with you at all times.

im going to check it out that would be awesome.  if it is the one i am thinking of it requires that you "develop" your movie with them though.  i remember my friend got one and had to hack it to get his footage without having to pay cvs lol

the digital cam i was using was older I now have a newer one with video capabilities :)

pics of granny's car driving by the other day will be up soon.  i havent been home much. 


Quote from: mvpel on September 07, 2008, 08:48 AM NHFT
CVS sells a little digital video camera that's about the size of a pack of cigarettes.  Makes it much easier to carry a video camera with you at all times.

I got a Casio at Wal-mart about that size. It was about $160, and then I needed to spend another $20 or so on a memory card so I can have about 1.5 hours of video. I'm very happy with it so far.

Nat F

Quote from: leetninja on September 06, 2008, 12:25 PM NHFTtrying to find an indoor/outdoor wireless remote accessible camera that would upload to a server.  havent had much time to do research yet though. 

I have a Panasonic BL-C131A Network Camera Wireless 802.11 and it works great.  It can either store a limited amount of video or still pictures in it's own flash or it can ftp still images to a remote site.  It has both motion and heat sensitivity triggers for image capture.



Quote from: leetninja on September 02, 2008, 05:40 PM NHFT
sale of firearms - i transferred all of them a while back to my girlfriend the only one remaining that wasnt transferred was the one i carry.  lawyer is telling me to hold onto it for now.

I generally advise people to have two of every firearm they carry for personal rescue purposes. One to actually carry and the second to replace the first after any confrontation because the police will confiscate the first one 99.9% of the time and you probably will never see it again. At that point replace the second one (now your primary carry). If you "sell" the one that you were carrying, then the police will just get upset at not having anything to confiscate. (I'm not agreeing with this happening, just pointing out the way things usually happen... so, don't get upset at the messenger.  :'( ;) )

Quote from: leetninja on September 06, 2008, 12:25 PM NHFT
I've been trying to look at some sort of security system for my house like you mention but the main issue is that my house itself is about 70 feet back so anything camera wise on the house wont get a clear or good shot of the road.  plus the trees.  trying to find an indoor/outdoor wireless remote accessible camera that would upload to a server.  havent had much time to do research yet though.

I know of a number of people using these products successfully. There's even a setup that allows you to cycle through the cameras and feed the video to a PC only when there is activity. They're easy to setup and easy to use. They have zoom, night-vision, pan&tilt mounts, indoors/outdoors, and they also have a camera that is disguised in an "automatic" floodlight setup. (Once you  buy, they'll send you way too damn much spam/buy email, but you can filter that or just delete it. Besides, sometimes they have some really good deals on their "email specials".) Anyway... try:


Good Luck.

Russell Kanning

I think it is good you are standing up to the thugs too. :)



went to court today at 1:30pm.  They buried themselves with false testimony etc.  brought all kinds of evidence and a witness and neighbor willing to testify.  the judge (Lewis) didn't want to hear any of it from either side really.  He was more concerned with how much time he didnt have.  they allotted 15 minutes for this hearing.  needless to say it lasted a little longer.

In the end,  he offered a "mutual" order.  Which my lawyer told me was great since we can move forward with the knowledge that we have an order against them.  it also roped the grandmother into the order and that they all need to stay away from my AND MY HOUSE.  That means no more beach for them in summer :) oh well!  they thought it was just great so they were all yes yes please more

the next step is getting their half vacated which will be easy since they essentially dug themselves a really large hole.  im not talking a small inconsistency or two im talking HUGE GAPING HOLES of lies and BS. 

They did lawyer up.  I was nervous about that until he started talking and inaccurately describing the property.  at one point the grandmother who was sitting in on the benches and not at a table etc apparently couldn't contain herself and blurted out "I HAVE A CAMERA PHONE TOO!" because we were presenting picture evidence in rebuttal to their statement of "we were there for the firewood".  The pictures I have of the wood on the lot etc basically promoted the judge to say "there is NO way you were taking this wood back to your grandmothers house young man.  Would you like to try again?  Wait, too late sorry." which was very sarcastic and an obvious jab at him and his family and their entire "case" they tried to make.  My attorney simply thanked him.  It was AWESOME.

