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Redefining the SOI. Redefining Liberty.

Started by dalebert, November 21, 2008, 09:17 AM NHFT

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Quote from: toowm on November 28, 2008, 09:32 AM NHFT
I wouldn't tell you to shut up. I think those folks on the board are wrong, but potentially teachable. Part of that teaching is vinegar, and some is honey. The bigotry part of the SOI can be read narrowly to keep the creeps out, or very broadly to eliminate many folks already here. (People who seem to hate all cops, anti-immigration activists, passionate people on both sides of the abortion issues, etc.)

Good points, Toowm. I would just like to bring attention to some things I already said. I'm sure a lot of people haven't followed this post for post.

This quote come from here if you want to see it in context.

QuoteSo let me try to clarify where I stand. First, I don't want the FSP to start policing every person who signs up. I'm not pushing for them to ban people based on things they say on the forum. The sign-up list and the SOI is pretty much an honor system and I don't think it's practical for them to do so. I was merely concerned with the image that the FSP projects to the public. I've said myself that there are a number of issues like abortion and immigration that can be very fuzzy depending on your interpretation of protecting life, liberty, and property, but regulating contracts between consenting adults is not even a little bit fuzzy. I'm not talking about personal beliefs about people's behavior and what you consider to be healthy or moral or not. I'm talking about expanding government to impose your views. We need to be a big tent, but there is a point beyond which sacrificing your principles to win (like hitting 20,000k in this case) turns you into the enemy you were trying to defeat in the first place and winning stops having any value. I brought up Focus on the Family, not because they have personal views that differ from my own, but because they are a lobbying group. That's what I meant by a FotF type, but Seth may have a broader interpretation as he uses it, i.e. someone who holds such views but doesn't try to use government to impose them. So while I don't think the SOI should be enforced tyrannically, it is meant to filter the type of people we attract along with the statements that are made in the media about who we welcome.


abortion miiiight be a worthwhile issue to be on one side of the fence or another. . .but immigration?

Coming from a formerly indoctrinated downright isolationist FOOL (myself) the only reason someone has to be anti-immigration in my opinion is racial.  Horrible reason.  I've thankfully overcome my own misconceptions and self-lies to grow stronger through my fellow human beings, no matter the color, gender, or sexual orientation (or what land they were plopped outta momma on)


I agree with you, but do you think Ron Paul and everybody else who favors welfare reform before immigration reform is racist?

Lloyd Danforth

 One could be non-racist, simply ignorant of economics, possessing  a zero sum mentality and believe that the limited number of labor related jobs in the US should go first to people born here.

Another thing. The way Racism is being waved around here is depressingly P C. 

People who don't like, want to ingage with or allow equal rights are Bigots. See Archie Bunker.

People who want the annihilation of another race are Racists.

Hispanics and Caucasian are members of the same race.

Russell Kanning