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Porcupine Factoids

Started by dalebert, September 22, 2008, 01:48 AM NHFT

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Porcupines can NOT throw their quills.
Porcupine vision is poor, but they have an excellent sense of smell.
Porcupines make shrill screeches, whines, and low grunts.
Porcupines are vegetarians, and they eat a large variety of plants, shrubs and trees.
Baby porcupines are called "porcupettes." (Awe!)
Porcupines are not territorial, and their home range may be as large as 200 acres.


2 in the morning, couldn't sleep huh?   ;)


Quote from: David on September 22, 2008, 11:29 AM NHFT
2 in the morning, couldn't sleep huh?   ;)

Exactly. That page was something I accessed for some Cha Cha inquiry and thought it had some interesting stuph for FSpers. There was a $12 bonus if you did 120 questions between 6pm and 3am that night and I think I made it, though just barely. I wasn't even going to try until I realized I couldn't sleep so I did most of it between about midnight and 3am.

Sam A. Robrin

Shakespeare made only one mention of the porcupine:


But, "by any other name"--in this case, the more common Elizabethan form "porpentine"--there are seven:


Seems he even predicted Porc Manors!


you forgot:
are really freakin cute.


They ain't cute when they get under the fence and into my garden. Consequently they are called 'DEAD' porcupines. :blush:


Quote from: freeborn on September 23, 2008, 06:41 PM NHFT
They ain't cute when they get under the fence and into my garden. Consequently they are called 'DEAD' porcupines. :blush:

awwww my dad used to shoot porcupines all the time when they got into the garden. i'm too much of a softy for that, i guess.


PattyLee loves dogs

If your two stupid dogs catch a porcupine it will cost you 659 dollars to have the quills removed from their faces, throats, etc.

The dogs will learn nothing from the experience ("maybe we just didn't bite hard enough").


Quote from: freeborn on September 24, 2008, 03:53 PM NHFT
As in they taste like Chicken?   ;)
Umm, Telomerase knows from experiance, you'll notice the exact amount he quoted.   >:D


Here's a fact for you:

Factoids are the opposite of facts.


Quote from: sandm000 on September 26, 2008, 08:49 AM NHFT
Here's a fact for you:

Factoids are the opposite of facts.

Oh, I just thought it was like a little fact, or a baby fact or something. Or maybe like a little outgrowth from a fact, like a tumor.


Quote from: dalebert on September 26, 2008, 11:42 AM NHFT

Oh, I just thought it was like a little fact, or a baby fact or something. Or maybe like a little outgrowth from a fact, like a tumor.

You're not alone, I thought the same.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: dalebert on September 26, 2008, 11:42 AM NHFT
Quote from: sandm000 on September 26, 2008, 08:49 AM NHFT
Here's a fact for you:

Factoids are the opposite of facts.

Oh, I just thought it was like a little fact, or a baby fact or something. Or maybe like a little outgrowth from a fact, like a tumor.

That Wikipedia article contains a section on how the meaning has been changing in that direction.