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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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What is the anarchist game plan?

Started by rowland, November 05, 2008, 08:23 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Puke on November 05, 2008, 03:26 PM NHFT
The fact that you ask what "the anarchist game plan" is shows serious ignorance about anarchists.


Quote from: rowland on November 05, 2008, 08:23 AM NHFT
Everyone tells me to blow you guys off and frankly I can see why but i want to give you all one last chance. Answer the following question succinctly, clearly and precisely:

What is the anarchist game plan to get government off our backs?

I want to make sure you understand the question:

Not your philosophy. Your GAME PLAN.

Not your goals. Your GAME PLAN.

Not what you'd like to see happen. Your GAME PLAN.

Not your revenge fantasies. Your GAME PLAN.

There are people out there who have game plans that aren't working. You're all taking cheap shots at them and acting superior because their game plans aren't working. But at least they're trying.

How about you guys put your money where your mouths are. DO YOU HAVE A GAME PLAN? Even a bad one?

You seriously think I am going to answer this, inquisition?  the way YOU want me too?  I am sorry that "your game plan" on election night didn't go as smoothly as you clearly wanted it too, judging by the way you come here to bash us, then bash your own politicos over on the NHLA forum, you know, the ones you called "nerds". 

Question- What is YOUR GAME PLAN when the gov't raises taxes, further reduces the right to defend yourself, controls via ownership the mainstream media than it already does, has Another war to stifle criticism, attempts to control the internet, and does so all 100% completely legally? 

Are ya gonna shoot em'?  Yeah right.  the last thing we need is more shoot em' up fantasies and mental masturbation. 
Are ya gonna out politic the professional politicians? 

Or are you gonna start slowly challenging directly the system that allows all the crap in the first place.  We are already doing that. 
You see, you dyed in the wool politicos have no alternative in the worst case scenario except a blind faith in a massive revelution that never seems to come.  Politics is never favorable for political minorities.  Yet you can't seem to learn from virtually 200 years of political history. 
Dr. King helped lead the largest and most successful pushback against the police state in American history, yet people tell me that I live in a fantasy world when I tell them nonviolent resistance can work.  You have no alternative so you come to our forum and challenge us because you cannot conceive of a plan different than the one you have written in your playbook, you know, the plan that unfolded on election day,...or didn't. 


Quote from: BillKauffman on November 06, 2008, 07:18 AM NHFT

Dual power is a method of struggle for the revolutionary transformation of society. It presupposes a pre-existing, fundamentally flawed social order. Within that society, those who envision a different future create alternative institutions (AIs) that embody their vision. AIs are places for experimentation with new social forms as well as places for liberation for those who are oppressed within the larger society. As AIs spread and diversify, they take on more and more of the functions of a larger social system: creating over time an "alternative social infrastructure" that fulfills economic, political, social, and cultural needs. In addition to their direct functions, AIs demonstrate the viability of new ways of organizing society, and attract interest to the ideals behind them.


What's the deal with that guy who wanted to have some sort of Expo for all the Alternatives and did he ever get those volunteers needed to flesh out the concept, man the events, take tickets at the door and especially someone with some web design savvy for their clunky site?


Thanks for finding this and posting it, Bill. I've been trying to say this clearly and succinctly for quite a few years now! I'll stop trying and just copy and paste this text in...

See also, Konkin, New Libertarian Manifesto

Quote from: BillKauffman on November 06, 2008, 07:18 AM NHFT
The strategy of anarchists has always been "dual power" or "counter-economics/counter-institutions". Essentially to build the new society in the shell of the old. Agorism (radical, untaxed  black markets) is a dual power strategy from left-libertarianism. Mutualism is another.


Dual power is a method of struggle for the revolutionary transformation of society. It presupposes a pre-existing, fundamentally flawed social order. Within that society, those who envision a different future create alternative institutions (AIs) that embody their vision. AIs are places for experimentation with new social forms as well as places for liberation for those who are oppressed within the larger society. As AIs spread and diversify, they take on more and more of the functions of a larger social system: creating over time an "alternative social infrastructure" that fulfills economic, political, social, and cultural needs. In addition to their direct functions, AIs demonstrate the viability of new ways of organizing society, and attract interest to the ideals behind them.

