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Ian Freeman of FTL arrested (11/14/08)

Started by slim, November 14, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

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Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: FreeKeene.com's Ian on May 14, 2009, 02:53 PM NHFT
I heard rumors he was fired for sexual harassment.  Wonder what the real story is.

" 'Erotic' is when you do it with a feather; 'kinky' is when you do it with the whole chicken . . ."

Dave Ridley

me got an e-mail in to the city manager and the code enforcement section to see if they can verify this.


just another reason to tape these 'people' all the time.

Russell Kanning

i wouldn't put anything past that guy

Guardian Knights

G'day Mates
Seems that Ian has himself in a bit of a bind...no worries, we can fix that. Would someone please show me the law that states that anyone has to rise when a corp, fiction walks into the room. Crikey mates remember who you are..one below the Almighty...then the courts. I would suggest that a whole lot of folks go to court during Ian hearings and refuse to stand when the judge enters...I would also suggest that you are NOT in his Jurisdiction...But one of We The People...Standing on Dry Land, unless you cross the Bar. Now if what happened to Ian, would have happened to me...I would have said in a very loud Voice...on and for the record..I do NOT Consent! On and for the record "This court takes judicial Notice of the Judge's Oath..Then go on to say on and for the record sir...what type of contempt are you charging me with?
Criminal or Civil? What venue Common Law, or statutory law. Now if this silly bugger states criminal! the sir please bring forth the complaint sign and verified by two witness..Toast! Ahh...civil then...well sir would you please place into evidence the signed contract between us...toast again. Ian was doing the right thing...only problem was he didn't know how to handle the contempt charge...I would also suggest that anyone going into a court of law (sic) be armed and loaded for bear. that means kids..1. Claim of Right. 2. Power of attorney (for self) 3. For Competency and Incompetence, Revocation of Power of
Attorney and Firing all Persons below and Demand to cease and desist.

This is a sweet one mates i.e,: The reason for this document - you and I have been declared dead and incompetent to handle any of your affairs without the representation of 3rd parties.  This declares you alive and a Sovereign and Competent to handle all of your affairs.  The firing of all third parties allows you to manage and handle all of your affairs as you so choose.  The third parties are then declared Incompetent and will be committing a commercial crime of practicing law without a license if they proceed.

This document, along with your Power of Attorney for representing your STRAWMAN and your Copyright of your STRAWMAN name, are the most important documents in your quest for freedom and Sovereignty.  You are now a King or Queen as you were created to be.

Any offer/document received from this day forward, simply write diagonally across "I have received your offer and I accept it as true.  I am returning your offer for discharge and
  closure in this matter.  You are ordered to return all papers regarding this matter to me
  within the 3 day period.    Sign it by ______________________ and date it.  Attach your Power
of Attorney and Copyright and you Competency and incompetence document to their offer
and return it to them.  Make a copy always for the Sheriff, Governor, and if about Taxes the Comptroller. If Ian has a friend that would like to contact me...please e-mail with a phone #. will do what we can to help.


Maybe some could lock this necrotic thread before more noobs get lured in.

And while you're at it, could you lock the subject of all this corporate legal fiction B.S. that's as tired as this thread? It's been tried. Courts ignored it. Let's move on.  ::)

Guardian Knights

Quote from: dalebert on June 06, 2009, 11:20 AM NHFT
Maybe some could lock this necrotic thread before more noobs get lured in.

And while you're at it, could you lock the subject of all this corporate legal fiction B.S. that's as tired as this thread? It's been tried. Courts ignored it. Let's move on.  ::)

G'day mate
I live here in Indiana..and the last traffic case I did using this approach was dismissed. 


You're full of shit.  Every traffic case in Indiana gets dismissed if you show up to court.  Your case wasn't dismissed because of the complexities of your stupid argument, it was dismissed because your officer isn't paid to show up to testify against you, so 99% of the time they don't show up.


Quote from: Guardian Knights on June 06, 2009, 11:14 AM NHFT
This document, along with your Power of Attorney for representing your STRAWMAN and your Copyright of your STRAWMAN name, are the most important documents in your quest for freedom and Sovereignty.  You are now a King or Queen as you were created to be.

Do you have youtube video of this so we can laugh at you?

Kat Kanning

Man, I saw "Ian Freeman arrested" subject line and got a hit of adrenaline, before I saw the date.



Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 06, 2009, 02:23 PM NHFT
Man, I saw "Ian Freeman arrested" subject line and got a hit of adrenaline, before I saw the date.

Happens to me every time!


Thanks guys and nice lady! Now I don't feel like such a goof ;D

Guardian Knights

Quote from: Caleb on June 06, 2009, 01:07 PM NHFT
You're full of shit.  Every traffic case in Indiana gets dismissed if you show up to court.  Your case wasn't dismissed because of the complexities of your stupid argument, it was dismissed because your officer isn't paid to show up to testify against you, so 99% of the time they don't show up.
Sir, I can assure you not every case is dismissed because the officer didn't show, the officer in my case was there. I am not here to fight with you good folks, as I stated in the post this is what I did...I have no reason to lie to you or anybody for that matter. They dismissed the case "Dismissal in the best interest of Indiana"
I talked to one of the public defenders afterward, seems that they did not want to deal with the Power of attorney...they had nowhere to go with it. I have been active in the freeman world for awhile now and most of the judges know me. I have always taken the approach of asking the right questions in the court, mates this is NOT about fighting...I do not wish to be in conflict with them...I just hold them to the same standers as they hold us. I would suggest that you watch Robert Menard, a good bloke with the right approach. The Guardian Knights are here in Indiana to help folks with court, foreclosures and other issues, we do not charge or ask for donations...just a group of people looking for peace and abundance. Once again I am NOT an attorney or a member of the BAR...We are just people helping people. which gives us that warm fuzzy feeling when they win. And mates we do win...lose too...but at least we do try.
As always
With love and respect to all
Chase..the new guy