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LTE's from Undergrounders

Started by Dave Ridley, December 24, 2004, 02:29 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

Dave Ridley

Thanks mike!

To monitor:

Dear folks at the Monitor:

This is an LTE; feel free to publish if you wish...or drop by on the 21st.  Many thanks.


Concord Demonstrators to burn FEMA Flag

Dear readers:

If you are furious regarding the disarmament and forced removal of New Orleans residents from their homes this month, if you feel your tax money has been wasted and misused by FEMA, Wednesday September 21 is your chance to do something about it.

From 6 until 8 p.m. that day, activists from NHfree.com will rally in front of the Federal building at 55 Pleasant Street in Concord.  We ask you to join us.

There and then we will burn a FEMA flag to symbolize our desire to see this bureaucracy shut down before it can enhance any more hurricanes or help disarm any more innocents.   We feel the money currently spent on the "Federal Emergency Magnification Agency" would do more good if they simply left it in taxpayers' pockets!

We will also be collecting signatures on a petition which urges all officials and police in New Hampshire to avoid ever attempting the kind of systematic weapons confiscations inflicted on Louisiana homeowners.   The petition pledges resistance by "all available necessary means" should authorities here attempt to perpetrate such an unconstitutional act. When completed, we intend to hand-deliver it to as many officials as we can. 

It is a heartbreaking thing to have to say and do, but it is better to say now, in an open-hearted manner, than to wait until the only two options are fighting and surrendering our lawfully borne arms.

If you would like to know more, or arrest me for participating in this resistance to clear and present tyranny, you may contact me at the address below and at 603.721.1490.

May we forever live free or die,

Dave Ridley


My favorite part is
'If you want to know more or arrest me'

That is good.

Dave Ridley

version I'm sending out to newsrooms:

Dear folks in the Monitor Newsroom:

Wanted to invite you to our FEMA flag burn Wednesday at 55 Pleasant Street in Concord.  We'll be burning without a permit BTW so no idea if that will mean some kind of (peaceful) confrontation with authorities.


Concord Demonstrators to burn FEMA Flag

If you are furious regarding the disarmament and forced removal of New Orleans residents from their homes this month, if you feel your tax money has been wasted and misused by FEMA, Wednesday September 21 is your chance to do something about it.

From 6 until 8 p.m. that day, activists from NHfree.com will rally in front of the Federal building at 55 Pleasant Street in Concord.  We ask you to join us.

There and then we will burn a FEMA flag to symbolize our desire to see this bureaucracy shut down before it can enhance any more hurricane damage or help disarm any more innocents.   We feel the money currently spent on the "Federal Emergency Magnification Agency" would do more good if they simply left it in taxpayers' pockets!

We will also be collecting signatures on a petition which urges all officials and police in New Hampshire to avoid ever attempting the kind of systematic weapons confiscations inflicted on Louisiana homeowners.   The petition pledges resistance by "all available necessary means" should authorities here attempt to perpetrate such an unconstitutional act. When completed, we intend to hand-deliver it to as many officials as we can. 

It is a heartbreaking thing to have to say and do, but it is better to say now, in an open-hearted manner, than to wait until the only two options are fighting and surrendering our lawfully borne arms.

If you would like to know more, or arrest me for participating in this resistance to clear and present tyranny, you may contact me at the address below and at 603.721.1490.


Ridley "NH demonstators to burn FEMA flag" LTE in Union Leader today.

Margot Keyes

 :DHey everybody! Check out Bradley's LTE in the Concord Monitor Today  9/20/05 on the opinion page. I wish they would have used his END quote for the spotlight feature, but it gets people looking for the rest of his LTE that way!  His first one in NH! (He feels he is now active...somewhat!)

Cheers everyone!!
Margot Keyes


Dave Ridley

From me...

Dear folks at the Union Leader:

I'm writing to ask why there has not been more local coverage regarding Lauren Canario, the Free Stater who, as of this writing, has been in jail for almost two weeks in Connecticut.   To sum it up...the 48 year old liberty activist, soon to be a New Hampshire resident, had recently established temporary residence in the embattled Fort Trumbull area there in New London, Conn.   That is the neighborhood which the city is trying to tear down using eminent domain, to make room for a hotel.  It became the center of this year's controversial Supreme Court ruling.   

Lauren attempted to peacefully attend a New London city council meeting, refused to leave when told, refused to be fingerprinted when arrested and refused to speak to the judge when arraigned...all because she believes in Americans' Constitutional right to be safe and secure in their homes.  One should not have to do these things to protect that which is enumerated in the very text these judges are sworn to uphold.  But I appreciate her doing them and look forward to her arrival here.

Dave Ridley

Impeach Souter, BRADLEY KEYES, Epsom - Letter

September 20. 2005 8:00AM

It is rare when a U.S. Supreme Court Justice speaks outside the court and even rarer when he or she truthfully and concisely sums up his or her judicial and philosophical views in a single sentence.

"The rule of law exalts lawmakingover individual will," Souter claimed in a speech last Friday.

Those nine words explain the recent Kelo decision to a tee. Justice Souter defers to lawmakers over individual rights, defers to the whims of our current lawmakers over that of our founding principles.

Souter pledged to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights, whose purpose is to create a limited government with limited powers, to protect each individual's unalienable rights and to protect us from our government and our lawmakers.

Souter's statement is in direct conflict with our founding principles and the two cannot exist together.
Souter has openly stated he is breaking his oath and for this he should be removed and replaced by a justice that is willing to state: "The rule of law exalts each individual's rights over lawmaking and the whims of lawmakers."




Another excellent letter, Bradley.


Dave Ridley

Sent to UL by  me

Dear folks at the Union Leader:

Your article on October 20, regarding "our" government's attempt to seize land from Londonderry homeowners, has captured the attention of the state's growing pro-liberty community.  In response to this abuse of eminent domain powers, activists from NHfree.com will stage a property rights rally at Manchester Airport.  We'll be joined by some of the homeowners whose land is under attack, including Londonderry resident Al Baldasaro.  Al is a Gulf War One vet who fought to preserve the very rights which authorities in Londonderry and Concord seem so eager to cast aside.   He is not done fighting, and he is not alone.

The protest will begin at 3 p.m. on Saturday, December 3.   It will be near the airport's main entrance (the main entrance for pedestrians).   Expected turnout is 15-25.   You and your readers are invited to join us as we make a stand against these abusive property seizures.

Kat Kanning

One of the Londonderry city councilors wrote to Russell complaining that it's not Londonderry doing this.


Quote from: katdillon on November 20, 2005, 08:08 PM NHFT
One of the Londonderry city councilors wrote to Russell complaining that it's not Londonderry doing this.

They are doing nothing, that I see, to oppose it! If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Kat Kanning