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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Illegal hot dog stand

Started by David, September 02, 2008, 12:33 PM NHFT

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I didn't allude to their threat at all.  Of course the men with guns are a threat, but they are not typical gang members in that they are quite scared of cameras and the resulting publicity.  So, while they make it appear that he has to get a license, it's just nonsense.  Free men like David don't ask permission from govt people to conduct their business.  People who get licenses are essentially volunteering to be controlled.  They'd rather not, but there are those scary men with guns that might come, so they bow down.

I hope David's actions encourage others to stop asking permission from Blue Light Gang.   :icon_pirat:


Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 07, 2008, 12:09 PM NHFT
I didn't allude to their threat at all.  Of course the men with guns are a threat, but they are not typical gang members in that they are quite scared of cameras and the resulting publicity.  So, while they make it appear that he has to get a license, it's just nonsense.  Free men like David don't ask permission from govt people to conduct their business.  People who get licenses are essentially volunteering to be controlled.  They'd rather not, but there are those scary men with guns that might come, so they bow down.

I hope David's actions encourage others to stop asking permission from Blue Light Gang.   :icon_pirat:
I wish I was that consistant.   ;D
A quote from Heinlein: I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them: if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. 


Perhaps somebody should invite the hot dog vendor in question to read this thread?


Former KPD detective and city councilor Fred Parsells emailed me in regards to my earlier post:
QuoteBelow is a comment you sent to Dave, whoever that is, regarding his hot dog venture. I find the fact that you are chastising "people" who get licenses rather disingenuous. You continue to display your Florida license plates, observing that they are no longer valid here in the shire, rather that removing them all together from your car. It seems that you too are volunteering to be controlled by government people. I should think that you would set a better example in such matters. You also continue to pay your property taxes instead of challenging the thievery you often espouse on Cynthia's radio show. You need to step up to the plate so that we can all throw off he shackles of licensing and taxation. I hope that you are not bowing down. Personally, I have never bowed down to something or anything that I didn't agree with or believe in.

I too hope that David's actions will encourage you to stop asking permission from Blue Light Gang.

As a mini-anarchist myself, I urge you to keep up the good work in espousing for smaller government, but remember that words alone won't get us there........


Of course none of us are "that consistent" in our noncooperation, but we are consistently stepping further out of our comfort zones.  Looks like Fred is encouraging us to hurry up and get to the voluntary society.  He should be patient, as these things take time.  We're still taking our initial steps, and others are joining us so we can take more steps together.

Patience, Fred.

Mike Barskey

Also, since we do live in the real world, which does have socialism and government and tyranny, we must choose our battles. It is worse than impractical to fight all battles at once - it is impossible.


This still on for Monday? I like to confirm things as they come up :)

Kat Kanning

If you did it on the 26th we could be around.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 13, 2008, 07:00 AM NHFT
If you did it on the 26th we could be around.

No reason he can't do it twice.... if the first one goes well.


If things work out well, you might want to consider a "breakfast cart" during the monthly FIJA outreach. The next one will be on Monday, October 6th. There is plenty of foot traffic into the court house of prospective jurors, lawyers etc.. .

I would buy a coffee, bagel & water from you.

Who knows, maybe a judge or prosecutor would grab a coffee before court  ;D.



Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 07, 2008, 12:09 PM NHFT
I hope David's actions encourage others to stop asking permission from Blue Light Gang.   :icon_pirat:

I think it's somewhat important to remember that no one asks permission from the Blue Light Gang for anything. They are not the permission granters, they are simply the link between you and the decision makers. Unfortunately, they are the 'force' link, which causes the problems associated with going against the wishes of the people that make the decisions.
They can't give Dear Dave permission to sell his hotdogs, they can only kidnap him and put him in a cage for selling his hotdogs.
I'm no fan of the police as a group, but on an individual basis I find many of them to be quite tolerable when they're not 'just doing their job'. It's probably not a popular view in these parts of cyber space, but I believe that working to improve relations with the 'force' link might make things better for all involved, with the exception of the bureaucrats that make the decisions. But screw them anyway.

Just my rantings for the day. Carry on ladies and gents, and best of luck Dave! Wish I could manage a 3+ hour drive for lunch ;)


Still on for monday. 
No law is enforced by the pols that make the law.  The police can ignore me or arrest me.  They can choose to ignore me any time they want. 


i cant wait to see the vid of the interactions on youtube

Luke S

Quote from: David on September 03, 2008, 09:32 PM NHFT
Since I expect at least a 50% chance of being arrested,

If you ask me, I think your chances of getting fined or arrested over this are close to 0%, the main reason being that you are having a small hot dog stand for only one day. People have one-day fundraisers in this country all the time where they sell various stuff including hot dogs to raise money for whatever they want to raise money for, or sometimes just to make a profit, and most of them probably never bother getting a business license, and I can bet you the police never bother to check either. In any event I've never heard of anybody in my entire life getting fined or arrested over something like this, even though many people have done it.

If you guys wanted to do civil disobedience where there was any meaningful chance of the police to fining or arresting you over something like this, you would have to be operating a business over an extended period of time and not have a license, not just for one day and then it's gone.


Luke makes a timely point...

If they arrest David, then they have to arrest the next 9 year old with a lemonade stand if they want to stay consistent. I doubt it's worth it to them. That is the point of civil disobedience; to push back a little against laws that continue to force good people down.

Luke S

Quote from: Coconut on September 14, 2008, 07:43 AM NHFT
Luke makes a timely point...

If they arrest David, then they have to arrest the next 9 year old with a lemonade stand if they want to stay consistent. I doubt it's worth it to them. That is the point of civil disobedience; to push back a little against laws that continue to force good people down.

I remember Denis and I were talking about this one day, and what I had mentioned to Denis was that the best way to do this sort of thing would be to buy a 30 foot by 150 foot tent like the kind people use at outdoor auctions and the like, and set it up in somebody's yard and turn it into store. Every day you set up your inventory on little tables you have inside the tent, and every night you take everything and put it away so nobody steals it at night, and the next day you put everything out again. You run it just like you'd run a regular store. If the government doesn't shut you down, well then you've got yourself a business for which you've never acquired a license. If the government does shut you down, then you can get a video of them doing it and put it on YouTube and at least you didn't pay $500,000 for a building that they've now taken away from you.

That would be the proper way to go if you were going to do something like this.