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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Quote from: bile on November 30, 2008, 07:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: Coconut on November 30, 2008, 07:48 PM NHFT
However, I would guess she or her family has "contacted authorities" because I heard about her situation from an officer, like I said. That may not be the case though.

Maybe. I'm not terribly familiar with Keene but it seems like the bureaucrats all know each other and given the scale of the incident word would travel to the cops as to what was up. We'll see. Everyone links to my site regarding the incident so we'll see. I've yet to be contacted by anyone officially. Just one person from the Ohio LP who didn't think linking her non-government information was appropriate.

I did ask if they were looking to charge people with cyber-bullying. He said no, that he was just expressing concern and shame over the situation.

Jim Johnson

Bureaucrats should never think that they have any sort of anonymity... and they seem to always ask for public input.

If the in put isn't what she would like, maybe she should start serving the community.


Pat K

Ah Jim lad ya do have a way with words.  ;D

Russell Kanning

who said it was happening? oh yea .... a lying government thug
I wouldn't accuse anyone of anything based on the word of a bureaucrat.
Noone I know has threatened or hurt these guys ... the worst thing so far is that Ian didn't sit down very fast and said some special words to one of the robed thugs.



Quote from: Coconut on November 30, 2008, 07:12 PM NHFT
I talked to Officer M. Griffin today. He said that Ms. Engert's life, and possibly her family's, is being affected by the response she's getting about this. The people who harass or threaten her are only stooping to the level of the City when they threatened Ian. He didn't like it, and no reason anyone should wish that on anyone else. Revenge doesn't win.

Interesting.  I should point out that I forgave Ms. Engert and never suggested anyone do anything to her.

Hope the bureaucrats learn that aggressing against their neighbors creates unintended consequences and they give it up.

Tom Sawyer

The fact that someone like her can unwittingly unleash the thugs on people... made me sad and slightly nauseous, millions of others just like her.

Dave Ridley

did she do it unwittingly?  or intentionally?

Tom Sawyer

Most people don't see the connection that if you call the authorities it leads to violence.


maybe she should go work at McDonalds where she can provide a service to the economy.

Kat Kanning

Ian, what were the second two contempt charges for?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 03, 2008, 01:17 PM NHFT
Ian, what were the second two contempt charges for?

Refusing to answer two questions, one about my legal name, the other as to whether I could pay their fine.  You can hear audio of the latter contempt here:

Kat Kanning


Ian my first postcard to you in jail came back today. Return To Sender. It had a peace sign and told you how proud I was of your actions and how important it was in getting attention to the FSP, the freedom movement in Keene, and more importantly how effective your case was in showing the courts and the court officials for what they are. Or really how they operate. A lot of decent albeit ignorant people doing their job of following blind orders that make no sense and worse violate our rights as human beings.


Quote from: lastlady on December 03, 2008, 04:28 PM NHFT
Ian my first postcard to you in jail came back today. Return To Sender. It had a peace sign and told you how proud I was of your actions and how important it was in getting attention to the FSP, the freedom movement in Keene, and more importantly how effective your case was in showing the courts and the court officials for what they are. Or really how they operate. A lot of decent albeit ignorant people doing their job of following blind orders that make no sense and worse violate our rights as human beings.

I was wondering what they were gonna do with mail. I mailed a postcard out from Florida the day Ian was released, but I used my NH address as the return.