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They Got Kat Too!

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, September 24, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

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does anyone know what time the trial/demo will be on tuesday?


Just to let everyone know, Russell received a phone call from Kat today while he was in Keene, which was totally unexpected. (As an aside, while she and Lauren were waiting for their respective times in court on Wednesday, they were close enough to sing songs together). She's been taken out of maximum and put in the normal population, but was roughed up over noncooperation regarding dressing, was slammed to the ground, and said that her head was hurting for the day. She's able to both receive and send mail at this time as Kathryn Dillon. She'll be there until Tuesday; her court date in Concord is at 1:30pm. Russell and Kira are planning on showing up outside the Merrimack jail on Sunday to hold signs if anyone would like to support them in solidarity.

This is Kat's first time in jail, and personally, I've got to say that her replies to the judge when he asked her how she pleaded were incredibly lucid and insightful. "I am not guilty of torturing innocent people." I was aware that what was on the line for her was a daughter that was being left at home without her mother; not for committing a crime, but for protesting those in power that do commit crimes and get away with in in full public view.


i assume there will be a demonstration before the "trial". what time should people get there?


Quote from: Tree Fairy on September 26, 2008, 09:54 PM NHFT
This is Kat's first time in jail.

Is that true? She's never been held in jail for her previous arrests?


According to Russell (sitting 2 feet from me), this is the first time she's spent the night in jail.

Russell Kanning

Kat said her trial was at 1:30 .... some of us will get there at high noon

She sounded ok. She said the fed guy who brought her to the jail saved her some abuse, but that it got worse after her 1st day in the bubble. She said she will be in the normal population and sleep on the floor in a room with a bunch of people. She had 2 mattresses in the bubble (what luxury, I have never had 1). She had received a book today. She got a phone card with 22 minutes on it and she called us in Keene.

I called her Mom and she really doesn't like the feds.

Russell Kanning

Kathryn Dillon
The Merrimack County Department of Corrections
314 Daniel Webster Highway
Boscawen, NH

she will love mail and will get treated better in jail when she gets lots of mail.
she sent me a letter today I think

Russell Kanning

Kira and I will be outside Kat's prison this afternoon.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 26, 2008, 10:51 PM NHFT
Kat said her trial was at 1:30 .... some of us will get there at high noon

I said I couldn't make it and I thought that was the end of that.
However, I will make every effort to attend.

THIS IS A PUBLIC TRAIL! Let's try to fill those benches with real members of the public. If we don't fill those benches you know the fedboys & girls will try.

HEY! POLITICAL TYPE PEOPLE: Please support Kat! You guys & gals know about working together - right?
Well, I've stood with you guys during EVERY election cycle since getting HOME to NH in early (Feb.) 2004.  If I don't see SUBSTANTIAL support from your side on Tuesday, I may well stay home in November. That obviously means zero support in October as well!
You don't even have to not stand for the judge (though it's right - & fun - not to  ;) .) THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE!

Dave Ridley

Called 6 people today who aren't on the forum that much and invited them.  Sent the following to concord and keene media along with my contact info. 


NH: Woman faces 30 days for anti-torture demonstration

Kat Kanning of Keene, New Hampshire is set to appear in Concord's Federal court Tuesday, Sept 30.  She has already served several days in jail because she performed a stubborn but peaceable anti-torture protest in a Keene IRS lobby.  There will be a demonstration one block west of the Fed courthouse, 55 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH.  It starts at noon;  projected turnout 20.  The trial starts 90 minutes later.

Updatable Details:

Video news report from Kanning's arrest last week:   

Russell Kanning

Kira and I were not able to be outside the jail yesterday.
After I do some roof work tomorrow morning, we will head over to the ministry of love in concord to see if they let my wife/Kira's Mom go.

J’raxis 270145

I'm trying to round up people myself. If anyone in Manchester wants a ride up, email me at olson -@- jraxis·com.

Russell Kanning

I just got a collect call from Kat.
She was dragged to a trial today in Concord. I guess they wanted to get things over with or avoid all of us coming to the courtroom. She called Lauren as a witness, so the judge got mad. He said that Lauren was not there. Kat asked if she could still call her and the judge grudgingly agreed that yes she could call Lauren. She is also calling DiMartino to the stand. So it is a party with DiMartino tomorrow. :) Kat was getting quite a kick out of causing them problems.
So Kat thinks the trial will happen as early as 10am. I think it could be earlier.
They will be dragging Lauren to the courtroom as a witness.
Kat says she has not gotten any letters except from me. She is in the normal female population.

So can anyone figure out when the trial will happen?
I guess I will head over there in the morning.

Russell Kanning

I called the court and it is continuing at 10am tomorrow.
That is what they are saying now. They will also probably know that some of us will be there at that time.