As the ideological monopoly of dominant institutions is broken and people increasingly rely on AIs, those who benefited from existing arrangements may seek to dismantle their upstart competitors. At the same time, those who seek fundamental changes in society or who find the alternative ways of organizing it valuable may seek to enlarge and strengthen the alternative infrastructure. Counter institutions (XIs) are created both to defend the AIs and to promote their growth. These work to challenge and attack the status quo while creating, defending, and securing space for opposition and alternative institutions. They do this with everything from political protests, to direct appropriation (of plantations, government buildings, factories, etc.) for the use of alternative institutions, to civil disobedience or armed resistance. The line between AIs and XIs is seldom entirely clear as many alternative institutions are also self-promoting or defending. Together the AIs and XIs form an alternative source of power in society which is "necessarily autonomous from, and competitive with, the dominant system, seeking to encroach upon the latter's domain, and, eventually, to replace it."

During the process of building the alternative institutions and the ideology that supports them, the advantage of dual power is the creation of real, and not merely political, momentum towards the revolutionary transformation of society. Actual changes are ongoing, rather than postponed to a revolutionary moment, so needs unmet by the pre-existing order are being met during the struggle and no sector of society is told that its concerns can only be dealt with after victory is achieved. That is, creation of AIs and the political space for them has intrinsic benefits, apart from the advancement of the revolutionary project. Over the course of building AIs, the society at large is empowered, committed to change, and skilled in running society. Simultaneously, the credibility of a revolutionary vision is increased immensely by putting it into practice and by refining and improving it over time. It is also conceivable that factional splits between revolutionaries and reformers (and all the shades in between) could be reduced by having a common project that both find useful. Those forces that would be sent to suppress a revolutionary movement find themselves confronting people who have taken control over their own lives, rather than armed cadre attempting to impose a vision on the country, potentially obviating military conflict or at least reducing its severity. Successful dual power rebellions end with the acceptance of the new social forms by much of the populace and the realization by the old rulers that they are no longer capable of using their systems of force against the revolutionary movement. This can occur because noncooperation has crippled the old structures of power, because too few people remain loyal to the old rulers to enforce their will, or because the rulers themselves undergo an ideological conversion. At this point, there is not general confusion. The disappearance of old leaders and structures of power is accommodated by the expansion of the alternative system. The alleged "necessity" for a revolutionary vanguard to guide the revolutionary impulse is shown to have no basis: because the people have already learned how to govern their own affairs, they need no tutelage from above. The possibility of co-option is minimized: "When the people recognize their true power, it cannot be taken away by rhetoric or [...] imposition."

Dual power is a strategy, rather than an ideology, and it could plausibly be used to advance a variety of forms of social change. However, the advantages of the strategy make it most compatible with perspectives that emphasize the exercise of power at the community level, that seek to make the revolutionary movement accountable to the people, that see the capability to revision and transform society as common rather than rare, and that seek decentralized forms of power. Call this version of the strategy grassroots dual power, the bottom-up transformation and replacement of the mechanisms of society.


Quote from: rowland on November 05, 2008, 08:23 AM NHFT
What is the anarchist game plan to get government off our backs?

I don't know if I qualify as an anarchist, but I agree with the dual-power strategy referenced by Bill.  I suppose that makes me an agorist.  Anyway, I'll try to address Neil's question.

Let me first say that I don't put down the efforts of those working within the political system.  There's room for all kinds: those running for office, those practicing civil disobedience, and agorists.  Agorism (at least the kind I favor) is distinct from civil disobedience in that you do things because you actually want to do those things, rather than to draw attention to bad laws.  And despite widespread belief to the contrary, I think agorism ultimately will have a political effect.  As more and more people use gray/black markets, the white markets will be less and less respected.

The key to effective agorism is anonymity.  I don't think Konkin emphasizes this point enough.  The state's power to regulate your commerce comes from knowledge of who you are and where you live.  What we need is an alternative infrastructure that lets people buy and sell things without identifying themselves.  The infrastructure must enforce contracts fairly for both parties.  Below I will outline such an infrastructure involving 6 special roles: ambassador, relayer, courier, broker, escrow agent and arbitrator.  These 6 classes of people volunteer to provide certain supporting services at low cost, so that there can be a free and competitive market for everything else.

