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Thank you, everyone!

Started by Gard, August 14, 2005, 12:34 AM NHFT

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Hi, Gang!

I just got back from a semi-business meeting in Portsmouth, and I wanted to thank everyone who has written to me and called the G Estate to talk about the recent shut-down of the program. It came as a surprise, and it appears they are going to replace the program Jason Richardson and I did with the nationally syndicated Sean Hannidy show. National shows don't cost anything to the station as far as on-air talent, and occasionally cut down on local production costs as well. The national syndicators sell their ad spots with rates based on how many are in the listening audience, and then they leave local availabilities for the local stations to sell their ads. Our show cost WGIR very little (in fact, since they paid so little, I kept my second job, though in a small capacity, now I have to see if I can expand my hours!) to produce, but they are spending money in other areas like drunken sailors on leave, and so the management is still looking to cut costs.

I also criticized a Clear Channel policy or two. One that I can discuss is their forcing us to do an FCC "indecency" training course on the internet. It wasted ten minutes of my life, and that is important to me. It is also important that Clear Channel is being forced to do this sort of silliness because the managers fear FCC fines. I happened to note on the air to our afternoon news "reporter" that this was a policy reminescent of a fascist state such as Hitler's Germany or Italy during WWII. The managers didn't like that.  ;)

In any case, I will try to write you all back as soon as I can. I consider you all close friends, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness and care. I really feel like I have been blessed in a great way by having people of such great character in my world! My dad would be proud to have known you!

Thank you JP, Seth, Joel, Margot, Jane, Jack, Avens, Rich, Chet, Ed, Norm, Annie, Kat, Bill, and many, many others. I have to work tomorrow, but I will try to write you all and call you all to touch base and to make some plans. Thanks for the calls to the station general manager! Oh, and Joel and Seth? I like your idea of a protest. You've got my blessing, all! You know, in the 1600's in England, when they burned effigies, they used to stuff them with live cats, just to make them squeel. OUCH!

Glad we've advanced!

Keep those flags of liberty flying!



First, it's a real bummer that you were pulled off the air. I'm not surprised though. Your's was a message the Powers That Be didn't want to hear. Was this an economic decision? or was it a political decision dressed up in economic clothes? I think most likely the latter.
We need to control our own destiny! I propose we start a network of our own, not on the air, but on the internet. Why not a website like Harry Browne's where listeners can download pre-recorded shows at their leisure? Certainly we have the message. There is also lots of IT talent in the Liberty community. What about it, folks. Let's do it!


I don't know if call-in type shows can be done strictly on the internet. Anybody know? Ian's show is done live on radio, then made available for down-loading. Surely interview type shows, or lecture types, can be done without being live.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: freedominnh on August 15, 2005, 06:43 AM NHFT
With the formation of a charter school or similar non-profit 501(c)3 I believe it would be relatively quick to start your own radio station to be affiliated with the school.?

501c3 charity?  Then you wouldn't be allowed to state your opinion on political issues.  :P


Interesting idea!

I honestly don't know about how such an idea would jibe with a 501c-3, but its funny you should mention that, because I just met with an attorney last week about the formation of a non-profit, educational institution, and was preparing to get the paperwork ready over the next two weeks. The timing of the shut down of the show couldn't have come at a worse time, regarding the beginning of the organization, but it may have opened other possibilities.

I had also been working on a for-profit brother to the non-profit, which would carry things like CDs of the show, downloadable segments, some of the comedy segments Jason and I were doing, and T Shirts, etc. The non-profit and profit will both go ahead, sans the show to back them up. And there may be other possibilities for radio. I like that idea of doing something through a non-profit. Right now, I am working on letting everyone who helped on the program know what has been happening, and also getting in contact with other radio people who have expressed interest in the show in the past. I almost left GIR twice, but stayed because I wanted to establish the name of the program, and because I trusted the management.

I'll ask around as I work on the non-profit, and see what the word is on doing broadcasts under such auspices.

Meanwhile, I know that people have been gracious enough to contact WGIR. Thanks very much! Probably the best thing to do is to call the office line, which is 625-6915. The 645-6161 studio line is answered by one of my friends on the production side. The station manager's name is Joe Graham.  :)

Gotta fly! But, before I go, I want to let you all know that I am going to have a gathering sometime to thank everyone for all the great work you have done on behalf of liberty. I have wanted to do this for a while, and I'm looking forward to being at a nice gathering to see everyone and say "Well done!"


Quote from: Gard on August 15, 2005, 03:27 PM NHFT
Ithe best thing to do is to call the office line, which is 625-6915. The station manager's name is Joe Graham.  :)

I suggest the following sort of call (which I did):

During the show's timeslot:

Hello?(Hello, WGIR.) Where's Gardner?(He's no longer here) Well,  I listened to and liked his show... I don't like Sean Hannity and I won't listen to it. (Ok.)(click as you hangup)

Protest being organized soon... Ask JP.

