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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Quote from: SamIam on November 15, 2008, 11:28 AM NHFT
If anyone is interested in designing Burke the Jerk wanted posters listing his crimes, I'll spend $150 to get them printed, and they can be put up around town, turned into yard signs, etc. Anyone interested? I think they could also be put up around his neighborhood.

You can do CafePress yard signs and I think Laur made them available on the store but I'm not familiar enough with that process to know if it'd be worth it to do it outside of CafePress for bigger orders.


I have zero time to do it. I'm in Austin about to head out to setup for an interview with Randy Kelton and Barry Cooper. If somebody wants to run with it, I'd be happy to fund it. I bet there's a printing shop in Keene that could do these cheaper and better that Cafe Press.


WOW just wow...
I have a Vinyl decal cutter...
I can and WILL cut decals if people want them

This is crazy,  from what I seen, he was kinda confused?
All rise so he did,  then he heard his name so he stood and was ready to address court, judge must have been real pissed about hearing people had decided not to stand and maybe he felt this was the reverse side to it?

Ionno but this is gone way to far...

I will be present more often.
I am real upset that we have lost our rights and can do nothing to get them back.

Makes me want to be a policev officer or a judge.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 15, 2008, 10:17 AM NHFT
like that scene in the movie gandhi where the mahatma says to the journalist... i can't belive you are walking all the way across india with me... and the journalist says well my name IS walker LOL

That makes me feel as though I should ask you a riddle . . .

Tom Sawyer

Hey I should have asked to use her images...  ;D

Sure, have fun with it.

Quote from: bile on November 15, 2008, 10:55 AM NHFT
Since laur is waiting account approval...

she approves of the image above  ;D


She said she wants to put the image on the store. Is that okay?


Quote from: SamIam on November 15, 2008, 11:39 AM NHFT
I have zero time to do it. I'm in Austin about to head out to setup for an interview with Randy Kelton and Barry Cooper. If somebody wants to run with it, I'd be happy to fund it. I bet there's a printing shop in Keene that could do these cheaper and better that Cafe Press.

No idea. Whatever the case checkout http://ian.jailedactivist.info in the next hour or so for the original Burke the Jerk, Free Ian and Couch Enforcer images and have fun.

firecracker joe

thanx for the video dave
that jerk burke is way out of control he went in that court with every intention of putting someone in jail for not standing and ended up putting someone in jail for not sitting fast enough I never realized their were time limits on sittiing and standing what a f*** joke this court system is and now others are getting to see it without being subject to it. I am so pissed about that judge starting to holler right off the bat. I have no respect for him or anyone who enforces his rules I hope the national spotlight is put on this and that judges family gets to see what a jerk he is at his job demanding repect without deserving respect


8th amendment
Eighth Amendment: forbids excessive bail or fines, and cruel and unusual punishment.

is this unusual? I think so!

not right, not right.

George Donnelly

I've registered 93days.com and am working on setting up a website. Someone at FreeKeene.com suggeted noting any persons who had been accused or convicted of violent crimes who are released in these 93 days, as an example of how ludicrous this is.

I'm not anywhere near NH so any help that can be provided, any suggestions or anyone who wants to join in on this, let me know.


You're assuming that they care about the amendments they swear an oath to protect. The esquires have perverted the language to the point that what they are upholding is far from the layman's english of the constitution.

It is a sad state of affairs indeed.

Tom Sawyer

Tyrannical Couch Laws and a Contemptible New Hampshire Court
Szandor Blestman
November 15, 2008
American Chronicle

In my youthful naiveté I used to believe that the United States of America held no political prisoners. I know better now. Ian is just the latest in a long, long list of political prisoners. The courts in this country are out of control. The court system is contemptible. It is no longer true that a man is innocent until proven guilty. In my experience quite the opposite is true and a man is presumed guilty unless he can prove himself innocent, which is why so many people take plea bargains. But nothing is worse than the contempt of court charge. It is merely a way to force compliance from someone who sticks up for his rights or the rights of others. It is a way for the court to not have to answer poignant and applicable questions about the legitimacy of their system. It is a way to keep thinking people from pointing out the flaws in the system. It is a way they can avoid answering to their critics and for their mistakes. The contempt of court charge should be outlawed. A free person should be allowed to express his contempt for a vile and flawed system.


Wow.  Great summary of the case as it stands, great explanation of the principles violated, very well written.  Just plain, wow!


Quote from: Josh on November 15, 2008, 02:04 PM NHFT
You're assuming that they care about the amendments they swear an oath to protect. The esquires have perverted the language to the point that what they are upholding is far from the layman's english of the constitution.

It is a sad state of affairs indeed.

So we the people can change it?
This is not ok.

I could see if Ian beat a kid for waiting 2 pieces of candy for trick or treating... maybe it be ok to send him to jail for 93 days... but comn.
It cant be legal or right?

WHat can be done?  
Why are rights lost at door ways to court rooms?


Quote from: Toadstool on November 15, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
Why are rights lost at door ways to court rooms?

Because there is no one willing to police the judicial branch. The system of checks and balances has failed, and the separation of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches is a long lost wet dream.


"Couch Complainant"    (this may be a question for our good friend Sam I am)   plus door hangers.

I haven't read every single thread on this so please excuse me if someone has allready mentioned this ...but I was wondering,

Now that Ian has been imprisoned for not playing Simon Says ("sit down") with a man in a dress as well as having a piece of furniture on his property (my god, of all things, this is outrageous!), is he now entitled to know just who the complainant is?  Could this be the "angle" to expose this trial as a sham and thus gain Ian's release due to the fact that everyone is entitled to face their accuser and if you haven't been given that right, should not the judgement be thrown out?

Another idea I just got was door hangers to be put in Ian's and Keene neighborhoods informing them that one of their neighbors was put in jail for having a couch on his property, since the sociolist party at the local paper, The Sentential won't objectively report it's own local news (if you ever doubted they weren't bias, let this be proof).  Anyway, I think the flyers are bound to get alot of people nervous about just what the h is going on with their city government.

Lastly, I get the idea that this government use of force, against a peaceful man, is going to bring about an unprecedented level of PEACEFUL PROTESTS and PEACEFUL ACTIVISM and consequently speed up the process of Liberty in our Lifetime and for this I sincerely thank you Mr. Ian Freeman (aka Bernard).