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Authorized Prisnoer "Interrogation" Manual for Gtmo

Started by SamIam, October 14, 2008, 05:19 PM NHFT

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As I read through this, I thought about how non-cooperation would thwart most if not all of these techniques. Having now read them, they could easily be turned against the interrogator by verbalizing what he is doing, pointing out the verbal/non-verbal cues between the interrogator/observer, and mocking the process. This document comes from a new documentary film called Torturing Democracy. And remember, this is not torture, the american government does not torture! :)

Source Link: http://zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/19108

From the Manual:

10 DECEMBER 2002




1. Purpose. This SOP document promulgates procedures to be followed by I I P-GTMO personnel engaged in interrogation operations on detained persons. The premise behind this is that the interrogation tactics used at U.S. military SERE schools are appropriate for use in real-world interrogations. These tactics and techniques are used at SERE school to "break" SERE detainees. The same tactics and techniques can be used to break real detainees during interrogation operations.

The basis for this document is the SOP used at the U.S. Navy SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) school in Brunswick, Maine and is defined by reference (a).

Note that all tactics are strictly non-lethal.


2. Training. All interrogators will undergo training by certified SERE instructors prior to being approved for use of any of the techniques described in this document.

3. Scope. Applicable to military and civilian interrogators assigned to JTF-GTMO, Cuba.




a. This document describes in detail the interrogation tactics authorized for use in detainee interrogation operations at JTF_GTMO and the safety precautions that must be used to prevent injuries. The tactics are the same as those used in U.S. military SERE schools.




a. Approved interrogation tactics are found in Sections 3-6.

b. Additional safeguards are as follows:

1. Detainee behavior and reactions are continuously observed and evaluated by the interrogator.

2. Both the detainee's and the interrogators behavior are monitored by the Watch Officer.

3. IT IS CRITICAL THAT INTERROGATORS DO "CROSS THE LINE" WHEN UTILIZING THE TACTICS DESCRIBED BELOW. Therefore, verbal coded messages or nonverbal signals will be used by the Watch Officer (or other interrogators) when giving instructions to adjust interrogation procedure. For example, two kicks on the door indicated the interrogator should discontinue the current approach and move on to another approach. The statement, "Stop wasting time with this pig," means to discontinue the current training tactic and take a break.


a. SHOULDER SLAP. The shoulder slap is a moderate to hard, glancing blow to the back of the shoulder with an open hand. It is used as an irritant.

b. INSULT SLAP. *****

(1) The insult slap is used to shock and intimidate the detainee. The slap is aimed at the detainee's cheek only. Contact will be made only with the fingers in the open hand position and the fingers will be slightly spread and relaxed. The slap will be initiated no more than 12-14 inches (or one shoulder width) from the detainee's face.

To ensure this distance is not exceeded and to preclude any tendency to wind up or uppercut, the slap will be initiated with the slap hand contacting the detainee's body on the top of the shoulder. The target area is slightly below the cheekbone, away from the eyes and ears. Extreme care must be taken not to strike the lower jaw. Slaps aimed at the ears, mouth, nose eyes or throat are prohibited.

(2) Uninterrupted or consecutive slaps are prohibited because the detainee will duck or dodge the slap, creating possibility for an injury. Experience has shown that after a second slap, the effectiveness of the slap tactic is significantly reduced. Interrogators will cease using the slap if detainee begins ducking. At this point, a threatened slap with the hand will achieve the same purpose as a slap. Blows with the back of the hand, fists, elbows, feet and knees are prohibited. Insult slaps are only to be used by those interrogators designated in writing by the ICE CHIEF.

c. STOMACH SLAP. ******

(1) As with the insult slap, the stomach slap is used to shock and intimidate the detainee. The tactic is delivered with the back of the bare hand. The slap will be directed towards the center of the abdomen. The detainee will not be struck in the solar plexus, ribs, sides, and kidneys or below the navel. The slap will not be performed against the bare skin. Slaps will be initiated with the interrogator's upper arm parallel to his/her body, extending the striking hand in a swinging motion to the target area. Detainees will be either facing or to the side of the interrogator when the slap is administered.

(2) Uninterrupted or consecutive slaps are prohibited. Blows to the stomach with the palm of the hand fist, knees or elbows are prohibited.


(1) Stripping consists of forceful removal of detainees' clothing. In addition to degradation of the detainee, shipping can be used to demonstrate the omnipotence of the captor or to debilitate the detainee. Interrogator personnel tear clothing from detainees by firmly pulling downward against buttoned buttons and seams. Tearing motions shall be downward to prevent pulling the detainee off balance.


a. STRESS POSITIONS. Stress positions are used to punish detainees. ALL STRESS POSITIONS ARE RESTRICTED TO A MAXIMUM TIME OF TEN MINUTES AND A LOGBOOK ENTRY IS REQURED. An interrogator/guard will remain with detainees during use of stress positions. The authorized positions are:

(1) Head Rest/Index Finger position - Detainee is placed with forehead or fingers against the wall, then the detainee's legs are backed out to the point that the detainee's leaning weight is brought to bear on fingers or head.

(2) Kneeling position - Administered by placing detainee on knees and having him lean backward on heels and hold hands extended to the sides or front, palms upward. Light weights such as small rocks, may be placed in the detainee' s upturned palms. The detainee will not be placed in a position facing the sun or floodlights.

(3) Worship-the-Gods - The detainee is placed on knees with head and torso arched back, with arms either folded across the chest or extended to the side or front. The detainee will not be placed in a position facing the sun or floodlights.

