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court date on Friday for civil disobedience

Started by cynthia, October 01, 2008, 01:27 PM NHFT

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Hi Everyone,

This is my first post on this forum. I live in Dover, have a good business that I run,(some of the proceeds fund many of my favorite liberty causes!) and am actively involved in the various Liberty groups.

I will be going to court this Friday for a civil disobedience of refusing to re-register/inspect my vehicle.

I have a lot of work to do, so I will post the details of my case in a few hours...

There is a post on the freetalklive BBS,  http://bbs.freetalklive.com/index.php?topic=24239.0

Tom Sawyer


J’raxis 270145


Okay, finished my sewing for the day...

Facts of the case:

Sunday, September 14, I was pulling out of my parking space and noticed a minute later that a cop was following me. I suspected it was b/c he had noticed something funny about my homemade reg./insp. tags, probably at some previous point in time, so I took a quick right into a bakery parking lot. He followed me which confirmed my suspicion. I stepped out and asked him what the problem was, with which he replied, ah, ah, could you please get back inside the vehicle. So, technically he never "pulled me over".

He asked for my papers and I told him my registration was not updated,  so offered him my old one.  He also pulled off my fancy creations from my plates and I think he reached over and took it from my dash(inspection) as well. He stated it looks like you have forged registration and inspection... , I stated that they weren't really forgeries, I just didn't want to draw attention to myself as I was driving around.
He came back after several minutes(they always call their supervisor to tell them what to do) and said, "It looks like you your car has not been registered." (God I HATE typing) I said, "I know, I don't believe in supporting the state.. " He retorted that I was depriving the state of it's money(gasp!). I laughed and stated that I was engaging in civil disobedience, et cetera.

So, he gave me two pink slips which were summons to appear in court. He had filled out both as violations(forgery), which is interestingly a lesser "bad" than no reg/insp., which is a misdemeanor. He graciously reminded me that he could have handcuffed me in front of my daughter....

I asked him where my plates would be and he stated that they would be at the Dover PD for 3 or 4 days. I asked him, "3 OR 4", to which he replied "3 or 4".  So, in order to get my car and plates back I had to go am pay my registration at city hall, which I did the next day. I proceeded with my new papers to the cop shop. I told the receptionist that a man with a gun took my plates and that I was here to get them back, and showed here my new stickers. A woman in the back barked out that she had already mailed them to Concord. I unloaded on her about the 3 or 4 days, yadda yadda, and she sent me to speak with the seargeant, who coincidentally was the supervisor on duty who received the call about me. I got nowhere with him, full of contradictions...

I finally got my plates mailed back from Concord(less than a week); they are definitely more on the ball and nicer than the Dover bureaucrats.

My approach in court:

I'll be explaining why I don't believe in arbitrary taxation, that I don't believe in the state nor utilize their services. The political route is not an option as the state will never give up it's vehicular extortion scheme. I will also, of course, be downplaying the "forgery" as I certainly don't want to give any more money to the state through fines.

I am a horrible typist, plus my nails are so long, so I may have forgotten a few things...

any suggestions?

I watched the nick ryder video -really good- so I will work the NH constitution in there, and I like how he wove his "won't be able to pay" within his closing statement as a condition so as to eliminate the necessity of the judge outright asking him if he would be paying that day.


Lloyd Danforth

Good for you Cynthia!  I hope all of you Seacoast Porcs will show up and give her some support.

Sam A. Robrin

I knew someone who was cited for a forged inspection sticker when pulled over for a routine traffic stop.  When it came time to go to court, it turned out that there was no law against it on the books.  Seems no one had ever anticipated it would be an issue.  Now this was Massachusetts, and about thirty years ago, but you never know . . .



the time is 8:30, I will call them today for their policy on recording devices.

There is a code reference to this, it is a pretty minor violation.

My goal is to make this entertaining, informative, and satisfactory.

J’raxis 270145

Fluff and Stuff

Anyone from the Seabrook/ Hampton area want to car pool to this event?


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Jared on October 02, 2008, 12:35 PM NHFT
where is the trial going to be?

I don't think it is a trial or anything like that, just a court date.
It is at 8:30 am (or so the government says) at the courthouse in Dover where we do the weekly Seacoast Liberty Meetup.

If you could go, I could drive to your place in Portsmouth and then you could drive us to the courthouse.


update on court recording inquiry.. it's funny.

Me: Hi, I'm calling to find out the court's policy on recording devices for a case of mine.

Her: Well, the court records everything, so you can order the CD for $25 bucks.

Me: Oh, well, what about freedom of the press?

Her: (pause)

(I'm positive no one has ever questioned her on this, the pause was so funny.)

Her: what do you want to do, exactly.

Me: Well, I'd like to bring a camera and or recording device in specifically for my case.

Her: Is this civil or criminal?

Me: I'm civil, and I have a court date concerning vehicle registration/inspection.

Her: Oh, so it's criminal.

Me: whatever, I am just calling to find out what the policy is.

Her: (after checking with her fellow experts in the office) You have to file a motion with the judge.

Me: When?

Her: As soon as possible

Me: The case is tomorrow, there really shouldn't be a problem, most district courts allow this, I am just calling out of consideration.

Her: You can file the motion in the morning before your case.

Me: How does that work? Do I physically have to go provide him with it, give it to his secretary, it seems kind of odd and I'd like to know beforehand.

Her: Umm, you need to talk to the court clerk, I'll transfer.

The clerk was unavailable, probable still in morning session, so I left my name and phone number with the message that it is urgent.

Also, what I am going for tomorrow is a notice to appear to answer to a complaint of offense of false inspection/registration.

Question: Is this part one? Will there be a part two?