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Does anyone feel like bitching and complaining about people you live with?

Started by Raineyrocks, October 21, 2008, 12:44 PM NHFT

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Well I do, damn it!  :)

I know there's a whining thread but I really don't know what else to put in this new thread.

Hey Dale, where the hell are you partner?  :D

Okay my complaints: (they may be petty but I don't care)

1. Rick leaves tiny pieces of soap in the shower and sink and everytime I use them they fall out of my hands.   The gross part is that the soap in the sink falls out of my hands right after I'm done brushing my teeth so I have to put my hands in a "spit" sink to get the soap!  :hopmad:

2. Last night I wanted to go to bed early and alone so what happens?  Well I think that Rick is watching this show he's interested in so I  think here's my chance to get some "alone in the bed time".  After like 2 minutes that I went upstairs and was brushing my teeth, I hear Rick come in to go to bed too.  ::)  I accused him of stalking me and then he had the nerve to put his arm around me while I'm trying to sleep!  >:(   

3.  Rick accused me of cluttering up the house today and mentioned a box of books that I had in my minivan for awhile.  In my minivan???  That's really the house, huh?

4.  My dog and his constant farting!  His farts stink me out from clear across the room, yuk!  I have a can of air freshener everywhere I sit because his farts smell so much.  One day I tried to keep track of how many times he farted in an hour and it was almost every 10 minutes.

5. I can't think of anymore right now and I'm beginning to feel like I'm being a bitch today!  ;D   Time to check the calendar, I guess.  :-\

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote2. Last night I wanted to go to bed early and alone so what happens?  Well I think that Rick is watching this show he's interested in so I  think here's my chance to get some "alone in the bed time".  After like 2 minutes that I went upstairs and was brushing my teeth, I hear Rick come in to go to bed too.  Roll Eyes  I accused him of stalking me and then he had the nerve to put his arm around me while I'm trying to sleep!

This isn't an advice thread, but as a guy who is married to a woman I communicate with A LOT...

If you want some alone time, tell him. Honestly. The "stalking me" comment may very well have been interpreted as a joke by him. I feel kind of "obligated" to tuck my wife in, and when she's feeling like having some time to herself, she tells me pretty clearly. When I understand why it is (rather than thinking she's mad at me) it doesn't bother me at all. It's not like you're kicking him out of bed, you're just letting him know he has no obligation.

Just wanted to chime in there, you both might be annoyed by the same thing but be continuing because of an expectation you each hold about the other. Honesty REALLY clear the way sometimes.

And if he's being a dick, you can lay on the bed, breathe deeply and relax, secure knowing that as soon as he drifts off to sleep, you can shove him onto the floor.  >:D


Quote from: Kevin Dean on October 21, 2008, 12:57 PM NHFT
Quote2. Last night I wanted to go to bed early and alone so what happens?  Well I think that Rick is watching this show he's interested in so I  think here's my chance to get some "alone in the bed time".  After like 2 minutes that I went upstairs and was brushing my teeth, I hear Rick come in to go to bed too.  Roll Eyes  I accused him of stalking me and then he had the nerve to put his arm around me while I'm trying to sleep!

This isn't an advice thread, but as a guy who is married to a woman I communicate with A LOT...

If you want some alone time, tell him. Honestly. The "stalking me" comment may very well have been interpreted as a joke by him. I feel kind of "obligated" to tuck my wife in, and when she's feeling like having some time to herself, she tells me pretty clearly. When I understand why it is (rather than thinking she's mad at me) it doesn't bother me at all. It's not like you're kicking him out of bed, you're just letting him know he has no obligation.

Just wanted to chime in there, you both might be annoyed by the same thing but be continuing because of an expectation you each hold about the other. Honesty REALLY clear the way sometimes.

And if he's being a dick, you can lay on the bed, breathe deeply and relax, secure knowing that as soon as he drifts off to sleep, you can shove him onto the floor.  >:D

Sure it can be an advice thread, I guess, why not!  :)

Ha, I loved your last part the best!  >:D   

I do let Rick know that I need my alone time nicely most of the time.  I guess I just didn't figure I'd have to announce it every time I needed it and that's what gets me irritated.     He knows that I like to go to bed alone sometimes, this has been an ongoing issue with us.  Before we moved in together I told him that I didn't want to sleep together every night because I like sleeping alone sometimes.  I asked him if he understood that without any hurt feelings and he said, yes.  Things were fine in Maryland for 12 years because he worked out of town for 3 nights a week so I guess with him being home every night now it's going to take some adapting to.

I feel suffocated sometimes like I can't go anywhere alone and I know alot of it has to do with having 5 kids, (down to 3 now), and a farting dog following me so it's not all Rick.   When I let him know nicely, he is very good about it but he also acts like his feelings are hurt and then I feel guilty. I figured, (my bad), that he liked the show he was watching so I wouldn't have to say anything about being left alone.

