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USMC Peter Macdonald petition for redress against Shea-Porter

Started by rowland, November 12, 2008, 11:34 AM NHFT

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Thanks to Dan Itse for restoring the right to petition. Now let's see what happens when somebody tries to use it.

1. I did volunteer my time to help a Madbury NH family (that read my letter to the editor in a newspaper) so desperate because the NH government and courts failed to stop the Madbury NH selectmen from using government powers for personal revenge against local residents that the selectmen decided that they did not like.

2. Judge Peter Fauver did criminally violate NH law and Constitution to aid the Madbury NH selectmen in there vindictive and criminal acts.

3. Case # 2003-0477 was presented to the NH Supreme court which refused to hear the case in direct and criminal defiance of the NH law and Constitution. NH Const Part 1 art. 35. This is a crime against the peace and dignity of the State of NH

4. That the NH governor and elected NH government officials used the State Police to deliver the message "your letters are causing problems at the state capital that the governor would prefer your suicide". This is a criminal offence.

5. That NH U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter did use her elected federal powers and influence to have a Veterans Medical Doctor Biswas file involuntary commitment orders to take my freedom to stop my free speech. This is a criminal offence.

a. When this use of my U.S. Marine Corps service connected disabilities failed this U.S. Rep from NH file a false police complaint to have me arrested to stop my letters to the editor. Dover N H police file # 7002 NH const Part 1 article 14

6. The Government of NH filed under the Patriot Act terrorist charges against me to stop my free speech. I lost my freedom for six months before the bogus charges were dropped. To falsely use the law and courts to stop free speech can not be tolerated in the United States of America. NH Const. Part 1 article 14

7. When all else fails NH and the Veterans administration stopped my medical care for service related injuries. I am a 100% service connected disabled U.S. Marine. Three of my four injuries are combat related. This act constitutes a crime.

8. I ran for elected office this past primary. The newspapers printed (knowingly and with intent to harm my character in the public eye to influence the vote)biased articles to interfere with a free election. NH const Part 1 article 3,7,8,10,11,14,22,30,31,3235,38