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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Just one picture, would be great...
Get one and then others will see the fun to be had.

Humor is a powerful thing. Plus, dang it, it is easier to get people to have fun, than all the serious, or angry things many folks seem to turn to. Merry Prankster kind of stuff goes alot farther than some somber/serious effort.

At the very least, Ian is going to be bored out of his head, he deserves to be entertained. In the past I've made postcards with images of the protests and sometimes silly things and sent them to Russell and Lauren. I like that the jailers and the other prisoners see that they had lots of people that cared about them on the outside.

Russell Kanning


I like all the ideas guys are coming up with

can you guys put the various website links on the front page of nhunderground ... or put them here?

I could use content for our papers site ... send your take on Ian's situation and we can put it online

I agree that sometimes content gets lost on forums ... we can fix that by putting it on our front page and on New Hampshire Free Press .com so outsiders can get a short version of events. :)

Ian will love mail. Lauren will appreciate postcards, since they might get through to her.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 16, 2008, 07:13 AM NHFTcan you guys put the various website links on the front page of nhunderground ... or put them here?
I agree that sometimes content gets lost on forums ... we can fix that by putting it on our front page and on New Hampshire Free Press .com so outsiders can get a short version of events. :)

It looks like George set up the site http://www.93days.com as a clearinghouse of all things related to Ian's event.  It's not 100% complete, but it does have links to pretty much every online story about this.  It's right on the front page beneath the video.  "Ian Freeman News from Around the Web" followed by a laundry list of links.


Quote from: mackler on November 15, 2008, 10:17 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jon Maltz on November 14, 2008, 10:25 PM NHFT
For those who believe in such things:
Writs of Habeas Corpus.

534:25 Contempt. – If the person is imprisoned or restrained by order of a justice, or of any court or authority other than the supreme or superior court or a justice thereof, for contempt, the proceedings in the order and the cause thereof may be revised, and the order affirmed, modified or reversed by the superior court or a justice thereof.

Where a justice of the peace has jurisdiction to punish a contempt, a sentence will not be revised upon habeas corpus, either in respect to the sufficiency of the evidence, or the application of the law, but the proceedings will be examined only so far as to see that the magistrate had jurisdiction.  State ex rel. Welsh v. Towle, 42 NH 540 (1861).

Back when we had those checks and balances.  534:25 was enacted in 1862.

  534:25 Contempt. – If the person is imprisoned or restrained by order of a justice, or of any court or authority other than the supreme or superior court or a justice thereof, for contempt, the proceedings in the order and the cause thereof may be revised, and the order affirmed, modified or reversed by the superior court or a justice thereof.

Source. 1862, 2600:1. GS 224:25. GL 243:25. PS 239:25. PL 350:25. RL 406:25.

George Donnelly

the site has gotten 5600 unique visitors since last night. feel free to use to promote the photo of people sitting on couches idea (great idea) or anything else. let me know how i can help.


I have a big blue sleeper sofa/couch I want to get rid of. But I have no truck or van. If anyone wants to use it for their yard, protest, etc, please. I'm getting a futon to replace it  :icon_pirat:

Kat Kanning

I called the jail and Ian has not been classified yet, but will tomorrow.  The screw told me that tomorrow afternoon, we'll know when Ian's visiting hours are.  Some visits are on Monday nights, so possible people will be able to see him soon.  You can bring cameras.  Speaking from experience, Julia might not want to share her hour with him - he'd get one hour of visiting, no matter how many people show up.  I'd guess they'd let 20 people in if that many came.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: shyfrog on November 16, 2008, 07:49 AM NHFT
I have a big blue sleeper sofa/couch I want to get rid of. But I have no truck or van. If anyone wants to use it for their yard, protest, etc, please. I'm getting a futon to replace it  :icon_pirat:
I know that most people don't tie just anything onto their car at the drop of a hat like I do, but, a dozen or so cars riding around the Keene area would make a statement once the word of this situation gets into the eyes and ears of average citizens.
Plus, one could always swing by city hall and cut the ropes ;D


I'm trying to find the ordinance. No luck. Anyone?



I think Lloyds idea of putting couch's on the top of cars driving around Keene would be fantastic, supplimented with a flyer that could be posted around as well as handed out to people....another idea would be to just set up couchs in the central square of Keene (Freedom Fest Locale) and pass out flyers.

RE: Complainant name.  I guess this person's name was revealed  (per FTL Mark on Sats. show) and I think it would be great to hear from that person..a recorded interview of their thoughts on how their complaint got a peaceful man 93 days in jail (over a damn couch!).

Free Mexican-Not Stamped

I saw back a few pages that someone had started a thread on freerepublic.com about this.  I hadn't waded into that cesspool in years, but I couldn't resist signing up and posting on FR's Ian thread as "Authoritarian Billy Graham"--in honor of an FR poster banned long ago "Libertarian Billy Graham".  My posts stayed up for a while last night, but were deleted by this morning. 

Here was my exchange with FR posters BilLied and Emperor Palpatine. I really tried to fit it in with the FR culture this time. I don't get why they deleted my posts?

To: Gigantor  From: Emperor Palpatine

He's a libertarian who believes the Constitution nmeans what it says.

Many so-called conservatives just worship at the altar of authoritarian statism these days.


To: Emperor Palpatine  From: BilLies

Give us a break! There is no "libertarian" in the Constitution. Do some historical research! The Constitution voided the so called states rights and libertarian agendas, aka "Whiskey Rebellion". Libertarian equals Anarchy: it does not not work, The Constitution fixed the Libertarian Articles of Confederation. You want to see Libertarian .... go to San Fransisco, Seattle or Philadelphia.....or the Sudan.


