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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Russell Kanning on November 16, 2008, 05:10 PM NHFT

anyways ... the young women is not nearly the problem the cops and judge are

I don't agree: it's her--times several million--who gives the cops and judges their power.


She's also a city "planner" bureaucrat whose pet issue is getting Keene ready for climate change, whatever that's supposed to mean.


Quote from: error on November 16, 2008, 05:16 PM NHFT
She's also a city "planner" bureaucrat whose pet issue is getting Keene ready for climate change, whatever that's supposed to mean.

shes helping the city prepare for 2012.


Whatever the case... assuming it's "her"... she played a role in all this and as a bureaucrat deserves a bit of ostracism.


If she is indeed the one that made the complaint and hid behind Parcells, Burke, and the rest of the goons, then she should be plastered all over the internets.


Quote from: Josh on November 16, 2008, 05:22 PM NHFT
If she is indeed the one that made the complaint and hid behind Parcells, Burke, and the rest of the goons, then she should be plastered all over the internets.

youll have no resistance from me.


Quote from: Josh on November 16, 2008, 05:22 PM NHFT
If she is indeed the one that made the complaint and hid behind Parcells, Burke, and the rest of the goons, then she should be plastered all over the internets.

Agreed...*if* she is. I would have awaited confirmation before posting anything abot her, but nothing listed was inappropriate if it turns out to be her.

When I heard the complaintant refused to meet with Ian, I assumed it must be some old lady afraid of the world, but finding out its a younger person, wow...clearly they had very negative intentions. It would be interesting if someone could interview her as to her take on the situation.


Shortly I'll be putting on the page the reasonings for believing it's her. All the evidence points to her. I'm still not sure where her name was originally procured though.

Russell Kanning

Ryan called porc411 and said they were outside the jail today and had to leave when the cops threatened them with the usual stuff
He is headed to vendettas

Dave Ridley

not sure its a good idea to list the alleged complainants addie until at least there is more clear evidence she is the perpetrator of this complaint.


The only reason I did is because it's available on WhitePages.com.

What I wanted was to get the distance between Ian's home and hers to see if Parcells claim someone with a good arm could reach her place from Ians.


Quote from: KBCraig on November 16, 2008, 11:43 AM NHFT
A question for those who were in the courtroom: Was there any audio from the "secret trial" room?

There was audio... it was unclear... and I will be posting more information about it later.

And I personally confirm that Ms. Engert was mentioned as the complainant to Ian's couch.



Quote from: Coconut on November 16, 2008, 06:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on November 16, 2008, 11:43 AM NHFT
A question for those who were in the courtroom: Was there any audio from the "secret trial" room?

There was audio... it was unclear... and I will be posting more information about it later.

And I personally confirm that Ms. Engert was mentioned as the complainant to Ian's couch.

Are people comfortable with this proof? If so I'm going to remove all language indicating it's unknown who the complainant was.

Free libertarian

For arguments sake if Ian had a stuffed recliner rather than a couch would he have gotten less time?

I respect the power and ferocity of mean recliners but I absolutely live in fear of killer couches.  I've heard they are especially ferocious when wounded and cornered or protecting their young. We need to ban couches or at least take special Gov't. training to own one.  I saw a couch swallow a person whole once.  I will never trust my dangerous couch.  :couch: