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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Help and Ideas For Marijuana Protest

Started by JAC, December 04, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT

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So if holding a piece of this plant is wrong and illegal, why can the people calling themselves the police hold it?  Shouldn't they be arrested as well?


just in from Mike B - 5 minutes until he is released.  *IF* the kop is telling the truth


do they ever tell the truth? 

It's sad to see two grown men who are complete cowards.  I usually don't wish ill will on people. . .

that's all.


Carroll is released with a court date.

Glad I could finally get something on the live stream, but will try to prepare better in the future.




Thanks Lauren.  Andrew took it well.   :D  Excellent turnout.  We had pizza at the police station. 


And raised about $100 for the Liberty Activism Fund :)

Jim Johnson

I got to do the crane shots for Lauren's VDO and I ate part of David's pizza... thanks David.  :)

And I held the infamous 'weed'... and the evil of it did not burn near as bad as some people put on.



Quote from: TackleTheWorld on January 10, 2009, 04:53 PM NHFT
And raised about $100 for the Liberty Activism Fund :)

Good to hear. With greater means and knowledge things should move forward smoother and quicker.



I interviewed Andrew for my blog less than an hour before the protest. The video is available on my Facebook now, so friend me, and is uploading to YouTube as we speak. YouTube is slower but just check my account in a little while, or better yet, subscribe.

Free libertarian

 A belated thank you for doing this protest.     


Does anybody in NH know how to get in touch with the local media to deliver this story to them?  At the very least this needs to be all over local news/papers.