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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I think you can get kid sized couches at Walmart


nice. . . if anyone has social networking sites, please repost the diggs on there.

Kat Kanning

For visiting, check:


click on Population Report
That page tells you when it was updated.  When they update it and add Ian, you'll be able to tell when Ian's visiting hours are.  Then you can just show up during his visiting hours, check in and show ID.  You don't have to be searched or anything to get in.  They'd completely freak if you went armed.

Russell Kanning

I agree with Roger.
Are you actually going to do this NA? Do you live close enough to Keene?
I love the idea.


Quote from: Pat K on November 14, 2008, 09:52 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on November 14, 2008, 05:47 PM NHFT
I think this happened to Ian because he talked about protesting outside a judge's home.  They slapped him down.

Yes, this is exactly why.

If this is organized I WILL make the trip come hell or high water.

Kat Kanning


I like the free ian and lauren banner too  :D


The local political talk show is on now.

Call in and give them a piece of your mind!

9a-12p Eastern on 104.1 fm & 1290 am WKBK

Call in: 603-357-1290


The video that Toby posted clearly shows Ian about to _sit_, and no unreasonable delay in that either, he stands for the Judge (or was standing?), and then looks around behind him for the chair, grabbing it, is in the middle of sitting, when his name is called out, and he rises back out of his (middle of sitting) crouch.

Kangaroo Court for sure, and that bit of video is the damning evidence.  There was no reasonable contempt prior to his being hauled off, and thus all of the rest was caused by this false claim.

Kudos to Toby for the video showing this so clearly and obviously.



Called TalkBack, said my piece. They didn't have anything to really say but "I hope he'll keep pay the fine or a bail fee".


it's much more important to talk about all the idiots that don't save enough to pay for their own heat.

Tom Sawyer

Jim Johnson