I have decided I will be scanning all pictures and making a flickr account.  i have one already so i may just link it.  anyhow, it isnt the exact result i wanted today but it is usable and very good in comparison to what could have happened.

also found out the police are pressing charges against these kids sometime soon.  the one with the gas can and lighter already has a record at 16 and is known to the Dorchester, MA police and probation department as well as Salem PD and probation now and what the kid did could land him in juvi for a while until he is adult at which point i imagine he would get transferred to Walpole prison and known as "Buttercup" to the "real" criminals that are doing hard time. 

best part: NO SURRENDER OF FIREARMS!!!  Looks like I'm buying my tactical shotty soon  ;D


Congrats on the "victory". You have some patience I see... I would have solved the problem myself. Good on you for taking the diplomatic route.



i was going to modify but i will just update instead.  i should put emphasis on the whole NO SURRENDER OF FIREARMS in the order.  A surrender was SPECIFICALLY asked for by these people and they were DENIED.  thats right DENIED
D-E-N-I-E-D.  by a judge  ;D the word "pwned" comes to mind because that is just how hard they were denied  :thanks:

It was a great feeling to watch them get their lies and deceit shoved right back in their faces by a judge who was seemingly siding with them at first.  Their lawyer did a great job of painting an angel out of a demon but it all fell apart when their lies were called out.  i.e. the wood size location etc.  one of my personal favorites was in statements the granny said she observed me pull my weapon and point but yet today they changed that story AGAIN and then were called on that by the judge and lawyer.  another significant (god so many to choose from) one was when they stated that the fence had an opening/gate a few feet away from the mulch etc and the kid jumped the fence at the end of the yard with a gate and the judge said "well was the gate blocked?" and they said no and then the judge said "well why would anyone jump a gate when there is a wide accessible opening less than three feet away?  especially with you stating that the intention was to carry the wood away?"  and they just went blank for a good thirty seconds and then reverted to something about me.  my lawyer also pointed out that they admitted to police that they were not at the end of the yard with logs and "mulch" etc and then presented picture evidence showing locations etc.  also the granny had a picture of a gas can which could have been from anywhere in the world that she was trying to say was from the yard and my  lawyer said "so you went back after the police told you not to, onto the property that had a sign stating no trespassing, and then took this picture?" and then the judge looked at it and said "this is a picture of a gas can that could have been taken anywhere" and i had to bite my tongue to not laugh at them.

a small victory with larger to come.  this is FAR from being over.

more updates as i can give them.  for now it is bed time.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: leetninja on September 08, 2008, 03:29 PM NHFT
In the end,  he offered a "mutual" order.  Which my lawyer told me was great since we can move forward with the knowledge that we have an order against them.  it also roped the grandmother into the order and that they all need to stay away from my AND MY HOUSE.  That means no more beach for them in summer :) oh well!  they thought it was just great so they were all yes yes please more

Hah, nice. It's lovely to see attempts to (ab)use the government courts so thoroughly backfire on the aggressors. ;D


finally decided to go the flickr route.  some things have happened.  my bathroom window was shot with a BB gun for one.  pics included in the set.

my neighbor whose house was broken into trashed and canoe stolen and furniture burnt in his backyard has now bgun fencing in his property.

the APIA which is the beach association here is now installing a locking gate on the beach so that only members can unlock it.

all because of the terrorist kids.




people will still be against you because you have the gun, protecting life and property. 

what a silly world we live in


Quote from: AntonLee on September 12, 2008, 05:19 AM NHFT
people will still be against you because you have the gun, protecting life and property. 

what a silly world we live in

they can be against it if they want but i will try to educate them about things only once.  if they listen then great maybe just maybe they will get it.  if they dont want to hear it and they just want to label me as "evil guy with gun" then that is their problem, not mine.  i can only try to explain and show them.  i have had a couple people come up to me and explain how they basically think i am "evil guy with gun" and by the end of the conversation they changed their minds.  Hopefully i live around good people.  Most of my neighbors seem to understand what really happened.  at this point the only people that dont like me and label me as such are the families of these kids.  as far as my neighbors and i are concerned they are just little terrorists and it is time for their reign of terror to end.   :)


Quote from: leetninja on September 11, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
finally decided to go the flickr route.  some things have happened.  my bathroom window was shot with a BB gun for one.  pics included in the set.

When I saw the first pic of the hole in your window, I was going to suggest some reverse trajectory analysis, then clicked on the next pic and saw you had done exactly that. Well done, sir! Rather obvious it was fired from their back door!