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They Got Kat Too!

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, September 24, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 29, 2008, 03:16 PM NHFT
I just got a collect call from Kat.
She was dragged to a trial today in Concord. I guess they wanted to get things over with or avoid all of us coming to the courtroom. She called Lauren as a witness, so the judge got mad. He said that Lauren was not there. Kat asked if she could still call her and the judge grudgingly agreed that yes she could call Lauren. She is also calling DiMartino to the stand. So it is a party with DiMartino tomorrow. :) Kat was getting quite a kick out of causing them problems.
So Kat thinks the trial will happen as early as 10am. I think it could be earlier.
They will be dragging Lauren to the courtroom as a witness.
Kat says she has not gotten any letters except from me. She is in the normal female population.

So can anyone figure out when the trial will happen?
I guess I will head over there in the morning.

Crpap'n frig snab'n cock frock dragg'n brag frick'n pieces a... brandish ass bastards!
This shit's go'n a test my fuck'n cool tomorrow!

Tom Sawyer

Frikkin gang of weaselin bastards.

At every turn they show how mean and duplicitous they can be... oh well, WTF do we expect they are lawyers after all. Lawyers have no sense of morals or right and wrong just whatever  they can get away with.

Good on Kat for standing up to them. I have been thinking that the only thing that really matters to the "judge" is what gets entered into the written record. As such I think that a defendent should narrate their trial. ie. Your manner suggests you are angry with me... I feel intimidated by your behavior etc.


turns out i can't go :(. our babysitter just quit. i hope you get her back soon, russell : /. i've actually only met kat once, and it was at a rally in dover when you were in prison. i remember how hard it seemed for her, and i can only imagine that it must be the same for you.


Dale you still looking for riders from Keene?


my prayers are with Kat. I hope she gives em hell.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Jared on September 29, 2008, 04:58 PM NHFT
turns out i can't go :(. our babysitter just quit.

Can you bring the kids with you?  (Maybe wearing little signs reading, WE ARE "THE CHILDREN," AND DON'T TRY TO SAY YOU'RE DOING THIS FOR US!


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on September 29, 2008, 08:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jared on September 29, 2008, 04:58 PM NHFT
turns out i can't go :(. our babysitter just quit.

Can you bring the kids with you?  (Maybe wearing little signs reading, WE ARE "THE CHILDREN," AND DON'T TRY TO SAY YOU'RE DOING THIS FOR US!

probably not. theyre 16 months and 4 months :).

J’raxis 270145

Can an admin update the calendar entry about this being at 10:00 now, not 12:00? Dave locked the thread so I can't just reply with the updated information.

Russell Kanning

the "singing revolution" is showing in Mass right now
I guess the kazoo revolution will make an appearance in Concord today.
I have the song from Bridge on the River Kwai in my head.
I can bring a couple of first rate kazooers.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 30, 2008, 12:21 AM NHFT
the "singing revolution" is showing in Mass right now
I guess the kazoo revolution will make an appearance in Concord today.
I have the song from Bridge on the River Kwai in my head.
I can bring a couple of first rate kazooers.

Kazooing? Is that what we're going to be doing tomorrow??  ;D

Russell Kanning


I watched the two latest Ridley Reports on Lauren's and Kat's situation.   Maybe it defeats the point, but is there anyone involved with the FSP or NHfree that is a lawyer and willing to represent people who get arrested for CD on a pro bono basis?  I just think that having a lawyer that the court recognizes and familiar with court proceedings, filing motions, objections, etc. would make Lauren's and Kat's situation easier.


Don't think they want a lawyer.  I know I wouldn't.  That would be consenting to the system.


I do realize that.  Clearly, using a public defender would defeat the point entirely.

But people are promoting liberty from various positions.  Some are even running for political office, which isn't that "consenting to the system" too.  Why handicap the movement?  Why would having a court-recognize lawyer defending civil disobedience defeat the point?


You're welcome to do that when you do your civil disobedience.  I for one do not consent to their system.