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Poll: Would you eat out with someone who doesn't tip?

Started by FTL_Ian, November 02, 2008, 07:46 AM NHFT

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If you knew in advance that your friend doesn't tip, would you eat at restaurants with him?

Kat Kanning

Yes, without a doubt. 

Who knew libertarians would get their panties in such a knot over other people's voluntary interactions?


I'd definitely eat out with him and I would definitely cover the tip.


I used to hang out with friends who were notoriously bad tippers and I would often make a point to get separate checks and hand my tip to the wait staff with my check so they knew it wasn't me. I guess it reinforces the study that people tip mainly out of concern for what people think of them. Anyway, I put "yes" for that reason. I just don't want the wait staff to think it's me stiffing them. I wouldn't be inclined to cover someone's tip.

Fluff and Stuff

Since I've eaten out with poor tippers (or no tippers) many times, I'd say yes.  Actually, Ian, quite a few people don't tip or tip very poorly.  I usually complain to them several times (if they are my friends).  This usually gets them to throw some kind of tip down.  If I have extra money, I try to help cover their tip.

My brother has worked in the service industry for around ten years and (this is group speak) said that people on Sunday, very young people, and some black people tend to tip notably less than most of his other costumers.  He says that people at restaurants where he has worked know about this, talk about it, but still try to give good service to these people. Actually, he said these same customers tend to be his least informed customers about the traditions and knowledge of eating out and sometimes request extra service so these poor tippers often get extra service.  That seems to be the way it is in the restaurant industry, at least in Memphis.  I even talked to restaurant managers in Memphis and they seemed to agree but said it didn't affect service and they didn't dare point it out to the poor tippers.


Ignorance is certainly a problem with tipping.  No one ever explained it to me from the server's perspective, so I didn't get it for a while.

But at least they tip something.  10% is better than 0%!

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 02, 2008, 07:51 AM NHFT
Yes, without a doubt. 

Who knew libertarians would get their panties in such a knot over other people's voluntary interactions?

I agree!  Individuals who are more rational than average with a knowledge of the Free Market suddenly become crazy people because they have worked in, or, live with someone who is a recipient of tips.


Quote from: Radical and Stuff on November 02, 2008, 08:36 AM NHFT
... and some black people tend to tip notably less than most of his other costumers.

That's interesting because it wasn't my experience at all. It seemed like black people were more likely to tip fairly (at least) than people in general where I worked. It was noticeable enough that I can recall it being kind of refreshing when I'd get black people at one of my tables. I wonder if there was even a sort of synergistic effect in that, because I expected them to be better tippers, maybe it affected my demeanor and influenced them to tip me better. I don't know. One theory of mine was they didn't want to fit a negative stereotype of black people.

Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 02, 2008, 08:38 AM NHFT
Ignorance is certainly a problem with tipping.  No one ever explained it to me from the server's perspective, so I didn't get it for a while.

Same here. It was working at a waiter myself that enlightened me to the situation.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on November 02, 2008, 09:16 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 02, 2008, 07:51 AM NHFT
Yes, without a doubt. 

Who knew libertarians would get their panties in such a knot over other people's voluntary interactions?

I agree!  Individuals who are more rational than average with a knowledge of the Free Market suddenly become crazy people because they have worked in, or, live with someone who is a recipient of tips.

Ok, since all you want to talk about is the free market (rather than also considering how your behavior might adversely affect someone) let me put it to you in free market terms:

Do you know what the free market will dictate will happen to your food when you patronize the restaurant a second time?  Waiters have an awfully long memory about being stiffed, and they see your food before you do.


Good point, Caleb.  In a similar vein, what might happen to your pizza if you keep stiffing the delivery man, too?


You're not "stiffing" anyone by not tipping.  When you look at a restaurant menu, usually the only mention of tipping will be something like "a gratuity of 15% will be added for parties of six or more."  This omission renders tipping optional.  If one is a frequent customer of a particular restaurant, tipping might well be advisable out of concern for one's health, but, because a tip is not explicitly owed, as part of the menu price, no one is stiffed by a non-tipper.


The menu price is the cost of running the business.  The cost of the service is separate, as per custom.  Since it's custom, it's not explicit.


Do you tip, Vitruvian?  If not, do you inform the server in advance you'll be breaking the custom?


Why does this poll not include the options "Yes but I would order on a separate check" or "Yes but I would insist we eat somewhere that tipping is inappropriate, such as where the owner personally waits on diners." ??


Quote from: dalebert on November 02, 2008, 09:20 AM NHFT
Quote from: Radical and Stuff on November 02, 2008, 08:36 AM NHFT
... and some black people tend to tip notably less than most of his other costumers.

That's interesting because it wasn't my experience at all. It seemed like black people were more likely to tip fairly (at least) than people in general where I worked. It was noticeable enough that I can recall it being kind of refreshing when I'd get black people at one of my tables. I wonder if there was even a sort of synergistic effect in that, because I expected them to be better tippers, maybe it affected my demeanor and influenced them to tip me better. I don't know. One theory of mine was they didn't want to fit a negative stereotype of black people.

I always found black people to be pretty good tippers too.  I also don't know why he put "young people" as a group that doesn't tip well, in my experience, young people were the best tippers of all.

Old people were the bane of my existence as a waiter.  I never could figure out why the class of people with the most amount of disposable money is also the chintziest. Plus, old people make you work. I used to tip the hostesses to seat old people in the other waiters' sections.

The other thing about people who stiff, particularly on alcohol, is that there is a custom where the waiter has to tip the bartender based on a percentage of his alcohol sales. So if you order alcohol and don't tip, you aren't just stiffing the waiter, he actually has to dig into his own pockets to tip the bartender on your order.  The proper protocol is to tip extra for alcoholic beverages.