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What is the difference between a voluntary community and a city-state?

Started by Paul, September 19, 2008, 07:24 PM NHFT

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I agree that neither Constitution approaches voluntaryism.  However in a voluntaryist system, how do you hold me accountable for my hostile actions, after the fact, if I do not consent to be held criminally liable for being hostile?

John Edward Mercier

Its not an anarchy. Once you've agressed, your consent no longer becomes necessary as its implied.
In a voluntary society, the governing principle still exists.


So my conditional conclusion was in fact unconditional?

No I don't believe so.  What you are describing sounds more like anarcho-capitalism than voluntaryism, at least as I understand them.  In a true voluntary society force is only justified in response to imminent threat.  If a murderer breaks contract and refuses arbitration he risks only ostracism.  This has the benefit of leaving him in the community so it remains possible for him to contribute something positive.  Unfortunately a presumption of guilt is required to exist day-to-day in any community of size for ostracism to be remotely effective.

This understanding of voluntaryism is what I have formed my reasoning on giving it a clear distinction from anarcho-capitalism.  Have I reversed their meanings?  Perhaps voluntaryism is more of a class and anarcho-capitalism a genus?  Perhaps the opposite?

Regardless of what word is assigned to the meaning the absolute voluntary society is the only society that is truly stateless.  Any society where a common system of order exists can be accurately called a state.  This is the conclusion I have come to.  It is not a contention, simply my personal conclusion based on my understanding.

John Edward Mercier

One couldn't be a victim of murder if you contracted with someone to kill you. That would be euthanasia.

Murder is the taking of your life against your will. And contractual murder would be an agression under voluntarism.

Anarcho-Capitalism and Voluntaryism are used by many as synonyms.
I tend to use 'voluntarism' as a personal preference... even going so far as to drop the 'y'.