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jogging without orange vest civil dis Manch?

Started by Dave Ridley, September 08, 2008, 10:43 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

OK here is the next civil dis idea.  We repeat the park pickup event and repeat the other illegal things we've done.  Then jog around city hall without blaze orange vests.  apparently jogging without the vests is against city ordinance.   any thoughts on this?  better ideas?

I'm thinking maybe around sept 15

J’raxis 270145

I like it, although it seems to be something they're less likely to enforce, and I thought the idea behind these civdis acts was to continually scale upward toward things they're more likely to enforce.


Throw a party in the park after the cleanup to celebrate freedom - you know they don't like people having fun.  Perhaps sell coffee to morning park walkers. 


I would have to strongly advise against the jogging without blaze orange vests.

Some innocent copper could be cruising through town at an unsafe speed without his lights/siren active, and fail to notice you in time, swerving to avoid an illegal jogger, and running his cruiser at high speed right into a child.



How do they define jogging? Is there a speed provision? That would be a fun one to play with legally if it was enforced. While it may be added to the list of stupid laws to break, I don't think it's one worth notifing anyone that it will be broken. I'd say at the next event, participants jog ten feet so they can throw this on the list of laws broken.


You may want to have a sign on your shirt that says something like "Jogging w/o Orange Vest".

I jogged almost every day when visiting Manchester, saw many police who also saw me and said nothing to me about not wearing orange.

Maybe run around without the orange vest stopping to pick up garbage to put into a milk crate in the park at 6am.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Josh on September 09, 2008, 05:00 PM NHFT
Some innocent copper could be cruising through town at an unsafe speed without his lights/siren active, and fail to notice you in time, swerving to avoid an illegal jogger, and running his cruiser at high speed right into a child.
they could also be speeding by and notice that cursed dada and his gang and run onto the sidewalk

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: bigmike on September 09, 2008, 07:23 PM NHFT
You may want to have a sign on your shirt that says something like "Jogging w/o Orange Vest".

I jogged almost every day when visiting Manchester, saw many police who also saw me and said nothing to me about not wearing orange.

Maybe run around without the orange vest stopping to pick up garbage to put into a milk crate in the park at 6am.
While open carrying

Lloyd Danforth

Oh! Oh!...one of those milk crates that promise prosecution!


Just because something has the force of law behind it doesn't mean it isn't a good idea (like say, seat belts everywhere else).  Just because I don't want a seat belt law doesn't mean I don't wear my seatbelt.  What if your blazes were not orange, but some other highly reflective color?  That still violates the ordinance, but should not reduce your ability to be noticed.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 10, 2008, 06:17 AM NHFT
While open carrying

This should be added to the end of ALL civil disobedience ideas by default.... kind of like saying "In Bed" at the end of a fortune cookie. It always makes it better.


Quote from: Josh on September 10, 2008, 11:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 10, 2008, 06:17 AM NHFT
While open carrying

This should be added to the end of ALL civil disobedience ideas by default.... kind of like saying "In Bed" at the end of a fortune cookie. It always makes it better.

I've been thinking the same thing.