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Gardner Shit-Canned

Started by MengerFan, September 17, 2008, 05:51 PM NHFT

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I've listened to every one of Gard's podcast for months now and I'll bet that the advertising shpeal was just cover for the fact that they didn't like him trashing McCain/Palin on a daily basis. To me, Gard went out of his way at times to be EZ on that duo.

I also agree that Bulldog is a joke and didn't help Gard's cause. But, Gard is still the best that WTPL ever had. Once I move, I can promise that I'll never tune into that station. If need be, I'll make that apparent to the program manager in the near future.

I must say that this completely ruined my day >:(


That really sucks. Gardner's show was a great tool at reaching a more conservative audience with the message of liberty who wouldn't go so far as to listen to something as 'extreme' as FTL. I think the changing of the hours recently did a number on the show, I know the last hour was the only part of the show I was often able to listen to, cutting that could have severed a huge portion of the audience.


Man Bulldog is doing a terrible show. There was also a commercial that said "WTPL thought provoking shows" or something similar. From what I heard so far this is not thought provoking more like mind numbing.


Quote from: Giggan on September 18, 2008, 01:18 PM NHFT
That really sucks. Gardner's show was a great tool at reaching a more conservative audience with the message of liberty who wouldn't go so far as to listen to something as 'extreme' as FTL. I think the changing of the hours recently did a number on the show, I know the last hour was the only part of the show I was often able to listen to, cutting that could have severed a huge portion of the audience.

No, he was told he was too "intellectual" for the audience.   ::)

K. Darien Freeheart


Quote from: FTL_Ian on September 18, 2008, 01:28 PM NHFT

No, he was told he was too "intellectual" for the audience.   ::)

I guess can't have them big words the "G" would use going out over the air.

I am leaning more toward people not appreciating Gard's views on the McCrap and the other moron who's mascot is just like him a jackass. The station was probably scared they would not get the ads $ from their organizations with the "G" man saying what is on his mind.

Shocking right now Bulldog is talking with a guy from McCraps campaign.


he is a bet too intellectual for the people listening, which is more of a compliment to Gardner than it is a criticism of the audience.  But, how do you learn more if you don't listen or hang around with smart people. . . . I always felt much smarter after hearing Gardner talk.  I guess I'll have to get my fix of the 'G' on that extreme FTL show lol.


Oh man, this pisses me off. I LOVED his show. Anton is right, it was a learning experience listening to Gard for me.


He has been struck down, but has become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Make sure and keep tuned to the podcast. The full force of the G will now be felt as he is no longer hampered by the chains of local radio.


Fuckin' A!

I liked the high intellectual caliber of the show as well. I actually had to think about stuff!
Lowest common denominator, that's the American media way.  ::)


that's right Puke, gotta' keep'em drooling.  :-\
they can't keep the Gman down, though.


I emailed not long after they put him on the air to thank them. Should have emailed again more recently I guess. We'll just have to inundate the new show with liberty activists calling in.


Sounds like it's time some pirate.. er... "community" stations went on the air in NH.

If that's too much for you, there's lots of entry level china brand transmitters at various wattage levels on ebay:


Dear Mr. Whedon:

I was incredibly disappointed when I tuned into WTPL today at 1 pm. Gardner Goldsmith was the one reason I listen to your station. Though I regularly listened to and often called into Jack Heath's show, it's only because I had turned on the radio at 1.

I played Against the Grain every day in my store, and I don't think I could even begin to count the number of customers who would question me on what they were listening to, so that they could tune in on their drive home.

The station advertises its programming as "thought-provoking" but you have dropped the only show which really makes that anything more than a platitude.

I pray that you will revisit your decision.

Ryan Marvin
Manchester, NH

PS: I tried my best to listen to the new show, but it's quite the train wreck. Bulldog makes a great sidekick, but a host he's not.


You have not seen the last of El G Grande!