(4) Sitting Position - the detainee is placed with his back against a wall, tree or post; thighs are horizontal, lower legs are vertical with feet flat on floor or ground as though sitting in a chair. Arms may be extended to sides horizontally, palms up and boots on.

(5) Standing position - While standing, the detainee is required to extend arms either to the sides or front with palms up. Light weights such as small rocks may be placed in upturned palms.



(1) Hoods are lightweight fabric sacks large enough to fit loosely over a detainee's head and permit unrestricted breathing.

(2) Flooding us used to isolate detainees. Individually hooded detainees may be moved provided an interrogator/guard leads the detainee. Detainees may not be left standing alone with the hood on. They must be placed either on their stomachs, kneeling, or sitting.

Detainee medical limitations must be considered.


a. MANHANDLING. Manhandling consists of pulling or pushing a detainee. It is used as an irritant and to direct the detainee to specific locations. Detainees must be handcuffed and must grasp their trousers near mid-thigh with both hands. The interrogator firmly grasps detainee's clothing and then moves the detainee at a walking pace. The interrogator must maintain positive control of the detainee The detainee is not released until the interrogator is positive the detainee has regained balance.

b. WALLING. ***** Walling consists of placing a detainee forcibly against a specially constructed wall. Walling will only be performed in designated areas where specially constructed walls have been built. Walling is used to physically intimidate a detainee. The interrogator must ensure the wall is smooth, firm, and free of any projections. If conducted outside, footing area must be solid and free of objects that could cause detainee or interrogator to lose their balance. A detainee can be taken to tfio wall a maximum of three times per shift. Walling is done by firmly grasping the front of the detainee's clothing high on each side of the collar,, ensuring the top of the clothing is open. Care should be taken to ensure detainees with long hair do not get their hair tangled into the folds of clothes being grasped by the interrogator. To avoid bruising the detainee, roll hands under folds of clothing material and ensure only the backs of the hands contact detainee's chest. Maintain this grip throughout, never allowing the detainee to be propelled uncontrollably. Ensure only the broad part of the shoulders contact the surface of the wall. Grip the detainee's clothing firmly enough so the collar acts as a restrictive constraint to preclude the detainee's head from contacting the wall does this. If the detainee's head inadvertently touches the wall, walling will be ceased immediately. Walling is to be used by those interrogators designated in writing by the ICE CHIEF.


Noncooperation would only work against these techniques with the right mindset. And maintaining that mindset is difficult to do with all of the verbal abuse which goes along with these techniques and which is not mentioned here.

les nessman

   Reading about interrogation techniques, and experiencing techniques are two different situations entirely. 
Most combat pilots receive what is called SERE training, which stands for Survival Evasion Resistance Escape.
Part of their training includes being interrogated in a mock enemy camp, and folks I've taleked to who went through
it said it was pretty damn scary.

QuoteGood cop/bad cop, known in British military circles as Mutt and Jeff (from an American newspaper comic strip of that name) and also called joint questioning and friend and foe[1], is a psychological tactic used for interrogation.

It involves a team of two interrogators who take apparently opposing approaches to the subject. The interrogators may interview the subject alternately or may confront the subject at the same time.

The 'bad cop' takes an aggressive, negative stance towards the subject, making blatant accusations, derogatory comments, threats, and in general creating antipathy between the subject and himself. This sets the stage for the 'good cop' to act sympathetically: appearing supportive, understanding, in general showing sympathy for the subject. The good cop will also defend the subject from the bad cop. The subject may feel he can cooperate with the good cop out of trust and/or fear of the bad cop. He may then seek protection by and trust the good cop and tell him the needed information.

    The important thing to realize is how they are operating now.  Right now the standard operating procedure is
for them to set up a "good cop/bad cop" routine.  The "bad cop" is usually the interrogator.  The "good cop" usually takes
the form of a medical professional who poses as a nurse, doctor, or counselor.  What they fail to mention is they are tasked
with learning your deepest fears and are usually a mental health specialist.  They then communicate these fears to your interrogator for exploitation.
This has been documented at Guantanamo Bay.  Its right out of George Orwell's book "1984".  Remember Room 101?
They say its the "worst thing in the world", because its the worst thing in the world TO YOU.   All the more incentive to remain quiet.



Despite what you may have heard, real torture has only been sanctioned in the last 50 years for real evil people with verified multiple murders (that means killing of innocent civilians or arranging the killing of innocent civilians) That said, the above text does not constitute torture as I mean it.

The techniques described in this manual are the worst of unclassified tatics, and the worst you would ever see unless you, personally, did some really evil stuff. Here are the ways to deal with it:

(presuming you actually have something to hide)

1: Don't talk until you really, really, feel like you can't stop yourself.
2: When you do talk, talk incoherently. If you blurt out a truth, mix it with ten lies and half-truths.
3: Remember that nothing they do is your fault. When they blame their actions on you, see rule number 4.
4: Everything they say is a lie. "They" means anyone at all, especially those whom you feel compelled to trust.
5: They will not torture you. Leaning on your fingers is very painful, but its nothing you can't handle. Getting slammed up against a wall, or kept awake with loud music, or tied up and left by yourself for a few hours is very difficult, but not torture. When they threaten to torture you see rule 4.
6: You don't have to stay awake, walk where they tell you, eat when they tell you, or do anything else they tell you. They will punish non-coooperation, but they always will only do and say what they think is most likely to make you talk. See rule number 3.
7: They will immediately reward any cooperation with attention and other rewards that you will desperately feel a need for. Recognize this tactic.

Its all a phychological game, and its not an easy one to win, so the best thing to do is don't play at all.

This was the average joe's guide to the ministry of love. I hope you enjoyed it.

Tom Sawyer