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For the shooters in our group

Started by neggy, December 01, 2008, 04:26 PM NHFT

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I found this on one of the motorcycle sites, thought I'd pass it on

Most of you are familiar with the FBI agent who murdered Randy Weavers wife while holding their infant child @ 150 yrds and then testified to congress that he could "Identify and hit a quarter at 200 meters" but thought Mrs. Weavers infant was an assault rifle and "neutralized the threat".
Well, it would seem that H.S. Precision has seen fit to either pay for, or accept, based on reputation(?) Mr. Lon Horiuchi's endorsment of their products. I for one feel this is not the type of person I am comfortable with endorsing a product that I may want to purchase in the future. If you agree, please let them know via e-mail that any future considerations you make towards a purchase will not include products from H.S. ( info@hsprecision.com)

K. Darien Freeheart

This was mentioned over on NH Tea Party...

This post (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2138289/posts) shows a printed endorsement from him. :( It's sick.

Their address is:

  RAPID CITY, SD 57703
  (605) 341-3006 TEL
  (605) 342-8964 FAX
Email: info@hsprecision.com


After double checking that this is true there will be quite a few emails going out to my contacts in the gun community. I cant see a company that is into guns being this stupid.


I think they are getting nailed pretty hard with emails and rightfully so.

Degan got what he deserved, and that SOB "sharpshooter" should have been tried for murder and then put in General Population until he was sent to the electric chair.

Ruby Ridge was one of the low points in american history, and one of the reasons I distrust the government.

For them to have any connection to that SOB and not expect backlash from the shooting community is insane

keith in RI


They don't need YOUR business, they've got those fat government contracts.


Lon Horiuchi is a criminal murderer. A man who would decapitate a mother with her baby in her arms is a disgusting human being. No, he's just disgusting, not a human being.


They got a murderer to do an endorsement for their $3,000 people killer rifles. That's just fucked up. Nice scrub job on the Lon Horiuchi Wiki btw.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: coffeeseven on December 02, 2008, 10:35 PM NHFT
They got a murderer to do an endorsement for their $3,000 people killer rifles. That's just fucked up. Nice scrub job on the Lon Horiuchi Wiki btw.

Fortunately it's still available in the history:—




QuoteTo Our Valued Customers:

H-S Precision has received comments relating to individual testimonials in our 2008 catalog. All of the testimonials focused on the quality, accuracy and customer service provided by H-S Precision.

The management of H-S Precision did not intend to offend anyone or create any type of controversy. We are revising our 2009 catalog and removing all product testimonials.


The Management of H-S Precision

Sorry, I sure won't be buying from you regardless of how much you would value me as a customer or lack of intention to offend.


Quote from: doobie on December 06, 2008, 08:16 AM NHFT
Sorry, I sure won't be buying from you regardless of how much you would value me as a customer or lack of intention to offend.

Doobie, I love your avatar. You should make that into a bumper sticker on Facebook.


Quote from: dalebert on December 06, 2008, 08:49 AM NHFT
Quote from: doobie on December 06, 2008, 08:16 AM NHFT
Sorry, I sure won't be buying from you regardless of how much you would value me as a customer or lack of intention to offend.

Doobie, I love your avatar. You should make that into a bumper sticker on Facebook.

No longer use facebook.  And I wouldn't know how to make it into a bumber sticker.  I stole it from someone anyway.