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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Free Mexican-Not Stamped

QuoteThere was a trial... or they tried at least. Ian wouldn't consent to any part of it, but the judge almost took his side on the issue. The judge looked at the ordinance and said "This is what you're trying to charge him with? What if I have a gardening chair on my lawn?" Had Ian posed any defense, he may have been found not guilty on the couch issue.

I heard some of the beginning of the show on the replay.  I like the approach of caller Lee (?) the TV guy.  It sounds like with the limited video, and then the audio that Ian said he might have and the transcript evidence that there should be a good shot of some kind of redress via appeal, grand jury, and/or suit against that clown. 


Although I won't be living in New Hampshire until April at the soonest, what people like Ian and Lauren are doing and have gone through have reaffirmed not only my belief in the FSP, but liberty and the liberty movement as a whole. Thank you Ian, I'm glad you're out and keep up the great work.


Thank you so much to everyone who helped out!  I'd have stuck it out (Cheshire jail isn't too bad, FYI.), but I knew it was hell on Julia so I threw in the towel and begged for mercy on Monday morning's video conference with Burke.  I gave him the obedience he so desperately wanted and he gave me a suspended 90 day sentence. 
Oh, plus they still want the money out of me even though I did the full 3 days in jail!   >:(

Turns out I was right about my instincts with Julia. (I couldn't call her due to her having a cel phone.  The collect call phone in the holding cell wouldn't work with cel phones.)  She wasn't able to eat much or work all weekend.   :'(  I had to do what was right for my relationship.  That said, I'm certain all your calls to the court/jail helped tremendously!

As you know, I didn't give in to him at the "trial" however, so we all got to see just how violent and out of control this all still is.  Plus, he has set himself up for major mass disobedience in the form of a mass sit-in.  Perhaps at their arraignment on 12/12 for Toby and I over Freedom Fest or at the inevitable trial for the same?  I've told Burke I'll play this one by his rules, which should be fine as they don't have a leg to stand on. (1st amendment freedom to assemble, anyone?)

If you all want to come, I imagine there will be some (perhaps many) activists who refuse to stand.  I will not be joining in the disobedience as that will get my ass tossed back in the clink for 90 days, and I can't put Julia right back to where she was!

I hope others will take the mantle of civil disobedience here in Keene and keep up the momentum.  My job is what it has always been.  To communicate the peaceful evolution to the rest of the world, and invite them to join us.

Thank you again for everything.  I stand at the ready to assist you when and if your time comes to deal with the Blue Light Gang.

Dave Ridley

i just appeared this morning as a guest on a "relationship" talk show which is a little bigger than FTL

they loved this story and may want to have ian on next

i'm supposed to get a call from a big mainstream reporter at some point today who is after the story....altho we'll see. 


Great work Dave.

And thanks for the plug in the latest video. Do you have any web banners I could display on my sites? It'd be great if all the liberty sites could pool their advertising banners and such in one place for people who wish to spread the message that way. Actually... sounds like something that should go on libertyactivism.info:)

Free libertarian

Glad that you are out Ian.  No shame in how it happened.  Most of us have been in supportive roles and should not judge anothers decision when we haven't been in that position (jail) for standing up for justice and principle.  Anybody that feels strongly enough about civil disobedience should go to Ian's trial on 12/12 and not rise/not sit when ordered to.  You'll get your turn in jail then. To stand up to the man is hard to do, all the more reason to support those that have and still are.  It is an incredibly selfless act.

I'm of the opinion (uninformed) that the judge was aware of his mistake, (giving Ian 90 days) and has breathed a big sigh of relief since he now hopes the publicity will go away with Ian released. The publicity shouldn't go away, this judge was wrong and is still wrong regardless of his "kindness" and early release of Ian. People need to be told this story again and again.

I may attend the trial or a gathering to address  grievances  outside but I am not yet ready to go to jail myself for reasons too lengthy to discuss here. Admittedly fear is one of those reasons, but not the biggest anymore thanks to those who have gone before me. I believe for many of us that time is coming though.  I think we all owe a sincere Thank you to Ian.  He did something most of us haven't dared to do yet.

Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Josh on November 17, 2008, 06:46 PM NHFT
I have a spinal injury, and those chairs would NOT be good for me to sit in for very long. My own mobile chair would be much more comfortable

If a few people genuinely in need of wheelchairs were to accompany another dozen also so accoutred, the confusion could probably be used to advantage . . .

Free libertarian

Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 18, 2008, 09:08 AM NHFT
i just appeared this morning as a guest on a "relationship" talk show which is a little bigger than FTL

they loved this story and may want to have ian on next

i'm supposed to get a call from a big mainstream reporter at some point today who is after the story....altho we'll see. 

Lets' just hope they don't interview Ian in Keene outside while he's seated on a couch.   ;D


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 18, 2008, 04:46 AM NHFT
I'd have stuck it out (Cheshire jail isn't too bad, FYI.), but I knew it was hell on Julia so I threw in the towel and begged for mercy on Monday morning's video conference with Burke. 

It's fair and understandable to do what you did to reduce hurt on someone else.

Did you ask for the conference with Burke or did they offer it? Do you think that was their plan to expect to give you another chance after a few days?


I've been a little curious as to what the tenants have thought of this entire thing.


Quote from: Coconut on November 18, 2008, 09:26 AM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 18, 2008, 04:46 AM NHFT
I'd have stuck it out (Cheshire jail isn't too bad, FYI.), but I knew it was hell on Julia so I threw in the towel and begged for mercy on Monday morning's video conference with Burke. 

It's fair and understandable to do what you did to reduce hurt on someone else.

Did you ask for the conference with Burke or did they offer it? Do you think that was their plan to expect to give you another chance after a few days?

He did because he apparently forgot to grant me a "right of allocution" on the third contempt charge.  I don't know what that means, but I think it means opportunity to beg.  I kind of felt that the original intent was to "scare" me with a weekend in jail, have me back down, and then release me on monday.  No way to prove that, of course.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 18, 2008, 09:34 AM NHFT
He did because he apparently forgot to grant me a "right of allocution" on the third contempt charge.  I don't know what that means, but I think it means opportunity to beg. 

Probably. Because on the first two he said "What do you have to say for yourself?" That was probably supposed to be your chance to say sorry.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 18, 2008, 09:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: Coconut on November 18, 2008, 09:26 AM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on November 18, 2008, 04:46 AM NHFT
I'd have stuck it out (Cheshire jail isn't too bad, FYI.), but I knew it was hell on Julia so I threw in the towel and begged for mercy on Monday morning's video conference with Burke. 

It's fair and understandable to do what you did to reduce hurt on someone else.

Did you ask for the conference with Burke or did they offer it? Do you think that was their plan to expect to give you another chance after a few days?

He did because he apparently forgot to grant me a "right of allocution" on the third contempt charge.  I don't know what that means, but I think it means opportunity to beg.  I kind of felt that the original intent was to "scare" me with a weekend in jail, have me back down, and then release me on monday.  No way to prove that, of course.


From the wikipedia it does seem to be a apology or a explanation about why you did what you did and why. Since Burke the Jerk admitted he messed up and railroaded you it appears to make more of a case if you wanted to take this to appeal.


Since it was mentioned on FTL that the couch would be gone by the end of the week...I was thinking something should be done like a memorial for the couch, some grand farewell to it. Maybe it could be buried or thrown in a bonfire or something so it goes out with a bang.

If there was a market for it, I'd say pieces of the fabric could be framed or something and sold on ebay as mementos of the case.