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The Devil's Advocate

Started by Friday, October 12, 2008, 05:56 PM NHFT

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Totally random question, but... has anyone seen the movie "The Devil's Advocate", starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves?  If so, do you remember the scene where they're on the subway, and two homeboys start talking trash to them, and Milton says something in Spanish and the one homie's eyes bug out and he rushes off the train?  And if you remember that, do you know what it is that Milton said?

The reason I ask is because I *do* know what he said, but I can't remember exactly why I know.  I rewatched the movie recently on On Demand and they never explained what it was he said.  So either there's a scene that was cut out on On Demand, or I watched it the first time with my ex who translated the Spanish for me.  It's just kind of bugging me.  Thanks if anyone knows.


OK, I found this YouTube clip that's got subtitles on it, but I still can't remember if this is the original version of the scene or not.  There weren't any subtitles on On Demand.


Well, I don't know if that is the original scene or not, but I can verify that the subtitling is more or less accurate.


If my memory is correct, the version I watched had English subtitles for that particular scene.


Quote from: Friday on October 12, 2008, 06:07 PM NHFT
OK, I found this YouTube clip that's got subtitles on it, but I still can't remember if this is the original version of the scene or not.  There weren't any subtitles on On Demand.

I'm pretty sure that's the original scene, wasn't it great?  I love Al Pacino, what a hunk!

Have you seen "Righteous Kill" yet?   It has Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in it, I think they are both great.  :)

Sam A. Robrin

Now you've got me curious to see the movie.  Going by the title, I presume he's in on some sort of diabolical magick?  (I hate movies like that!)


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on October 12, 2008, 08:42 PM NHFT
Now you've got me curious to see the movie.  Going by the title, I presume he's in on some sort of diabolical magick?  (I hate movies like that!)

The movie was kind of corny and your right you definitely could say he was in on diabolical stuff.  I just like Al Pacino, this wasn't one of his better movies in my opinion. :)

J’raxis 270145

I seem to remember subtitles in the version I saw.


Quote from: Sam A. RobrinGoing by the title, I presume he's in on some sort of diabolical magick?  (I hate movies like that!)

Yeah.  Also, Snape kills Dumbledore.


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 12, 2008, 09:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on October 12, 2008, 08:42 PM NHFT
Now you've got me curious to see the movie.  Going by the title, I presume he's in on some sort of diabolical magick?  (I hate movies like that!)

The movie was kind of corny and your right you definitely could say he was in on diabolical stuff.  I just like Al Pacino, this wasn't one of his better movies in my opinion. :)

Wha???  I think it's a really good movie.  I like it a lot.  It's possibly the only movie I've ever seen Keanu Reeves in where I forget he's Keanu and believe him as the character.  Charlize Theron is also excellent.  Pacino is, well, Pacino. 


I didn't really want to see Righteous Kill because I felt it seemed like another cop movie where the cop takes the law into his own hands and starts executing people without a trial. 

Same with that movie Street Kings, won't see it. . . I don't need to encourage more movies where it's perfectly normal for a cop to bust into a drug dealer's business and destroy everything without a good reason except he has a hard on for being the "street king"

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Friday on October 12, 2008, 11:31 PM NHFT
Charlize Theron is also excellent. 

Oh how I pine for Charlize...

She was incredible in Monster.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Friday on October 12, 2008, 11:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on October 12, 2008, 09:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on October 12, 2008, 08:42 PM NHFT
Now you've got me curious to see the movie.  Going by the title, I presume he's in on some sort of diabolical magick?  (I hate movies like that!)

The movie was kind of corny and your right you definitely could say he was in on diabolical stuff.  I just like Al Pacino, this wasn't one of his better movies in my opinion. :)

Wha???  I think it's a really good movie.  I like it a lot.  It's possibly the only movie I've ever seen Keanu Reeves in where I forget he's Keanu and believe him as the character.  Charlize Theron is also excellent.  Pacino is, well, Pacino. 

I just find the whole "God-and-the-Devil" mythology to be too weak to sustain most stories.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: AntonLee on October 13, 2008, 05:24 AM NHFT
I didn't really want to see Righteous Kill because I felt it seemed like another cop movie where the cop takes the law into his own hands and starts executing people without a trial. 

Same with that movie Street Kings, won't see it. . . I don't need to encourage more movies where it's perfectly normal for a cop to bust into a drug dealer's business and destroy everything without a good reason except he has a hard on for being the "street king"

In my job as an editor, I read over fifty books a year, most of them in genres I wouldn't typically pay attention to.  One trend that's remained consistent for years is that bad cops, in both fiction and non-fiction, never receive any satisfactory comeuppance.  Even the most nihilistic authors incorporate redemption of one sort or another--except when it comes to brutal or crooked police, who are treated as simple facts of life, like disease or dogs that bite.  It's the omnipresent "sanction of the victim" once again.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on October 13, 2008, 05:29 AM NHFT
Quote from: Friday on October 12, 2008, 11:31 PM NHFT
Charlize Theron is also excellent. 

Oh how I pine for Charlize...

She was incredible in Monster.

But, better looking in all of her other films :P