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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


This event really shows the power of the Free State Project and standing up to tyranny in numbers.  You can believe if the same thing happened back in Florida, Ian he would still be sitting in a jail cell and nobody would know/care.  I think this is a HUGE win for liberty and that it will encourage more people to sign up and move.

Would it be a good move to contact the judge/jail and tell them that you appreciate Ian being let out (while still mentioning that it was a ridiculous that he got thrown in jail at all)?  Or would this just be bowing down to them and groveling at their feet?



Personally I would simply say nothing further to the bureaucrats involved. But I'll wait to see what Ian has to say about the situation.

Lloyd Danforth


Quote from: mport1 on November 17, 2008, 04:31 PM NHFT
Would it be a good move to contact the judge/jail and tell them that you appreciate Ian being let out (while still mentioning that it was a ridiculous that he got thrown in jail at all)?  Or would this just be bowing down to them and groveling at their feet?

i considered this earlier. not sure how i feel about it yet.
waiting for the rest of the story.

George Donnelly


Quote from: georgedonnelly on November 17, 2008, 04:57 PM NHFT
Let's not let the momentum get away.


For sure.  This was a good experience in terms of planning reactions to government actions.  We need to brainstorm how to take what we have learned and improve on it now so we can have things set in place for the inevitable events that will happen in the future. 

I know that through Facebook and MySpace I was able to personally reach thousands of people about the event and provide them with videos and places to find out more information.  I think we should have some central hubs for this type of stuff but individuals also need to plan how they will get the word out in the future.


Quote from: AntonLee on November 17, 2008, 03:56 PM NHFT
Dale's on his way over to see if he's around/needs a ride. 

this story needs to be made into a movie!

It is!  At least a short - I was there with my crew and we documented the whole thing, from the beginning of the day to the broadcast of FTL without Ian there and interviews with Carl Patten and Medard Kopzynski (spelling?).  I got home late Saturday night and immediately started editing.  Trying to get it done as timely as possible and I'll post it at www.candid-world.com under Multimedia when it's done.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: AntonLee on November 17, 2008, 03:50 PM NHFT
This girl is slime. . . "I don't suggest aggressing against anyone."

Of course she doesn't.  All she wants is  verb (used without object) 1. to commit the first act of hostility or offense; attack first.
2. to begin to quarrel.


Too many bureaucrats are in a position to start the ball rolling and then be far away when the shit hits the fan. Their system allows for distancing and damage control.
This entire event has highlighted that perfectly.

Pat K