So my "game plan" goes like this: I'll present this proposal for an agorism infrastructure at Alternative Expo, maybe at an MVP meeting, or any place where closet agorists might be lurking.  I'll try to find people who are interested in working on it.  We'll meet separately and hash out the details.  Then we'll try to find ambassadors to get it started.

Here's a summary of each role:


ambassador: This is one of three classes of people whose identities are known (the other two being relayer and courier).  In fact, this person is trusted because of who he is.  He's widely known and widely respected within libertarian circles.  In our porcupine community, Varrin Swearingen and Irena Goddard might be good candidates.  An ambassador's main job is to recommend brokers without identifying them.  He chooses several people that he thinks would be good brokers, and gets them to set up email addresses that don't indicate who they are.  The ambassador then posts the list of email addresses on his website.  In essence, he is saying "Here are some email addresses.  I'm not going to tell you the names of the people who own these email addresses, or where they live.  But I assure you, I have known these people for years, and they are trustworthy folks.  Any one of them will treat your contract with the utmost care and discretion."  Actually, the lists from all the ambassadors are combined into one big list of brokers and randomly shuffled.  Each ambassador posts the entire list on his website.  He knows that his recommended brokers are on the list somewhere, but ideally he doesn't know which specific ones.

An ambassador also chooses relayers and couriers.  As before, the lists from all the ambassadors are combined.  The resulting list of relayers and couriers is not published, but made available to all the brokers.

The ambassador's job is a one-time job.  Once he has chosen brokers, relayers and couriers, his job is done, and he does not charge for this service.  Buyers and sellers have no need to contact the ambassador directly.  They just pick a broker from the list of email addresses.

relayer: A relayer's job is to convey a package of unknown contents from one person to another, without knowing the identity of either one.  In fact, the relayer takes active steps to avoid even accidentally learning any information about either party that might be used to identify them.  The transfers are done by mail or by carrier (e.g., Fedex), depending on what level of service the parties want, and how much they're willing to spend.  Typically the sender includes cash payment for the relayer service along with his package.

As an example of the economy route, the sender sends his envelope to the relayer by regular mail.  The relayer presumes that any return address is bogus.  The receiver sends a self-addressed stamped envelope to the relayer, with the address label covered by an opaque tape that peels off easily.  The relayer transfers the item from the sender's envelope to the receiver's envelope, goes to a mailbox, averts his eyes, peels off the opaque tape, and drops the envelope into the mailbox.

courier: A courier does the same thing as a relayer, except that instead of relying on mail or Fedex, he physically meets with the sender to pick up the package, and then physically meets with the receiver to deliver it.  This would be appropriate for packages larger than the mailing limit (13 ounces I believe).  One person may volunteer to serve as either relayer or courier.

broker: The broker is the first point of contact for a buyer or seller.  His job is to match up buyers with sellers, also recommending escrow agents, arbitrators, relayers and couriers as needed.  The broker does not provide a catalog of items for sale.  Instead, the buyer must tell the broker what he wants, and the broker will pass this information on to other brokers.  Each broker notifies any sellers who have registered to hear about requests to buy that item.

Once the buyer and a prospective seller have reached an agreement on the terms of the contract, the buyer's broker and the seller's broker together choose an escrow agent and an arbitrator.  Each of these should be somebody that one broker or the other knows personally.  For a contract that requires a relayer or courier (as many will), the brokers choose someone from the list provided by the ambassadors.

escrow agent: An escrow agent holds money from the buyer (purchase price), and frequently money from the seller (performance bond).  In some cases payment is made via a digital currency (e.g., pecunix).  In other cases, payment is in cash or physical gold or silver, sent via relayer or courier.  Also, when the contract calls for delivery of physical merchandise, that merchandise is typically sent (via relayer or courier) first to the escrow agent, who verifies that it is genuine via tests spelled out in the contract.  Buyer and seller can witness the tests via webcam.

arbitrator: An arbitrator's job is to resolve any contract-related dispute between the buyer and the seller.  He doesn't need to do anything unless and until a dispute arises.  The arbitration fee is paid by the loser, so each party has an incentive to concede a valid claim, and not to make a frivolous claim.  The escrow agent enforces the ruling of the arbitrator.


