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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Help and Ideas For Marijuana Protest

Started by JAC, December 04, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT

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Correct, I learned that one the hard way.  :)


hehe  such dangerous weapons should not be allowed in thy king's court. 

Speaking of which, the guy that played the King of England in Braveheart died today.

Mike Barskey

Quote from: Mike Barskey on December 20, 2008, 08:56 PM NHFT
There was a costume store across the street from me (in Derry) just before halloween, but it's gone now. I'm not sure if there's another costume store in Derry.

Oops, I was mistaken. I just walked by there again and the costume store is still there. A business in the same building (2 doors over) went out of business, and I mistook that for the costume shop. Sorry!


A recent comment on one of my videos of the event:

"Ooooh I bet his cute little tiny wise ass bum was rather popular in Concord. Don't deny it....you got BONED and OWNED. Aren;t you glad you wasted your time with your dog and pony show? For a bunch of people who won't lift a finger to help you and are only good at holding a camera?"

Tom Sawyer

'Relax your muscles as much as possible'
Vin Suprynowicz
Las Vegas Review-Journal

Quote...What's life like in our prisons for those 77,000 marijuana convicts? Let's steel our nerves and go visit the Web site www.spr.org, where the Los Angeles outfit "Stop Prisoner Rape" has posted the little plain-talking handbill it has prepared for young men entering our prison system, titled "For Prisoners: Advice on Avoiding HIV/AIDS."

The group's handout -- targeted primarily at heterosexual men who have no desire to ever be involved in homosexual activity -- advises:

"HIV/AIDS transmission during a sexual assault is a serious concern. The following are practical tips for reducing your risk. ...

"If you have a choice, try to avoid men who used needles for drugs in the past or are still doing so. ... The more often you are raped, the more exposed you will be, so especially try to avoid anal gang-bangs. The most dangerous situation of all is if your anus is bleeding, for that allows easy entry of the virus into your bloodstream. So try to use a lubricant or grease or cream if you can to minimize injury to your delicate internal body parts, avoid anal gang-bangs, and if you must endure forced anal penetration, try to relax your muscles as much as possible. These tactics are not 'cooperating' or consenting, they are just common-sense measures to try to save your life. ...

"In many situations you are better off agreeing to do something (masturbating, oral sex, sex with a condom) rather than just resisting until you are overwhelmed and forced to deal with unprotected anal sex from one or many guys. You may feel you should resist to the end, but that would put your life in danger. There is no shame in doing what you have to do to survive; nothing changes the fact that rape is involved and you are not morally or legally responsible for it; these compromises are just pathways to your survival. It may even be to your advantage to develop skills in oral sex so that guys you have to deal with will be satisfied with that alone. Don't feel guilty about it; you're just trying to save your life. ..."

Feeling pretty comfortable now with what the legal system is doing to these 77,000 nonviolent pot-smokers in your name? (And those are just the ones who end up doing hard time, mind you. Remember, 646,000 were arrested in 2000. Do you suppose most of them had a nice, restful night in jail?...

Kat Kanning

Andrew turned himself in to jail today.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 02, 2009, 04:15 PM NHFT
Andrew turned himself in to jail today.

Has anyone seen any news stories about this?  youtube videos?


Quote from: thinkliberty on June 03, 2009, 12:01 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 02, 2009, 04:15 PM NHFT
Andrew turned himself in to jail today.

Has anyone seen any news stories about this?  youtube videos?

Barskey called it in to Porc-411. I hope there's more recorded for posterity than just that call.

Mike Barskey

There will be at least 2 videos soon.

Mike Barskey

I've added Andrew to Mail-to-Jail, if you want to write him a letter or postcard.



and now for the ongoing mission of freedom to hold a God given plant...

a herbology 101 demonstration has beed discussed briefly by a few.

Kat Kanning

BTW...if someone is picking Andrew up today, they're likely to boot him out early in the morning, as in soon.

Sam A. Robrin

I'm available to pad out the crowd, if someone's going.

Mike Barskey

I just called the jail:

AO = Annoying operator that reminded me of Lily Tomlin's Ernestine
CR = Captain Russeau
me = me

me: You're jailing my friend and I'd like to check if he is being released today.

AO: We can't give release dates.

me: Even if it's today and he needs a ride?

AO: Did he tell you he'd be released today?

me: Yes, but I'm not sure he's correct.

AO: Just a moment...I'm checking with Captain Russeau.
CR: This is Captain Russeau. How can I help you.

me: I'd like to verify that my friend is being released today.

CR: Who's your friend?

me: Andrew Carroll.

CR: Hold on a minute... Are you picking him up?

me: I'm trying to determine if I should, yes.

CR: Looks like he's all set.

me: Now?

CR: No, tonight. 21:00, so 9:00p.