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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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I don't know if Ian wants to go the habeas corpus route, though it would be interesting to see that video played in an appellate court of some kind.


I was going to email Alex Jones on all of his email options maybe my emails will get through that way.  ::)   

I stopped though because I wanted to ask if I should/could mention specific names?  I can ask Kat directly if she would mind her arrest being mentioned but I can't ask Lauren or Ian, what do you think?  :-\

Kat how do you feel about me trying to get your recent arrest info to Alex?  If you like the idea is there anything specific you want me to put in the email?

Dave Ridley

can someone put out a news release  and get it to the appropriate media.  use the judge yelling vid
i'm tied down making vids

i've made an edit out of some of the arrest video itself, which you can link to in the news release...tells the story pretty well in 3 min

not yet up but check the site


I've just registered http://jailedactivist.info

I'm going to put up information on all presently and past caged activists. I figured it'd be easier then registering http://freeian.com this time and http://freejesse.com or whatever next time.

I'm working on it tonight... i hope to have it functional by morning. MengerFan wanted a url to put on buttons/shirts so we've already put it on the "Free Ian" merch over at http://store.blogofbile.com.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 14, 2008, 10:56 PM NHFT
can someone put out a news release  and get it to the appropriate media.  use the judge yelling vid
i'm tied down making vids

i've made an edit out of some of the arrest video itself, which you can link to in the news release...tells the story pretty well in 3 min

not yet up but check the site

I just sent an urgent email to WMUR with the links to the video and the digg page.  I hope that's what you meant.  :)

I just sent everything to CNN too, you never know!

firecracker joe

for some reason channel 9 doesnt like to talk about the free staters unless its bad and i dont consider this bad it is showing the state bureaucrats for who and what they really are  war mongers who dare resistors to stand up for their rights so they can show that person they have no rights not even in the state of " live free or die" I love that the free staters have chosen NH but  the state is letting ian see who they think the boss is. Personally i think this is one of the defining moments for the free state project seeings how ian is somewhat of the  voice for FSP at least he turned me onto it and many others,  THANK YOU IAN FREEMAN for all you do in the name of LIBERTY.


Quote from: raineyrocks on November 14, 2008, 11:25 PM NHFT
I just sent an urgent email to WMUR with the links to the video and the digg page.  I hope that's what you meant.  :)

I just sent everything to CNN too, you never know!

There are all those "ireport" things now on the different stations sites. Perhaps someone can upload to those.


OK... I've done a basic data fill in for Ian at http://ian.jailedactivist.info. I'll get a better site theme tomorrow. If someone is willing to create pages for Lauren, Kat, Russell, etc. please register and let me know. I'll elevate your privilages and you can work on the particular page.


Thanks but all the hard work was done by my g/f laur. I came up with some of the ideas but she created and posted it all.


Quote from: AnarchoMartyr on November 14, 2008, 05:05 PM NHFT
I plan on stealing Ian's couch and leaving it on the City Hall steps while he is prison. Maybe weigh it down or nail it down, make it a pain in the ass for them to remove.

Can you say Epoxy?

Kat Kanning

Rainey, you can use my name, and I'm sure it's OK to talk to media about Lauren and Ian.

From the raw footage, it's clear Ian tried to comply with the order to sit down .  He was sitting when the judge said to arrest him.


okay, i've always been cautious, cause i wanted to film and fight through documentation, but this was the breaking point for me.  that being said, i don't think it can happen right away, but we have at least... what... 93 days to make it happen?  so i suggest the following 2 ideas.  take your pick:

everyday, for the entire length of ian's imprisonment, we pick up some crap couch at the dump or free craigslist toss out, and leave it in front of some government building in NH with a poster attached saying "FREE IAN", "STOP TYRANNY", "AMERICAN'S ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FREE", etc...


we plan a massive protest... lots and LOTS of people.  and we all bring couches.  sit them in front of the courthouse, town hall, jail, or something of that nature.  just have a "comfy" sit in.

any takers, and i'll be happy to take charge.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: n/a on November 15, 2008, 05:55 AM NHFT
bring couches.  sit them in front of the courthouse, town hall, jail, or something of that nature.  just have a "comfy" sit in.

any takers, and i'll be happy to take charge.

Do it once, small scale, get a picture, post it, watch you karma grow, others might do it too. Only need to do it long enough to get the picture.

Lead from the front, by example.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on November 15, 2008, 06:09 AM NHFT
Do it once, small scale, get a picture, post it, watch you karma grow, others might do it too. Only need to do it long enough to get the picture.

Lead from the front, by example.

A real couch is a bit large. I wonder if there are miniature couches out there?
How much would a dump truck full of doll-house couches cost?  :P