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HANDBOOK - Open source, court HANDBOOK

Started by John, October 02, 2008, 09:53 PM NHFT

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We need to develop an "open source" court HANDBOOK.   ;D  A low-tech hand-it-off to the next guy HANDBOOK. . . As in, folks in Concord (or) /Keene (or wherever) have had several great successes . . . AND YOU CAN TO.

Good questions and polite correspondences are helping us/everyone reclaim Peace & Freedom in this land.

Let's get REAL!


I'm starting the handbook. It will be a looseleaf binder, where the pages can be used as slides much like Lauren's slide (Where is the victim?) which she used in fedcourt. 
The cover of the handbook will be something like this:

(for the honorable defendant)

The Underground Handbook for

How to turn their system, their rules,
Their oaths & their other lies against them.


Yes!  What was the name of the history/handbook in 1984..

I like the idea of recording the peace revolution.. it really helps prepare people who are going into court, so they know what to expect. There are always so many little things that pop up that might serve as a distraction of one's central goal/purpose. Being familiar with the entirety of the process so that it is merely routine will go far towards perfecting exactly what one wishes to achieve. Commanding full control over your subject matter allows you to start being creative, and eventually we will be one step ahead of them with our surprises and technicalities.

I recognize the need for privacy and containment, but it should be accessible and portable, as well. Weren't Ian and Michael(Hampton) having a discussion about secondary and tertiarty levels within the internet that are unable to be tracked and obscure enough for the general public?

I will now go post my experiences on the thread that I started.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: cynthia on October 03, 2008, 11:27 AM NHFT
Yes!  What was the name of the history/handbook in 1984..

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.


Drafting Intro:
If nothing else, always remember that this is their process. You did not ask, nor concent, to be part of it. Try very hard to never (not while within their system, nor when you are enjoying your normal life) use words that have you taking ownership of their system, their paperwork, their process - their facade.

When Kat Kanning (publisher of the New Hampshire Free Press, freedom activist, and all around nice person) was forced to appear before a fedjudge in September of 2008, the fedjudge asked Kat whether she was guilty or not guilty. Kat proceeded to tell the fedjudge that she is not guilty of working for an organization which tortures people. Kat told the fedjudge that she is not guilty of working for an organization which bombs innocent people all over the world. Kat also told the fedjudge that she is not guilty of working for an organization who's members kick in peoples doors in the middle of the night and imprisons innocent people who have harmed no one.

This was a beautiful.

When Lauren Canario (mother of the moder peaceful noncooperation movement, ... and all around nice person) was forced to appear before a fedjudge in September of 2008, Lauren questioned the fedcops about their oaths . . .

This was delicious.

When Dave Ridley (...RidleyReport.com, ... and all around nice person) was forced to appear before a fedjudge ... Dave questioned the very fedjudge about his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Dave not only questioned the fedjudge about Article 1 ... Dave also went to Article 10 ...

This was just the beginning.

These and similar tactics are paving the way for the unfolding of the peaceful evolution which most people don't know has even begun. Whether being done at the local, county, state, or federal level these tactics are the seeds of comming voluntary society.

While this handbook will deal mainly with navigating through their phony court system, there are numerous people who have come before and on who's shoulders they stand ...


Slides for beginners:

- Oaths of office (federal, state, county, local, et. al.)
- The US Constitution (nice picture of the original)
- - separate slides of specific parts (in modern type & original)
- The Bill of Rights (nice picture of the original)
- - separate slides of each amendment (in modern type & original)
- The Declaration of Independence (though not a "legal" document it may be useful...)
- The State Constitution
- - separate parts...
- The State Bill of Rights (Part First!)
- - separate slide of each article