I totally agree with communication being important and usually Rick and I have great communication or we never would have made it this long.  I guess sometimes things just seem to be an extra pain in the ass, like what happens when you just don't feel like communicating everything? :-\


What are you feeding your dog? If you're feeding him broccoli and prune juice, I would recommend against that. :)


Quote from: dalebert on October 21, 2008, 01:19 PM NHFT
What are you feeding your dog? If you're feeding him broccoli and prune juice, I would recommend against that. :)

I've tried the raw food diet, different dog foods, etc. but nothing gets rid of this dog's gas!  I swear I wish I could turn it into a fossil fuel!   :P

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteI guess sometimes things just seem to be an extra pain in the ass, like what happens when you just don't feel like communicating everything?

Lindsay and I were chatting just last night about how difficult that might be sometimes. For her, it's trash. Like, she would be upset that the trash wasn't pulled, and she'd expect me to do it. It would fester and fester until she was mad enough to say something. But by the time she DID say something, she was already mad.

I know it might sound intuitively obvious, but for us (maybe men, maybe just guys like me...) when there's no discernable pattern, it needs to be pretty explicit. It might make all kinds of sense to you about which nights you want your alone time and which nights you don't, but if it doesn't make sense to Rick then he'll keep, probably unknowingly, butting in when you don't want him to.

Yeah, there's all kinds of give and take, and I've been down that road. :) Different people think differently. That whole 'teach a man to fish' thingy applies. :)

I don't have any advice on the dog farts.  8)


Quote from: Kevin Dean on October 21, 2008, 01:30 PM NHFT
QuoteI guess sometimes things just seem to be an extra pain in the ass, like what happens when you just don't feel like communicating everything?

Lindsay and I were chatting just last night about how difficult that might be sometimes. For her, it's trash. Like, she would be upset that the trash wasn't pulled, and she'd expect me to do it. It would fester and fester until she was mad enough to say something. But by the time she DID say something, she was already mad.

I know it might sound intuitively obvious, but for us (maybe men, maybe just guys like me...) when there's no discernable pattern, it needs to be pretty explicit. It might make all kinds of sense to you about which nights you want your alone time and which nights you don't, but if it doesn't make sense to Rick then he'll keep, probably unknowingly, butting in when you don't want him to.

Yeah, there's all kinds of give and take, and I've been down that road. :) Different people think differently. That whole 'teach a man to fish' thingy applies. :)

I don't have any advice on the dog farts.  8)

Thanks Kevin!  :)    You make perfect sense and after reading your post I remembered that Rick pretty much explained the same thing to me a few years ago. It was about  coming right out and asking/telling him before I let it build up and get angry.   It's true too because anytime I've asked Rick to help me or whatever, he has, very nicely most of the time.

Thanks again now I guess my "legitimate" gripe are the dog farts, huh?  ;D


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 21, 2008, 02:18 PM NHFT
Thanks again now I guess my "legitimate" gripe are the dog farts, huh?  ;D

There ought to be some kind of relief valve technology that lets it out a little at a time so it doesn't build up and reach critical mass.


Quote from: dalebert on October 21, 2008, 03:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on October 21, 2008, 02:18 PM NHFT
Thanks again now I guess my "legitimate" gripe are the dog farts, huh?  ;D

There ought to be some kind of relief valve technology that lets it out a little at a time so it doesn't build up and reach critical mass.

I thought about putting those car vent air fresheners up his butt, then when he farts it will be fragrant!  :)   Just kidding!   

Ha, that's funny, valve technology!  :rofl:


My cats are annoying creatures.  They leave a mess in the litter room, demand food, and walk all over me when I'm in bed.  If I shut the door they whine outside my bedroom door.  Bastard cats.


Quote from: doobie on October 21, 2008, 05:56 PM NHFT
My cats are annoying creatures.  They leave a mess in the litter room, demand food, and walk all over me when I'm in bed.  If I shut the door they whine outside my bedroom door.  Bastard cats.

Yeah, bastard cats!    >:(

Pat K


Quote from: Pat K on October 21, 2008, 07:51 PM NHFT
The guy I live with is some times a lazy loud Bastard!

Damn it that lazy loud bastard!  ;D

I'm going to watch a movie with Rick now !  ::) :P   God knows he can't live without me very much longer so I'm sure he'll even want me to sit next to him on the couch.  ::) :couch: :biglaugh:

Lloyd Danforth

In reference to the Topic,  Yes!, but, some of them read this forum ;D


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on October 22, 2008, 06:39 AM NHFT
In reference to the Topic,  Yes!, but, some of them read this forum ;D

That's why I put people that you live with.   I was trying to steer away from us bitching about each other unless of course you live with someone that's on the forum or like you said, reads it. :D   

I don't think anyone I know reads the forum and Rick knows almost every single thing I write anyway.  He's thinking of joining, that should be interesting. :-\