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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Police state is here

Started by David, August 31, 2008, 09:38 PM NHFT

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I am highly disturbed by this.  If I didn't believe NH was at least a little different, I think I would be trying to leave the country. 

Quote from the second link by Glenn Greenwald-
After all, if you don't want the FBI spying on you, or the Police surrounding and then invading your home with rifles and seizing your computers, there's a very simple solution: don't protest the Government. Just sit quietly in your house and mind your own business. That way, the Government will have no reason to monitor what you say and feel the need to intimidate you by invading your home. Anyone who decides to protest -- especially with something as unruly and disrespectful as an unauthorized street march -- gets what they deserve.

Just be quiet.  That is a symptom of every police state I have ever heard of.  That is so scary, because it is such a common sentiment.  My mother would believe it. 


I see stuph like that and I can't help but wonder what bizarre excuses they'll come up with to escalate tactics to "discourage" our peaceful activities. I continue to believe that the best protection we can have is to make everything as public and visible as possible so they can't get away with anything in secret.


I 100% agree.  I have no real proof that being open about anything I do will 'protect' me, but my gut feeling is that it will help.  Secresy breeds fear and suspicion.  The statists that live in Keene may not like me, but hopefully they do not distrust me, or fear me.  I feel a sence of security in being open and honest about my intentions. 


Those nazis are planning on using flash grenades.   >:(


Quote from: David on September 01, 2008, 12:51 AM NHFT
Those nazis are planning on using flash grenades.   >:(

Seems so. Here are some stories in another local paper.


They arrested a 78 year old nun. Look at the pics.


And at least locally, we get some press.


She is -"Betty McKenzie, a Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet nun who was one of nine people arrested during the march. "
There is a pic of her smiling at a jackboot. 


I just realized, 100% of all the violence that has occured there, has been the police.  The worse that any protester has done yet is cross a security fence.  The human assumtion is that this aggressive action by the cops is a RE-action to actual violence, which appears to not be the case. 


Ron Paul "followers"? If it was any other candidate, they'd be referred to as "supporters". Looks like they're starting to put the cult spin on it.


A see a couple of those articles throw out the term anarchist.  >:(
It really is a bad term to use these days.
The ignorance outweighs the actual definition.

Russell Kanning

same with freedom and liberty

I love the picture of the old lady smiling at the stormtrooper in his big helmet ... those guys should feel silly

Russell Kanning

Quote from: David on August 31, 2008, 11:53 PM NHFT
I 100% agree.  I have no real proof that being open about anything I do will 'protect' me, but my gut feeling is that it will help.  Secresy breeds fear and suspicion.  The statists that live in Keene may not like me, but hopefully they do not distrust me, or fear me.  I feel a sence of security in being open and honest about my intentions. 
oh no ... the sencors are switching around our letters


Agree Zapher.  People talk a lot about hitler, mao, stalin, but they are individuals.  Behind them is thousands of devoted 'followers', and millions of passive supporters.  That is what bothers me. 
