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Coffee shop/bookstore

Started by AlanM, August 21, 2005, 10:06 AM NHFT

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I was just on craigslist looking at real estate listings, and I came across this. It looks familiar, so this might be a listing you guys are already aware of. I just didn't feel like searching the board for it. Anyway, here it is:


Russell Kanning

...and it was not flooded in Octobers storm. :)

The place doesn't seem busy enough to make up for the big pricetag.


Although you could rent out those two apartments to recoup some of the cost.

But yeah, it is steep. I just saw the listing and thought it'd be perfect for the business.


Quote from: Scott Roth on March 06, 2006, 06:23 PM NHFT
The problem with that property is that the apartments were built without the proper permits, and may have to be torn out.

uh oh... Now you've done it!  Now Russell will be scraping up a half million just so he can rent out the apartments and spit on the code inspector.  >:D

Speaking of... we need a Barbara update.


Quote from: Scott Roth on March 06, 2006, 06:23 PM NHFT
The problem with that property is that the apartments were built without the proper permits, and may have to be torn out.

Well, that's a nice little detail to leave out.


Quote from: KBCraig on March 06, 2006, 07:29 PM NHFT
Speaking of... we need a Barbara update.

I was confusing Barbara with the Myrtle Woodward case. Sorry 'bout that!

What's the latest in Hampton?


Kat Kanning

Barbara is Myrtle's niece...same case.

Russell Kanning

Why are the apartments not torn out now? ....... you could just continue as is.


Scumbag govt.  Those apartments look so lavish, how unfortunate there are these horrid zoning rules.   >:(

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Scott Roth on March 07, 2006, 05:03 PM NHFT
In order for them to sell the property, that issue has to be addressed and rectified.
But maybe not if the right kind of people are buying it. :)

Recumbent ReCycler

Yeah.  I wouldn't tear them out even if the code inspector told me to.  A machine gun nest could be installed to keep the fuzz at bay if they ever tried to sieze the place.   >:D  I have a bunch of books that would be perfect for a place like that, but I wouldn't want to sell them.  Maybe a reading room with rare and restricted books that people could read while hanging out and drinking coffee.  Some of the books I have are labeled "RESTRICTED: for government use only" or something along those lines, and I haven't seen them for sale anywhere else.  Probably because of the wealth of information concerning weapons, explosives, etc.  After all, they don't want non-government folks to have blueprints for an assortment of projectile fuses, etc., as well as instructions for making weapons and explosives from common readily available materials, like dirt.   >:D  I have duplicates of some books that I might be willing to sell though.  I don't think it would be a good idea to allow smoking inside because of the tar and other residues that would be deposited on the books and everything else.  I would be much less likely to go to an establishment that was smoky from cigarettes.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Scott Roth on March 08, 2006, 09:43 PM NHFT

Unless, of course, the smoking ban passes. Then you would have to do it as a protest. :D

Kat Kanning


Russell Kanning

Another guy moving in from Mich who is interested .... pm me for his contact info.