To: BilLies  From: Authoritarian Billy Graham

You tell 'em BilLies.  These rebels need a boot on their neck to teach them whose boss. 

As you correctly point out, in 1794 our Authoritarian hero Alexander Hamilton proved he wasn't a chickenhawk when he and GW put down those libertarian anarchists who wouldn't pay their taxes. 

199 years after Hamilton proved his manliness, a lot of sissy conservatives winced when Janet Reno proved her own manliness and sent the military into Waco to put down those child molestin', drug takin', tax resistin' anarchist libertarians.

I like how this Judge Burke is carrying on this 200+ year tradition of crushing these liberal-tarians when they make even the slightest peep questioning our Authority.

There's lots of room in the American Gulag for more of these Constitution quoting liberal-tarians.  I say let's get some of our brave warriors from Abu Graib, or Gitmo, or the dungeons in the Salt Pits beneath Bagram Air Force base in Afghanistan and have them interrogate these liberal-tarians while we've got them in custody.  Oh yeah, our brave warriors running the Gulag got their training over here first, Never mind!

And of course, I would be remiss if I didn't add that after we're done torturing these PUCs (persons in custody), then in the afterlife Jehovah will get to have his way with them at the Final Judgement.  I hope we all get to watch and snicker like Rudy Guliani or John McCane during a Ron Paul debate answer while they go on about their non-aggression principle and their insistence that they be confronted with witnesses and non-existent victims.  I've got news for the liberal-tarians, the 6th Amendment don't mean sh-t in heaven or hell either.


To: BilLies  From: Emperor Palpatine

I suggest you reread the Constitution as well as the Federalist Papers.

One of the chief premises of federalism IS state's rights. The states did not want an overly strong central government, this is why the Constitution limits what the federal government can do to nineteen specific powers and that's it.

Now state's rights have de facto been supplanted by a strong central government, contrary to what the Founders intended. But that began not at the signing of the Constitution, but when Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox. State's rights were further eroded by Woodrow Wilson being president and what his thugocracy did, further weakened by the creation of the Federal Reserve, and dealt fatal blows by the FDR and LBJ administrations.

But if you look at where the Constitution gives most of the power, its to the states, not the federal government.

You're a product of the American public school system, aren't you?


To: Emperor Palpatine  From: Authoritarian Billy Graham 


BilLies has it right.  The Authoritarian Constitution was really a coup-d'tat supplanting the libertarian Articles of Confederation.  Sure they had some mumbo jumbo in there limiting Congress's power to maintain a permanent military and create phony money.  But shrewd Authoritarians such as Hamilton and his mentor Robert Morris knew that with the more libertarian Articles of Confederation overthrown the new parchment barriers would be easily ignored speed bumps on the way to creating a highly centralized Authoritarian U.S. Empire that would function like and have the same objectives as the British Empire--only without Britain.  That means they had to crack some heads now and again to get their tribute.

States Rights, Schmates Rights.  Tell it to the Whiskey Rebel liberal-tarians.  Face it Emperor, the Jeffersonians lost 200 years ago.  Now we have good Authoritarian judges like Scalia to tell us that sure you have an individual right to bear arms, but so what?!  The state reserves the power to smush all individual rights anyway. 

Here's my advice to free staters, Ron Paul libertarians and the like:  When the judge says jump, don't say "how high?" because you're not allowed to ask questions.  Jump immediately or you might get a well deserved truncheon to the head.  And if you sit and stand immediately when barked at by the civil authorities that God has put in power over you, perhaps you'll get better treatment when you stand in front of the Judge at the Final Judgement--while we Authoritarians snicker at the prospect of your impending eternal doom.

Free Mexican-Not Stamped

Also, regarding your demonstrations, street theater, marketing, etc. to try to gain attention to Ian's kidnapping: I suggest staying away from the couch issue, at least up front, and focus on the video and the Simon Sez aspect of this atrocity.  Maybe internet videos of pairs of street actors--one with a dress and a Darth Vader helmet and the other with a V-mask, with the Darth Vader guy barking Simon Sez orders faster than any slave can process them.

I say focus first on the video, the setup and the ambush by the uniformed and undercover soldiers, the secret trial, the fact that as far as we know there was no opening statement, presentation of witnesses, cross-examination, closing statements, or defense of any kind allowed at the secret trial, etc.  And then you can say that, by the way, this whole thing got started because 90% of U.S. of Americans are baboons who would rather call the cops on each other than behave like human beings.


A question for those who were in the courtroom: Was there any audio from the "secret trial" room?

Early reports said there wasn't any, but listening to Friday's FTL, I got the impression that Mark had been able to hear what was going on in the second room.

Just a confusing point that it would be nice to clear up.


Quote from: KBCraig on November 16, 2008, 11:43 AM NHFT
A question for those who were in the courtroom: Was there any audio from the "secret trial" room?

Early reports said there wasn't any, but listening to Friday's FTL, I got the impression that Mark had been able to hear what was going on in the second room.

Just a confusing point that it would be nice to clear up.

Everything I've read indicates there was audio, but it was very hard to hear.  Mark himself on FTL (maybe Saturday's show?) indicated there was audio, but he couldn't make out what they were saying since the monitor was so far away and/or the volume was so low and/or of poor quality.  I think Mark even said that the couch-complainer's name was given, and that it started "with an M", though he couldn't make out the rest of the name.

I would also be interested in knowing whether anyone else in the room could hear it.  Isn't Mark slightly hard of hearing?