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Coffee shop/bookstore

Started by AlanM, August 21, 2005, 10:06 AM NHFT

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Quote from: AlanM on December 01, 2005, 10:18 PM NHFT
Just want to let everyone know that progress is being made on this. Negotiations have started.? :)

Awesome!! Best of luck!

Russell Kanning

The place in Marlborough is closed.
But then that might not be the one you are looking at anyway.


I'd like to invite you all to the first Shorty Dawkins Liberty Tree planting. Of course that will depend on the Shorty Dawkins Cafe and Coffee Shop actually coming to fruition. Watch this thread for announcements.  ;D


Quote from: AlanM on December 05, 2005, 11:18 PM NHFT
I'd like to invite you all to the first Shorty Dawkins Liberty Tree planting. Of course that will depend on the Shorty Dawkins Cafe and Coffee Shop actually coming to fruition. Watch this thread for announcements.  ;D

If it's not soon, Shorty won't be plantin' any trees. Not until spring, unless he uses heavy equipment.  ;D



Quote from: KBCraig on December 05, 2005, 11:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: AlanM on December 05, 2005, 11:18 PM NHFT
I'd like to invite you all to the first Shorty Dawkins Liberty Tree planting. Of course that will depend on the Shorty Dawkins Cafe and Coffee Shop actually coming to fruition. Watch this thread for announcements.? ;D

If it's not soon, Shorty won't be plantin' any trees. Not until spring, unless he uses heavy equipment.? ;D


We can always do an indoor planting, then have another celebration of Liberty when we move it outside.  :)


  One of the things I want to do with the Cafe is have some educational stuff in the evenings, like lectures, or exhibits, or even classes. I was talking to Demi Papadinis of the New England Shakespeare Festival, and she and I will give a workshop or two on "Bringing Shakespeare Alive". Shakespeare is usually presented as dull, dull, dull. He's not. He is bawdy as hell, even more so than most people ever imagine. They just don't do the research.
  Demi is currently doing a new annotated version of Romeo and Juliet. She has been amazed at what she has discovered, that others have totally missed. I can't wait for her to finish it and have published.  8)

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: AlanM on December 05, 2005, 11:48 PM NHFT
? One of the things I want to do with the Cafe is have some educational stuff in the evenings, like lectures, or exhibits, or even classes. I was talking to Demi Papadinis of the New England Shakespeare Festival, and she and I will give a workshop or two on "Bringing Shakespeare Alive". Shakespeare is usually presented as dull, dull, dull. He's not. He is bawdy as hell, even more so than most people ever imagine. They just don't do the research.
? Demi is currently doing a new annotated version of Romeo and Juliet. She has been amazed at what she has discovered, that others have totally missed. I can't wait for her to finish it and have published.? 8)

Yeah, cool stuff.  Also, you might want to have one day a month for open night of jokes, another for poems, and stuff like that.  Invite the local school talent show winners to do a preformance or something.

Lloyd Danforth

When I was in High School we were fortunate to have the now defunct American Shakespheare Theater less than an hour away in Stratford, CT.  We went once every year.
They performed Bawdy productions. I remember in a performance of "Romeo And Juliet" When one of romeo's friends looked up the Nurse's dress and exclaimed, something like,"Ah!, no hair, tis a whore!"


Thanks for the ideas. Other ideas people have?

Kat Kanning

I had an idea about redecorating my front room.  I thought I'd get some nice paintings and repaint the walls and stuff.


Quote from: katdillon on December 06, 2005, 08:31 AM NHFT
I had an idea about redecorating my front room.? I thought I'd get some nice paintings and repaint the walls and stuff.

Interesting.  ::)

Kat Kanning


How about this:
Profitable, attractively decorated, fun to work at, neighborhood style restaurant and pub with a clientele of loyal local people, year-round tourists, and winter skiers. Approximately 2,400 sq ft of space with seating for 135. Many recent upgrades including a new heating and air conditioning system. $395,000. for business only. Real estate also available for $535,000. File #519



Here's a chance for someone wanting a restaurant in the North Country. (If we can get to Berlin, I'd love to have Ward's chili next door in Gorham!  ;D )

Founded 1897, seats 160, kitchen fully modernized, in good repair from the looks of the photos.

Click here



That may be the ugliest carpet I've ever seen.