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Help me inform someone about Lincoln.

Started by Puke, December 01, 2008, 02:35 PM NHFT

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So I get this e-mail out of the blue from some post I made somewhere. I have no idea what I was commenting on but this guy (or gal) names Aron e-mails me to ask this.

QuoteI Saw a comment you posted about Lincoln being a vile politician that
started the most bloody war American has seen...

Are you a Confederate romantic or are you just sadly misinformed?
Either way you couldnt be more wrong...

My response -
I am not misinformed. Are you suggesting that Lincoln didn't start the bloodiest war in American history?
He was also a very corrupt lawyer and had no comprehension of the Constitution.

It seems to me that you are uninformed. Lincoln was not the man that pop culture history icon that he is portrayed as. It's all BS hero worship that starts in the government run public schools.

Have a good day:
James 'Puke' Schmill

And the response to that one from Aron -
QuoteHi James,

The south started to succeed from the union after the election of
Abraham Lincoln.  Lincoln didn't order any of these states to succeed.
Furthermore, the starting of hostilities were started when the new
Confederacy fired on a federal outpost called Fort Sumter.  How can
you argue that Lincoln was to blame?

I'm asking the great and knowledgable horde out there to help me out.
What should I respond with? Are there any books or good websites I can point Aron to that tells the true history of Lincoln?



Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: Puke on December 01, 2008, 02:35 PM NHFTAre there any books I can point Aron to . . . ?

I'd start with Strunk & White, and a basic dictionary . . .


I like his statement that Lincoln didn't order the south to [secede].

One of those folks that think the preservation of "the union" was more important than states rights.


Jesse is going to dress as Lincoln one day and stand in the square reciting some less-well-known Lincoln quotes.  >:D

Jim Johnson

Didn't we hang Lincoln a year or two ago.

Caleb had all of those treason reasons written on a piece of paper... and there is a video.

thread http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=7329.0


Quote from: Puke on December 01, 2008, 02:35 PM NHFT
...Are there any books or good websites I can point Aron to that tells the true history of Lincoln?

This book chapter ( 8 ) is a good one for Lincoln critics:

Lincoln and the First Shot: A Study of Deceit and Deception


Bill St. Clair


But worship of Lincoln is a religious issue. You might as well try to talk somebody out of belief in Jesus.


I used to be a "Lincoln fan" until I decided that "preserving the union" was definitely NOT a noble cause and that Lincoln and the North were not fighting the war to free the slaves.

I think that part of the problem with trying to get people to see Lincoln as he was is similar to main stream politics now where if they reject the democrats most think they most accept the republicans; similarly most think that they are supporting the South's use of slavery by rejecting Lincoln... what they need to realize is that both the North and the South were VERY wrong and for almost the exact same reasons.

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteJesse is going to dress as Lincoln one day and stand in the square reciting some less-well-known Lincoln quotes.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything."


I wonder how many people have actually read his inaugural address.

Pat McCotter

QuoteMore Americans died in the Civil War than in the Seven Years' War, the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, the Vietname War, and 9/11 COMBINED.

About 618,000 people killed by battle and disease.
The Price in Blood!
Casualties in the Civil War

More people were killed in 3 days at Gettysburg than were killed in Vietnam.

Pat McCotter

Names For The Civil War

       The conflict known to most of us as the Civil War has a long and checkered nomenclature. To this day some patriotic Southerners wince at the term, Civil War. These partisans usually favor The War Between the States-and some organizations of descendants of Confederate warriors use this term under their by-laws, and none other. The tide seems to stem from the two-volume work by Alexander Stephens, the Confederate Vice-President, published after the war.
        Most of the names listed are of Southern origin, since the defeated and their heirs grasped for some expression of unquenched ardor and defiance which would do justice to the Old South. These names have been seriously, not to say apoplectically, offered to the world.
        In a more jocular vein the war has been known as The Late Unpleasantness, The Late Friction, The Late Ruction, The Schism, or The Uncivil War. But in the South in particular it is known simply as The War, as if the planet had not heard a shot fired in anger since '65.

Some samples:

The War for Constitutional Liberty
The War for Southern Independence
The Second American Revolution
The War for States' Rights
Mr. Lincoln's War
The Southern Rebellion
The War for Southern Rights
The War of the Southern Planters
The War of the Rebellion
The Second War for Independence
The War to Suppress Yankee Arrogance
The Brothers' War
The War of Secession
The Great Rebellion
The War for Nationality
The War for Southern Nationality
The War Against Slavery
The Civil War Between the States
The War of the Sixties
The War Against Northern Aggression
The Yankee Invasion
The War for Separation
The War for Abolition
The War for the Union
The Confederate War
The War of the Southrons
The War for Southern Freedom
The War of the North and South
The Lost Cause