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Happy 9/11

Started by AnarchoJesse, September 11, 2008, 11:35 AM NHFT

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I'm going to hell, I know.


Nah, it's been long enough. If not, quick- someone tell the Aristocrats!


Seriously, don't be a fucking asshole.  It is easy enough to paint free-marketeers as heartless, without fucked up demonstrations of soullessness like this. 



You may call not call me mom.  I insist on my full name, which is MotherFucker.

Seriously though, I hope you realize that what happened was a tragedy and mocking it makes you look like a jackass, not 3dgy.


Sorry MotherFucker.

Sad for:  people in the building, around it, under it

Not Sad for:  people continuing to use it as some reason to take away my rights and wage wars on innocent arabs. 

Sad for:  private business in the area being squelched by the tragedy

Not Sad for:  government buildings falling down (port authority)

I never cared to be edgy (3dgy?), and I don't really care if I look like a jackass.  I thought it was funny like much satire is.  I used to be all touchy about 9/11 until I realized that 3,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to what the US Government does to others on a daily basis that we may or may not know about.


I for one, will laugh at whatever the fuck I want.

J’raxis 270145


Quote from: DigitalWarrior on September 11, 2008, 05:26 PM NHFT
Seriously, don't be a fucking asshole.  It is easy enough to paint free-marketeers as heartless, without fucked up demonstrations of soullessness like this. 


Quote from: dalebert on September 11, 2008, 05:24 PM NHFT
Nah, it's been long enough. If not, quick- someone tell the Aristocrats!

I nominate Gilbert Godfried.


Quote from: KBCraig on September 11, 2008, 09:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: dalebert on September 11, 2008, 05:24 PM NHFT
Nah, it's been long enough. If not, quick- someone tell the Aristocrats!

I nominate Gilbert Godfried.



Feel free to laugh at whatever you want.  I would recommend though being careful in meatspace.  Some people might react poorly/violently to a chuckle when there is a moment of silence to remember the dead. 

I do not think that Satire means what I think you think it means.

Being touchy about killing and death is always a good thing.  I am not sure what your logic about not being touchy is based on...

You might want to reconsider your feelings about being perceived as a jackass, just remember it has been viewed as important by better men than me. 
Quote... a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should...

How do I respond to such a well thought out criticism as an out of context picture?  I suppose you would fall back on "The Internet is Serious Business" method of debate. 


Quote from: dalebert on September 11, 2008, 05:24 PM NHFT
Nah, it's been long enough.

As I said, it's long past the time to be hyper-sensitive about this. Comedy is a relief valve for things that otherwise might make us crack. Comedy by its nature is dark, to varying degrees. We mourn deeply and thoroughly so that we can get one with our lives and the mourning period is long over. Now we need to move on.


I like the smiley faces on the planes going to the buildings........