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Can't say I didn't warn you...

Started by YeahItsMeJP, August 13, 2005, 03:28 AM NHFT

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It's true folks, WGIR 610 AM has officially pulled our very own local libertarian GARDNER GOLDSMITH off the air to replace him with NATIONALLY SYDICATED NEO-CON SEAN HANNITY. This is an outrage!

Please call WGIR TODAY (and EVERY DAY until they bring Gard back!) and tell them you want GARDNER GOLDSMITH back or we'll stop supporting their sponsors! The number to call is 603-625-6915 and ask to speak with the Program Manager. Be heard!

Please forward this to everyone you know who cares about local issues and wants a native libertarian on the air waves to tell it like it is!

Pat K

Lloyd Danforth

This really sucks!  But, you will have to call for the next three months, as that is the usual length of Radio contracts and while they might decide not to continue with Hannity, they won't blow him off before then.


Hannity, the "conservative" who shouts down those "un-American" callers who object to random bag searches on mass transit, and gives a big hug to callers who "feel better" because of the searches, and actually want to be searched.



What a crock! :o This is a real shame! :'( I really liked his show too. ;D

Michael Fisher

"I pity the fool who pulls Gardner Goldsmith off the air!"  (in a Mr. T voice)

:(  :'(


Call WGIR between between 3-5 PM tomorrow! 603-625-6915



Angela Anderson is the new Program Director there, by the way.

Please tell her you want to hear Free Talk Live at nights, while you're at it.

EDIT: I have found the thread started by Gard.

Dave Ridley

can someone tell me some names of WGIR sponsors so we can start calling or emailing them and urging them to pull their ads?   whatever emails we've sent to the companies we could copy and send to GIR

Russell Kanning

we could ask them to advertise on shows we actually listen to .... like FTL and wherever GG lands 8)


You may be able to call CC and simply ask for a list of their advertisers on WGIR/WGIN...