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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on December 04, 2008, 09:11 PM NHFT
Julia wants to build a sod couch.   8)
in the meantime ... you can have an ice sculpture


Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 05, 2008, 11:46 AM NHFT
Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on December 04, 2008, 09:11 PM NHFT
Julia wants to build a sod couch.   8)
in the meantime ... you can have an ice sculpture

I think I will make a Snow Couch this winter. Spray it with a little water to form a nice crust of ice and it will be pretty stable.


We should all make snow couches in our yards in Keene this winter!

Pat K

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: dalebert on December 05, 2008, 12:44 PM NHFT
We should all make snow couches in our yards in Keene this winter!


Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: slim on December 05, 2008, 11:59 AM NHFT
I think I will make a Snow Couch this winter. Spray it with a little water to form a nice crust of ice and it will be pretty stable.

Sprinkle it with Gummi worms . . . !

Jim Johnson

Pat K

And the disobedience began to spread across the land.

Kat Kanning


QuoteRegarding Radio Show Host Jailed over Couch
Wed, 05/13/2009 - 15:58 — katkanning

Read your NHFP story on "Keene Radio Host Jailed over Couch" by Michael Hampton... It mentions housing inspector Carl Patten visited Freeman...

Patten has had other run-ins with independent-minded citizens that culminated with his recent firing... Of interest to you is the lastest Patten conflict with Vietnam War vet Rollin Pardo(sic)...Over an unregistered vehicle in his yard which is off of Mytle Street Keene...A conflict arose and Patten threaten Pardo and Pardo did the same, threatening to use a snowshovel...Pardo called the Governor's office...

But also of interest is that last year, Pardo had some chickens, including a rooster...Someone complained and the police showed up...Rather than wait for animal control, the officer sought out the offending bird, hiding under one of Rolli's cars...He pulled out his pistol and shot it...Never mind that he could have pierced the gas can or sent a bullet into a nieghbor's (including Rep. Chris Robert's) House...Had the Sentinel played his up, this would have hit the AP wires... Pardo was paid by the city $5 for his rooster... Would make a wonderful frontpage account in the NH Free Press.

A Little Birdy

Pat K

Fluff and Stuff

It looks like the Keeniacs aren't the craziest folks in Keene.

Lloyd Danforth

Time to get out of Keene!  Move to Seabrook or some'thin!

Sam A. Robrin

Can the headline of this thread be changed?  Every time I read it now, I get an adrenaline surge.

Kat Kanning


I heard rumors he was fired for sexual harassment.  Wonder what the real story is.