Dave Ridley

sent this email to angela anderson at WGIR:

Very disappointed you killed out Gardner Goldsmith's show.  It was local, this syndicated stuff is dime a dozen.  However if you want to have something that is free but partially local (in that it involves a lot of calls from NH residents and a lot of discussion of NH news) I hope you will put Free Talk Live on 8p-10p; that would placate those of us who miss Gard.

Also it's fairly easy to get on the air at Free Talk Live's show (www.FreeTalkLive.com)

Thanks for listening.


It would be great if Angela were to give the Free Talk Live people a shot! I won't be going back, I am sure, and I have no idea what they are going to schedule for the evening.

I'm wondering about the air time for FTL. Does it begin at 8 pm? If it synched with what GIR needed, it would be a good fit, but I don't know how the timing will work.

Either way, best of luck, FTL!

-- Gard


Well this sure sucks!
I tuned in today and got SH . . . thought maybe Gard was on a well earned vacation . . .

WGIR That station has had been the A#1 spot on my radio-dial for a while.  That changes as soon as I get into the car in the morning!

Thank you Gardner, for a great listening - enjoyable and educational - opertunity!

Hey I don't know about all of this 501c-3 stuff, nor, how it might aply to the airwaves.  But, I can't help but think about one of my favorite old educational 501c-3s . . . they help teach people about what libertarianism/"the freedom philosophy" is.   :)
Then on the other hand, isn't asking for 501c-3 status just asking the FedGov "Mother, may I?"   :'(

I'll stop before I say anything too rude and nasty about that old station.



    Thanks for the best wishes.  Getting fired from Clear Channel was the best thing to happen to me!  (Have you been fired, or just taked off air?)

     I hope you can get your show back on the air.  From the positive comments I've heard, another station would be wise to snatch you up.  The NHFree crew will help you get on any of your targets, I'm sure.

     In regards to a liberty oriented radio network... hmm... I can't really let any cats out of the bag.  Let's just say, it's doable.   ;D  I'll be keeping my eyes on your show, Gard.  Keep at it!  How many years have you been doing it, by the way?

CC Management didn't like us rocking the boat down here in FL either..


Hey, Ian!

Good to be in touch with you! One of my best friends is named Ian, and he used to play bass for GG Allin! He now works for FoxNews. Still a hardcore socialist, but a great guy...

Thanks for the nice thoughts re GIR. It's been weird, because I am inclined to just fly past things now that they stopped the show. I don't want to dwell on anything, and would prefer to just shoot forward towards other possibilities. That's happening, but it's been an unusul experience, because when I reply to e-mail inquiries or phone calls, I end up repeating the story for someone new, which is something I have to make sure I do out of admiration for the great people who listened, but it tends to work against my goal of racing forward into new projects. Strange time, it is, Yoda. I want to make sure everybody is aware of how much I thought the program was an offshoot of all the things THEY did to further liberty, and that I appreaciate eveyone's kind thoughts about the show. That's the key thing for me.

There seems to be something happening with a friend who had approached me once before (actually twice), and I will probably get together with him Thursday. If we do get something rolling, this will be different, for he will put his resources behind gatherings and speeches that I would like to host for the members of the FSP to speak, and for people who are unfamiliar with all the good people here to become exposed to their good ideas. It could be a blessing to have been booted by CC!!! I see what you mean!

I'll be back in touch in a few days. Meanwhile, if you would like to get in touch with me, just email me at ELGGRANDE@msn.com I'll be here, buddy!


Quote from: Gard on August 16, 2005, 10:47 PM NHFTOne of my best friends is named Ian, and he used to play bass for GG Allin!

Your friends with one of the Murder Junkies??????  WOW!!!!!  That is so cool, I?m totally jealous of you.

I knew GG Allen was buried in NH but I didn?t know any of his band still lived in this area.

Seems a lot of rock stars call NH home? I?m guessing because it doesn?t have a state income tax.  One of the guys I work with lives next door to Garry Howe.


What a real Bummer ,    :(        I Just recently became a regular listener and loyal for this short time. ( a month or two) Your show  was one of the best shows on the air ( Other than G.B.)   It was Good for many of reasons but mostly  it was a local show with local issues,  and your veiws on thease topics are right in line with how I think or feel about thease important issues and thats cool to listen in to,  And to  be able to call  in and to chat with you and to share with others. I certianly hope you can get back on the air some time some where and soon.  I will be waiting to listen in. Thank you and  Good luck from a  Liberty Lover ,  Lance  ;D

Dave Ridley

i've called once and emailed once to angela