Keep in mind that the identities of ambassadors are known, and the identities of relayers and couriers are likely to become known over time.  Hence, their roles are strictly limited so as to be as legal and politically correct as possible.  If they are questioned by the authorities, they simply tell the truth, which is that they don't know very much.  IANAL, but I think the role of ambassador is legally safe.  The roles of relayer and courier are a bit iffy, but they can minimize their legal risk by not advertising their services to the general public, and only accepting jobs referred by brokers.  Also, they should charge very reasonable fees.


Quote from: svillee on November 09, 2008, 06:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: rowland on November 05, 2008, 08:23 AM NHFT
What is the anarchist game plan to get government off our backs?

The key to effective agorism is anonymity.  I don't think Konkin emphasizes this point enough.  The state's power to regulate your commerce comes from knowledge of who you are and where you live.  What we need is an alternative infrastructure that lets people buy and sell things without identifying themselves.

Sam had a book planned called Countereconomics; A Primer, but like a lot of projects go, this was in the works for a while along with a lot of other projects. He passed away before producing this book.  :'(

The Manifesto contains a master strategy without a detailed implementation - I guess that's up to the people who want to be free now.


Steve, WOW! This is a masterfully-crafted set of tactics you've laid out! Gonna sleep on it and test it out mentally in a few case studies to see how this would work out.


Gee, I was kinda hoping he would answer.  I guess inquisitions only go one way. 

Quote from: David on November 08, 2008, 01:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: rowland on November 05, 2008, 08:23 AM NHFT
Everyone tells me to blow you guys off and frankly I can see why but i want to give you all one last chance. Answer the following question succinctly, clearly and precisely:

What is the anarchist game plan to get government off our backs?

I want to make sure you understand the question:

Not your philosophy. Your GAME PLAN.

Not your goals. Your GAME PLAN.

Not what you'd like to see happen. Your GAME PLAN.

Not your revenge fantasies. Your GAME PLAN.

There are people out there who have game plans that aren't working. You're all taking cheap shots at them and acting superior because their game plans aren't working. But at least they're trying.

How about you guys put your money where your mouths are. DO YOU HAVE A GAME PLAN? Even a bad one?

You seriously think I am going to answer this, inquisition?  the way YOU want me too?  I am sorry that "your game plan" on election night didn't go as smoothly as you clearly wanted it too, judging by the way you come here to bash us, then bash your own politicos over on the NHLA forum, you know, the ones you called "nerds".  (edited; it isn't just all us anarchists taking cheap shots and acting all superior)

Question- What is YOUR GAME PLAN when the gov't raises taxes, further reduces the right to defend yourself, controls via ownership the mainstream media than it already does, has Another war to stifle criticism, attempts to control the internet, and does so all 100% completely legally? 

Are ya gonna shoot em'?  Yeah right.  the last thing we need is more shoot em' up fantasies and mental masturbation. 
Are ya gonna out politic the professional politicians? 

Or are you gonna start slowly challenging directly the system that allows all the crap in the first place.  We are already doing that. 
You see, you dyed in the wool politicos have no alternative in the worst case scenario except a blind faith in a massive revelution that never seems to come.  Politics is never favorable for political minorities.  Yet you can't seem to learn from virtually 200 years of political history. 
Dr. King helped lead the largest and most successful pushback against the police state in American history, yet people tell me that I live in a fantasy world when I tell them nonviolent resistance can work.  You have no alternative so you come to our forum and challenge us because you cannot conceive of a plan different than the one you have written in your playbook, you know, the plan that unfolded on election day,...or didn't. 

Kat Kanning

Bumping svillee's post.  Relevant to discussion we had today.  Also relevant to person asking about Coherent Strategy.


I have a plan for you.

Spend all of your time, from now until the next election, getting anyone who is eligible to register to vote to actually register.  Then when the election comes around WITHHOLD YOUR VOTE and your CONSENT!  When the election results are tallied and it is confirmed that the majority of those eligible to vote have withheld their consent, send a QUO WARRANTO and a REMONSTRANCE to all governments claiming jurisdiction over you that they do not have legitimacy under their own definition of a DEMOCRACY and that you will no longer recognize their authority.

Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

that doesn't sound like  an anarchist's game plan


Stop that it's silly. 

And now for something completely different.

Jim Johnson

Pardon me, but do you have any cheese for sale?
