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Logan Clements visiting NH

Started by Kat Kanning, August 16, 2005, 06:00 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Not exactly modest, is he?


Logan will visit Weare, New Hampshire from August 20th to the 23rd. He will talk to local supporters who are planning to use ballot initiatives to seize the land at 34 Cilley Hill Road and clear away other local laws that may hinder the project. It appears that an initiative can be placed on the March 2006 Weare N.H. ballot with only 25 signatures and can win with between 1,020 and 2,777 votes. Whoever said this project "will never happen" might find themself sitting in the Just Deserts Cafe eating crow pie next to David Souter.

Freestar Media will hold an open meeting to discuss the Lost Liberty Hotel project on Monday August 22nd at the Radisson Hotel at 700 Elm Street, Manchester NH 03101. Mention "The Lost Liberty Hotel project" for $1 parking. The meeting will go from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in salon D. Logan will discuss the purpose of the project and why it is an important step in the struggle against statism. Free copies of Ayn Rand's revolutionary capitalist manifesto ATLAS SHRUGGED will be provided to the first 25 people who attend.
Meeting Monday 8/22 at Radisson in Manchester N.H.


Over the last several weeks we have spoken with many experienced real estate developers who are considering taking over the project and leading it to completion. We invite these developers, and any others who are interested, to visit Weare, N.H. this weekend to meet with local residents and consider leading the project.

The advantages are extensive: thousands of people want to finance it, nearly every type of sub-contractor has offered free services during construction, millions of people know about it and thousands more want to support it as customers. You build it, we'll film it, and the 93% of America that was opposed to the Supreme Court's ruling in Kelo vs. City of New London will thank you.

Lloyd Danforth

Well....now he will be able to find Weare on a map.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: katdillon on August 16, 2005, 06:00 AM NHFT

It appears that an initiative can be placed on the March 2006 Weare N.H. ballot with only 25 signatures and can win with between 1,020 and 2,777 votes

Logan will visit Weare, New Hampshire from August 20th to the 23rd. He will talk to local supporters who are planning to use ballot initiatives to seize the land at 34 Cilley Hill Road and clear away other local laws that may hinder the project.

Well isn't this just amazing? Do you wonder why he is looking for local supporters? Clear away local laws? I doubt he will do this. Kat email me and I'll give you the latest insider news...on why this has happened!

Quote: "It appears that an initiative can be placed on the March 2006 Weare N.H. ballot" ???????????????

CNHT 'been there done that' long before he thought of it! But because you do not hear of the real story in the press, even he didn't know about it.

Kat where did you get this news story from?

Kat Kanning


Quote from: katdillon on August 16, 2005, 10:57 AM NHFT
His newsletter.

Thanks... He is learning that in NH you cannot take the land for commercial use (Merrill Decision) and that it can't be done legally by virtue of the 5 or 6 selectmen but that it must be done by the vote of the townspeople through ballot. He has also discovered that CNHT already has a petitioned warrant article set to be voted on in March. His commercial venture isn't going to fly because it's not 'for the public good' as a public park would be. He has no clue about NH laws.

Kat Kanning

"ballot initiatives"  he sounds like a Californian ;)


Quote from: katdillon on August 16, 2005, 01:19 PM NHFT
"ballot initiatives"? he sounds like a Californian ;)

Yep he has no clue. Andel he has basically lost his support - I told you about this in private email - where his support went. So he has to come here to find someone else to help him with the local stuff that he knows nothing about. Hence the open press conference.


Quote from: katdillon on August 17, 2005, 06:05 AM NHFT
Yeah protest at the Radisson in Manchester on Monday 8/22, 6:00.? We could do the same thing....people pro and against outside his meeting.

I don't like the idea of him pushing around the residents of Weare and trying to eradicate Town Meeting no matter how we feel about it. I am against his initiative because for one thing, it's against the law to take property for COMMERCIAL use. Our initiative at least uses the local law and lets the locals decide as the law provides for...
And it will be interesting to see what campaigning for and against that article will do when March comes around.

Russell Kanning

Logan has gotten lots of coverage .... I like it  8)

a good pro/con will be fun

Russell Kanning


Union leader article

Souter critic plans rally to push eminent domain

Union Leader Correspondent
1 hour, 55 minutes ago

Weare ? Logan Clements, the California activist who has proposed building a hotel on land owned by Supreme Court Justice David Souter, has announced plans for a rally in early January in Weare. The purpose, he wrote in a statement released yesterday, is to help gather signatures for a March warrant article to seize Souter's rural property for a small inn.

"Although it only takes 25 signatures to put this initiative on the ballot we would like to collect as many as possible. Souter has reportedly laughed at us and thinks we aren't serious. Let's show him otherwise," Clements wrote.

Clements' announcement refers to a recent Supreme Court ruling that cleared the way for the city of New London , Conn., to use eminent domain to acquire private homes for a private commercial project on the grounds that it benefits the community as a whole. Souter, whose family home is located in Weare, voted with the majority of the court in that decision.

Clements did not provide details on exactly when or where the rally would take place, but that they would be provided only to those who visit his Web site and register. However, he did encourage supporters from outside the state totake part in the rally.

"Make a vacation of it. New Hampshire offers great options for the whole family: skiing, snowmobiling, throwing snowballs at rotten politicians," he wrote.

Private attorneys and state officials familiar with the legal complexities of eminent domain have said Clements' plan stands little chance of success. Clements, they contend, has yet to prove the economic necessity or widespread public benefit of an inn for the rural town of 8,500.


Quote from: KBCraig on December 05, 2005, 01:22 AM NHFT
Union leader article

Souter critic plans rally to push eminent domain

Private attorneys and state officials familiar with the legal complexities of eminent domain have said Clements' plan stands little chance of success. Clements, they contend, has yet to prove the economic necessity or widespread public benefit of an inn for the rural town of 8,500.

I don't see how filing a second conflicting petition is going to help the cause at all. The people of Weare have said they don't like outsiders coming in and messing with their town meeting. It's  way of life in NH, and not one that is going to be put asunder by California lawyers.
Indeed Clements lawyer has advised him that this is not going to fly.
Oh well, I guess he has the money to waste on this....


Quote from: wholetthedogin? on December 05, 2005, 06:58 AM NHFT
Butthead arriving after first Tuesday in Jan. will have no time to collect 25 authentic signatures from registered Weare voters.


Michael Fisher

You realize I must fulfill my promise to fast to protect Souter's home, even though he's my enemy.

And as there are TWO efforts to steal his home, I must completely fast during the vote in March!  Should I fast for a week?  Or less?  Beyond a week seems excessive for this issue.

That should be newsworthy.   ;)