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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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He sounds all fresh and new!!



I will AMP if he'll get rid of that green/blue striped shirt. I'm sick of seeing it.


I just sent him a postcard and my letter to Burke this morn...wonder if they'll foward it.

Congrats Ian! Rushed down to the library to catch the start of FTL's show after hearing this.

J’raxis 270145

 ;D ;D ;D

/just finished reading this entire thread

Kat Kanning

So shall we get a wheelchair brigade in for Ian's next court date?  See if he yells at them to stand up.

Paul Comeau Jr


I have a spinal injury, and those chairs would NOT be good for me to sit in for very long. My own mobile chair would be much more comfortable

firecracker joe

 :D nice job ian you stood your ground . so your not all talk  takes a big man to go through what i saw you go through and not cow down when the cuffs go on. you make me proud to be a free talk live listener and amplifier.  firecracker joe
ps. Marks turn



I just came over here to post this and then I heard the good news that Ian had already been released.  I don't know whether Ian would need a box -- maybe a large envelope.

Free Mexican-Not Stamped

I missed the show up til now.  Does anybody know if there was anything like a traditional trial? where the defendent makes an opening statement, calls witnesses, gives a closing argument, etc.?   Or did the judge just drag Ian into the next room and pronounce him guilty with no trial?


Quote from: Free Mexican-Not Stamped on November 17, 2008, 07:44 PM NHFT
I missed the show up til now.  Does anybody know if there was anything like a traditional trial? where the defendent makes an opening statement, calls witnesses, gives a closing argument, etc.?   Or did the judge just drag Ian into the next room and pronounce him guilty with no trial?

There was a trial... or they tried at least. Ian wouldn't consent to any part of it, but the judge almost took his side on the issue. The judge looked at the ordinance and said "This is what you're trying to charge him with? What if I have a gardening chair on my lawn?" Had Ian posed any defense, he may have been found not guilty on the couch issue.


This is great!    Awesome!   Dada your video was so helpful I'm sure and the way everyone stuck together and got this news all over!

Ian is free, yahoo!!!  :grouphug: :bdance2:

By the way I don't know what else is going to happen but I have a couch, (sofa bed), and 2 little kid pull out sofas if needed now or in the future.   I was coming on here to post about the sofas when I read that Ian is out.