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Feds Disallow All Recording Devices in "Court" - Possible CD?

Started by FTL_Ian, September 25, 2008, 11:29 AM NHFT

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Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: miamiballoonguy on September 26, 2008, 04:47 PM NHFT
Anyone ever thought of using a hidden camera?

Don't be surprised if sometime, somewhere, someone may step up to you and say, "Oyez, oyez, you're on candid camera!"

Dave Ridley

i  still think doing it today would be too half-cocked

you need a week to properly prepare a civil dis event like this and we only had a few days notice.


Dave Ridley

Today i've been making some calls to the marshals, district court and the u.s. attny's office trying to get interviews about cases.  they've mostly been pretty helpful, though we'll know more when I get answers from decision-makers. 

This got me thinking maybe it would be good to try and go through their process for getting a camera in, if there is such a process.   That seemed to work well with judge burke.  I have no idea whether cameras are sometimes allowed in federal court with permission, maybe they are.  if there is a process to go through , I usually think it's better to try and go through it before making it a civil dis issue.   that way you can say you tried to follow their rules and are only fighting on the issue of "shining the light" rather than the issue of whether you accept their authority.

the former always gets more support than the latter.

I'm not super interested in playing court videographer usually , so this may be an endeavor others would wish to pursue.

anyway one battle at a time...i am not planning civil dis at the fedcourt unless they back me into a corner again or i successfully complete my little state/local civ dis campaign first.  then we'll see where things stand.


The feds will not allow recording devices, period.  I have asked.


It might be interesting to see which party (in any particular case) would appose a recording device in the court room if it were allowed.
Would the defence care for a fully public trial?
Who is the trial really for?

Maybe a question (to all parties) for the record: Would you be apposed to a fully public trial, as in recorded so that the public may see and hear what went on in the court room that day - while they had to be at work?