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They Got Kat Too!

Started by K. Darien Freeheart, September 24, 2008, 12:42 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 09, 2008, 08:28 AM NHFT
the box in concord will have lots of papers in it ... when she finishes it


Kat Kanning

I'm shooting for having the October edition of the NH Free Press in hand next Friday.  We've been putting extra papers in our box outside the statehouse in Concord for people to pick up and distribute.  I don't know why Russell was telling you about this though.

Ian:  yes.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 09, 2008, 10:53 AM NHFT
I'm shooting for having the October edition of the NH Free Press in hand next Friday.  We've been putting extra papers in our box outside the statehouse in Concord for people to pick up and distribute.  I don't know why Russell was telling you about this though.

Ian:  yes.

Thanks Kat!  :D 

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 08, 2008, 02:24 PM NHFT
Hi all,

It's good to be out :)  Thank you very much for the letters (Sam A Robrin, David, Ridley, Mike Barsky, Kelly McG.)  It make it much easier to bear being in there.  Thanks all for showing up and demonstrating at Lauren and I's court appearances, also.

I'm working on 2 or 3 stories for the newspaper that should explain all that happened.  Will post when I'm done.

The world is so beautiful!  Hugs to everyone.


"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..."

Welcome back!

I'd've been there yesterday but I didn't find out you'd been released until the afternoon... :duh: :(

Mike Barskey

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on October 09, 2008, 01:39 PM NHFT
I'd've been there yesterday but I didn't find out you'd been released until the afternoon... :duh: :(
I would have been there, too, if I wasn't such an idiot. Actually, I was there, kind of. Well, near there. I spent an hour looking for that prison! I had 2 address from Google, live google maps on my phone, and directions from Lauren and Dale who were at the prison, and I still couldn't find it!

Anyway, you're out. And I do know how to find the Hoyt farm. :)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Mike Barskey on October 09, 2008, 01:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on October 09, 2008, 01:39 PM NHFT
I'd've been there yesterday but I didn't find out you'd been released until the afternoon... :duh: :(
I would have been there, too, if I wasn't such an idiot. Actually, I was there, kind of. Well, near there. I spent an hour looking for that prison! I had 2 address from Google, live google maps on my phone, and directions from Lauren and Dale who were at the prison, and I still couldn't find it!

Was the map I posted accurate? I've driven past it and it's not that hard to miss (I thought...?) if you just keep going north up Route 3.

Kat Kanning

Thanks for all the 'welcomes' :)  And thanks for the especially nice letter, Mike Barsky.

Mike Barskey

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on October 09, 2008, 02:11 PM NHFT
Was the map I posted accurate? I've driven past it and it's not that hard to miss (I thought...?) if you just keep going north up Route 3.

I didn't see that you had posted a google map, but I did have the address 326 Daniel Webster Highway. There is a "326 Route 3" in Boscawen, but apparently Route 3 is not called the Daniel Webster Highway until further north. Silly me for thinking the name of a road would extend to the length of that road. :(

On one my my back-and-forth jaunts along that stretch of highway, I made it to about 1/2 shy of that location before thinking "this doesn't look right" and turning around. Sigh.

Well, I'll know for next time, which hopefully never comes.

Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 09, 2008, 02:15 PM NHFT
Thanks for all the 'welcomes' :)  And thanks for the especially nice letter, Mike Barsky.

You're welcome!


Welcome Home Kat.
Thank you .
We sure missed ya.
We were sad ... now happy again.


Quote from: Mike Barskey on October 09, 2008, 02:49 PM NHFT
I didn't see that you had posted a google map, but I did have the address 326 Daniel Webster Highway. There is a "326 Route 3" in Boscawen, but apparently Route 3 is not called the Daniel Webster Highway until further north. Silly me for thinking the name of a road would extend to the length of that road. :(

It does. All the way from Nashua to the Canadian border. Though near the center of a town it may be called something else.


Mike, many New Hampshire roads have multiple names and are minimally signed, if at all.  Don't feel bad; I have got lost approximately 1,714 times since moving here from California.  You'll never beat my record.   :P

I followed Pat McCotter's posted directions, then drove until I saw Facilitator, who is significantly larger than a road sign.  :icon_pirat:

Mike Barskey

Thanks. It's actually the first time I got lost here, but it was a doozie.

Kat Kanning

Npt all who wander are lost.

Quote from: Friday on October 09, 2008, 06:14 PM NHFT
...I saw Facilitator, who is significantly larger than a road sign.  :icon_pirat:

Poor Jim...first a wife, now bigger than a roadsign.  :o

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Friday on October 09, 2008, 06:14 PM NHFT
Mike, many New Hampshire roads have multiple names and are minimally signed, if at all.  Don't feel bad; I have got lost approximately 1,714 times since moving here from California.  You'll never beat my record.   :P

I followed Pat McCotter's posted directions, then drove until I saw Facilitator, who is significantly larger than a road sign.  :icon_pirat:

One trick I use is to always remember which quadrant of the state I'm in, with the axes being I-93 and Route 101. Both of these roads extend all the way to the edge of the state, and Manchester is right at the origin. Thus, if I ever get lost, I always know that if I head in a specific cardinal direction, I'll hit one of these major routes, which will then take me back to Manchester.

Russell Kanning

so if you are in hobbiton and lost ... what happens if you head south? ... you would be getting "unlost" for 2 hours ;)

you could also just follow all the roads heading southeast and eventually end up in boston and then can head home from there :)

when i am lost ... I ask myself "what would shorty do?" and it works every time.