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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Quote from: georgedonnelly on November 15, 2008, 02:03 PM NHFT
I've registered 93days.com and am working on setting up a website. Someone at FreeKeene.com suggeted noting any persons who had been accused or convicted of violent crimes who are released in these 93 days, as an example of how ludicrous this is.

I'm not anywhere near NH so any help that can be provided, any suggestions or anyone who wants to join in on this, let me know.

i have been thinking about a similar idea.

when defending yourself in court for a victimless crime, it might be a good idea to get on the record the amount of crimes that occurred "on or about" that same date and are currently unsolved where there actually was a victim.

"on the night in question, your honor, while i was being cited for failing to come to a complete stop, there happened to be seven reports of assault and two reports of burglary. while my "alleged" offense occurred twenty days ago, to date the crimes i have just mentioned on the record only two have been solved. i'd like to add that in the previous two weeks of my citation, there were over thirty reports of crimes that occurred that to date have yielded no arrests."

will it get anywhere? probably not. but at least you point out on the record to the court and to the witnesses in the courtroom that the officer could have been making better use of his/her time.


Quote from: Lite It UP! on November 15, 2008, 02:43 PM NHFT

Another idea I just got was door hangers to be put in Ian's and Keene neighborhoods informing them that one of their neighbors was put in jail for having a couch on his property, since the sociolist party at the local paper, The Sentential won't objectively report it's own local news (if you ever doubted they weren't bias, let this be proof).  Anyway, I think the flyers are bound to get alot of people nervous about just what the h is going on with their city government.

I really like this idea and would be happy to volunteer to hang fliers/door hangers around Ian's neighborhood.

Tom Sawyer


Quote from: georgedonnelly on November 15, 2008, 02:03 PM NHFT
I've registered 93days.com and am working on setting up a website. Someone at FreeKeene.com suggeted noting any persons who had been accused or convicted of violent crimes who are released in these 93 days, as an example of how ludicrous this is.

I'm not anywhere near NH so any help that can be provided, any suggestions or anyone who wants to join in on this, let me know.

That is a fantastic idea.  The Keene Sentinel has a spot with all the court action of the day, though it is usually a few weeks old.  It says the plea, and a few other details.  The problem is it seems irregular, maybe just because I don't get the paper everyday. 


Quote from: Josh on November 15, 2008, 02:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: Toadstool on November 15, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
Why are rights lost at door ways to court rooms?

Because there is no one willing to police the judicial branch. The system of checks and balances has failed, and the separation of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches is a long lost wet dream.

I make sure judges dont cross line...
Sign me up...
I;ll have a wooden ruler to whack knuckles with!  like ole times!

How does this get changed?
Something needs to be done like 25 years ago...
Can we change it?
Why is it so hard for people to see the flaws?  because they dont care to look? or see?


Quote from: Toadstool on November 15, 2008, 02:59 PM NHFT
Why is it so hard for people to see the flaws?  because they dont care to look? or see?

I think that's exactly it. Is American Idol on tonight?


I know this isn't really the point anymore, but I don't think the City of Keene (a municipal corporation) even followed its own rules when it slapped Ian with a code violation.  I just spent the last half hour reading through the City of Keene's "Code of Ordinances", and my best guess is that Ian was being charged with violation of (takes a deep breath)...

CODE OF ORDINANCES City of KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE Codified through Amendment of June 5, 2008. (Supplement No. 7)

          • Sec. 18-241. Minimum standards for all property.
            • ( 8 )   No person shall permit litter, defined as all rubbish or garbage, trash, debris, dead animals and other discarded materials of every kind and description, to accumulate upon any premises or the interior of any structure.

Unless I'm missing something, the code enforcer was claiming that the couch was litter.  In a parallel universe, Ian could have argued "Not only have you not explained why I am required to submit to your authority, but even by your own rules the couch is not a violation; it's a bird-watching platform and Halloween/art decoration, not litter."

I know, I know...he'd still be charged with contempt and all that, but sometimes it's satisfying to hold a mirror up to the bureaucrats' faces and show them how silly their words are.

Russell Kanning

I like the "Simon Says" imagery too.
I was wondering yesterday if the judge had said "simon says".


I think it would be interesting to "Judge-Watch" Mr Edward J. Burke

...kinda like COPWATCH...just keep tabs on his whereabouts and film it. (Coconut?  :)  )

I wonder what he does in his spare time when he isn't slinging shit at commoners.

How about filing some FOIA requests and checking his backround?
How about inquiring about his salary, benefits, weekely hours etc.
How long is he gone for lunch? Any booze during lunch hours?

This is called "investigative journalism" and it is legal. It is also legal to perform as a paparazzi. (sp?)
The brownshirts will try to spin it and call it stalking so be respectful and professional.  :)
Take pictures, film, ask him questions if hes dining out etc. But do not be threatening. Be polite.

Since judge burkes job involves destroying others people lives on petty bullshit why not see what he does away from his nazi job.



I'm adding more to http://jailedactivist.info. I've added a bureaucrats section and put Burke under it. If anyone can write me up something about him I'd really appreciate it. Or create an account and I can permission you to do it.

Dave Ridley



The power of video says it all.

Edward J Burke is clearly unable to perform his duties.

Is he on medication or needing medication?

It clearly appears he needs to be psychologically evaluated.

This is a serious matter. Burke should be relieved of duty until he is evaluated by a health professional.

We all know the PIGS read this forum. The video caught Edward J Burke and you littleshit brownshirts
red- handed.


Kat Kanning

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on November 15, 2008, 08:36 AM NHFT
... this just in ...

Kira's going to look at that and say, "I don't remember that sign."


"I call on all good people of Keene to place a couch in their front yard. There is no excuse for these people. They came into that court with the intention of placing him in jail. Why isn't it time for game on?" David Harvey on Free Keene

I think this an excellent idea and would love to see people in NH go forward with this.