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Great NEA opinion piece in UL

Started by Kat Kanning, August 10, 2005, 08:47 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

It would be great to convince Walmart to quit donating mega $$ to the public schools and support things like the Liberty Scholarship Fund instead.

Doug Lambert:
NEA focuses too much on political activism unrelated to education
Guest Commentary
Merchants Automotive Group

WHEN ONE considers the local teachers union, one should remember that in many cases it is part of a statewide organization which is, in turn, part of the national organization. One such organization that should be fairly well known to most readers is the National Education Association, better known as the NEA.

The NEA's Web site (www.nea.org) tells us: "The National Education Association (NEA) is the nation's largest professional employee organization and is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 2.7 million members work at every level of education, from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state, as well as in more than 14,000 local communities across the United States." In all likelihood, your child's teachers pay dues to belong to this particular union. These dues come out of the teachers' paychecks, which are comprised of moneys that come from the taxpayers' checkbooks (you and me).

So, what are we getting for "our" money that finds its way into the NEA's coffers? Just how does the NEA plan to "advance the cause of public education"? A good place to look for the answers is at the aforementioned Web site. Having just wrapped up its annual meeting, the NEA adopted several rather eye-opening resolutions that might surprise the average citizen.

Did you know that the NEA has joined leftists, anti-capitalists and various union groups in designating Wal-Mart as the latest whipping-boy? That's right. Regardless of the fact that Wal-Mart is consistently involved with the local community through its fundraising programs and donations ? many education related, such as their "Teacher of the Year" award ? the NEA now has them locked in the crosshairs.

In a press release titled, Wal-Mart: Always High Costs. Always, the NEA reports, "The NEA Executive Committee has endorsed a national effort called 'Wake-Up Wal-Mart' that educates the public about the impact of Wal-Mart on its employees, their communities and our schools. As back to school approaches, there's a campaign to encourage shoppers to buy school supplies from other stores in their communities."

Can you believe this? How will your child's education improve with the act of boycotting Wal-Mart? Says the NEA: "Think you just got a bargain on those rolled back prices? Think again. You may have just helped break unions and dismantle public schools."

Meanwhile, kids get promoted from one grade to the next unable to read! Who do you think is more responsible for the state of public education today ? Wal-Mart or the teachers?

I'll bet you are as surprised as I was to learn that by shopping at Wal-Mart you were "dismantling" the government schools. Shame on you!

Among the other measures passed at the annual meeting under "new business items" (NBI's) was a measure "Committing NEA to develop a strategy to counter new attacks on curricula and practices that support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students and staff in public schools."

If anybody knows how this "advances the cause of public education," please let me know.

What about NBI 61? This calls for President Bush and Congress to "support our troops by creating an exit strategy to end the U.S. military occupation of Iraq and bring our troops home." (Sounds to me like the same chanting one might hear at a local rally of balding/graying anti-war peaceniks.)

And finally, think how much smarter our children will be when the NEA is finished with NBI 32, calling for a study on "the feasibility of initiating a boycott of Gallo wine."

And you thought the government schools were failing simply because we weren't coughing up enough in higher taxes. Now you know that it's not as simple as that.

Doug Lambert owns the DGF Industrial Innovations Group, Ltd. and Corob Cutter Division, Inc. in Gilford.


Believe if we really want our kids back, it is only a matter of time until be have to talke on the neighborhood bully, (NEA).

Lloyd Danforth

If the part about shopping at Wallmart  dismantles  the public schools, I could probably find more things to buy there!


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 10, 2005, 04:01 PM NHFT
If the part about shopping at Wallmart? dismantles? the public schools, I could probably find more things to buy there!

Cool, we can go shopping at Walmart together, Lloyd. I'm going to have to remember to ALWAYS shop Walmart!  8)



is wal-mart pro private schooling???

Lloyd Danforth

They're, probably, ambivilant about schools beyond the 'back to schools' sales.  Wallmart is just a target for the lefty, anti-industrial, anti-business NEA.


I'm still allowed to dislike both WAL-Mart and the NEA, right?? Just checking... I'm a bit confused.? ?;D


Quote from: Rocketman on August 12, 2005, 10:29 PM NHFT
I'm still allowed to dislike both WAL-Mart and the NEA, right?? Just checking... I'm a bit confused.? ?;D

S'aright!  ;)


It would be more accurate to say I dislike WAL-Mart and despise the NEA, if that helps.   ;)


Thanks Rocketman.. that clears it up.... ;D

Sort like the way I felt in San Fran these past few months.

I don't like the BART board but I despise the BART union.

Kat Kanning

I think Bart's kinda a cute lil guy. ;)

(I used to ride Oakland -> Walnut Creek.)

Lloyd Danforth

I spent a month on the penninsula in '72.  I made several trips to SF. One of my favorite possessions from that trip is a cover from a B.A.R.T. booklet.  There is an image of a guy, presumibly naked, holding his trenchcoat open, titled: 'Expose Yourself To The B.A.R.T'

Kat Kanning

That's from an old poster that the mayor of Portland, OR did with him in a trenchcoat that read "Expose yourself to art" for the art gallery there.