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Poll: Would you eat out with someone who doesn't tip?

Started by FTL_Ian, November 02, 2008, 07:46 AM NHFT

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It's mini-PatK! Now I know where he gets his speech habits from.  ;D


I was forced to go out to a meal with someone (in a business situation) who was a bad tipper, I made a deliberate point of instructing him that 15% gratuity is customary, but it is flexible depending on how good the service was. 
I would not go out with this person to eat on non-business related matters.

My father-in-law is a great tipper, he grew up in the poor neighborhoods of Buffalo, which really means something if you've ever been to Buffalo.  He pulls out a wad of cash when he gets out of the car and starts handing bills to people.  I've actually seen him tip people who were leaving the restaurant, carrying leftovers, because he had mistaken them for a doorman.


Quote from: sandm000 on November 04, 2008, 10:49 AM NHFT
My father-in-law is a great tipper, he grew up in the poor neighborhoods of Buffalo, which really means something if you've ever been to Buffalo.  He pulls out a wad of cash when he gets out of the car and starts handing bills to people.  I've actually seen him tip people who were leaving the restaurant, carrying leftovers, because he had mistaken them for a doorman.

think I could make a career out of following him around & opening doors & such for him?


probably could, if you didn't mind paying your rent in singles.

similar to stripper shame


  I started my working carear as a bus boy, i'm not allowed to vote on this subject anymore.   ;D


Quote from: sandm000 on November 05, 2008, 08:13 AM NHFT
probably could, if you didn't mind paying your rent in singles.

similar to stripper shame

I was a bartender for a number of years... i'm used to it... no shame here. :D


It is a given in American society, that servers are compensated with a sub minimum wage by the establishment, and with a "gratuity" by the patron they serve.

The Sub minimum wage is in place so Uncle Sam gets the taxes on the tips, be it income, FICA, medicare, etc.

Servers are also required to pay taxes on a assumed tip rate of 7% of their sales, and must declare the tip income in full and pay taxes on it. Even if you don't tip, the waitstaff is paying taxes on a tip they never received.

Servers in some establishments are also required to pass a percentage of their tips to the bar tenders and busboys.

If the service is good I tip well, my favorite waitress is tipped at the 30%+ level on a regular basis, My favorite bartender is tipped in excess of 30% too.  If the service at an establishment is not up to par, I still tio at 15%, I can only remember one time I failed to leave a tip, and one time I cheaped out and left just enough to send a message. I have no problem telling managers that the server has no business being in that line of work.

I do have a couple of friends that are habitually under tipping. When I go out with them I try to pick up the tab. If I don't I always make sure to leave a cash gratuity in addition to what the other party paid.

If you treat the servers well, they remember you and respond in kind. To Insure Prompt Service... TIPS.
I'm not one to throw away money, but I understand the value of hard work and honest labor and don't mind paying for it.

Your opinion may vary, your financial situation may not allow you to "over tip", but if you can't afford to fairly compensate the server, try dining at a less expensive establishment where you can have a few extra bucks left over for the person who has to put up with you.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: neggy on November 11, 2008, 02:09 PM NHFT
It is a given in American society, that servers are compensated with a sub minimum wage by the establishment, and with a "gratuity" by the patron they serve.
except ... we know it isn't true in california ... maybe more places


I wish there was an "I don't know" option with these polls.  :-\