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They Got Kat Too!

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, September 24, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

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K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteWhy handicap the movement?  Why would having a court-recognize lawyer defending civil disobedience defeat the point?

There are some things that lawyers simply can't do. For instance, lawyers can't mention jury nullification and expect to call themselves a lawyer much longer.

There's also the appearance factor. An intelligent woman defending herself from the inanity of a complex and mystical system inspires awe and that's the point.

Civil disobedience is about exposing the government people for the violent thugs they are. More importantly, it's about making other people realize that even simple, common things like a court hearing is actually predecated on violence itself.

I don't mean to sound condescending (I truly don't mean to be) but sometimes it seems that a lot of in-the-system people seem to think that the objective of CD is to "win" rather than to "expose" and "reveal". Lauren asked the courts "Who is the victim?" and when the courts didn't show one, but still tossed her in a cage, it's moving. That's the point of CD, not to get the honorable defendant out of the clink. Kat getting a lawyer and then loosing is just someone who lost a court case in the public view and that's not what one wants to portray.


Didn't Thoreau point out that in a world where freedom is illegal, the right place for him is in jail?


For those who could not attend:

There was a large showing, about 25 or more in the courtroom, and a few who showed up at the original scheduled time.

Kat, clad in orange and shackled, represented herself and called Lauren to the stand.  Most stood when Kat and Lauren entered the room, but of course not for the judge.  Kat made the case that on she and Lauren were not being disruptive, and only peacefully protesting the funding of torture.  She asserted the disruption began when the police showed up.
The "U.S. Government" called no witnesses and deferred sentencing to the judge. 

The judge made what sounded like a prepared statement about how the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the torture at Guantanamo, and that civil disobedience is sometimes necessary to oppose these things, but that it wouldn't keep her out of jail.  She was given 15 days, including time served, and should be out in about a week.

It was great to meet some of you.  It's neat to come to a new place and feel like you know people. 


Something strange happened between their "trial" of Lauren just days ago and their "trial" of Kat today.

While (and I was quite happy to hear it) one of the fedwitnesses just days ago testified that in the IRS office that day (and I quote) "Work came to a halt." The fedwitness was talking about the IRS people. So there was at least that temporary victory for Kat and Lauren that day.  ;D

However, every single fedwitness at their "trail" of Lauren was in agreement just days ago that there were (in their words) "no members of the public" and "no costumers" in the office that day.
Somehow the fedstory changed today when they were wanting to force Kat back into one of their rotten prisons for a while. See, today in closing, the fedprosecutor argued that because of Kat and Lauren (and I quote) "one customer left."

I guess they just make this stuff up as they go along, and the fedjudge is OK with that.
They almost make me wanna barf!

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteThe "U.S. Government" called no witnesses and deferred sentencing to the judge.

One day, I hope to call "US Government" to the stand... I wonder who would testify? I'd love to see who they send to represent, and hear them explain how "US Government" was harmed.

Tom Sawyer

The Pres. loudly proclaimed "You're a brave person Kat."

Smiles from all sides seemed to suggest no one disagreed.

Mike Barskey

I heard some of the President's statements from across the courtroom today. That is one smart elected official!

Russell Kanning

he looked quite presidential today

the prosecuter didn't go into as much detail this time, and the judge mentioned different things ... it all lead to men willing to use force ... making Kat sit in a jail for another week.

It was very encouraging to see so many people today. The feds didn't attempt to outnumber us this time. I guess they are not too worried about a violent takeover of the courtroom.


Quote from: Mike Barskey on September 30, 2008, 02:08 PM NHFT
I heard some of the President's statements from across the courtroom today. That is one smart elected official!

He truly is a "representative" of the Underground.


Good to hear it all went well. (Except for the Kat going to jail part, of course.)

I need more sick time wen stuff like this happens.  :(


Quote from: Puke on September 30, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT
Good to hear it all went well. (Except for the Kat going to jail part, of course.)

I need more sick time wen stuff like this happens.  :(

same here, i feel for ya



The prosecutor didn't know what a V mask was.   :P
He should also consider combing his hair before he comes to work. ;D

He seemed less "weasel" like than the first prosecutor.


Quote from: Puke on September 30, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT
Good to hear it all went well. (Except for the Kat going to jail part, of course.)

I need more sick time wen stuff like this happens.  :(

Someday you'll know when this is more important than making it to work.